What Happens When You Quit Porn?

What Happens When You Quit Porn?


2 года назад

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Random Things INC.
Random Things INC. - 14.10.2023 04:08

Quick tip for quitting, get a rubber band around your rist, when a strong urge comes just pull back and wait for the stinging to come, your brain will associate it with pain and u might stop craving it

Nomore Handouts
Nomore Handouts - 13.10.2023 16:19

This is great , they should share this video in schools

onesyphorus Ὀνησίφορος
onesyphorus Ὀνησίφορος - 13.10.2023 14:52

although i disagree with the lifestyle of LGBT+ , i agree, why target them first, and their subcategory, without just explaining why this stuff is bad for EVERYBODY. and even straight stuff is pretty bad. lol this is one thing any one with most political views , ages , 2 sexes, etc can agree on.

onesyphorus Ὀνησίφορος
onesyphorus Ὀνησίφορος - 13.10.2023 14:33

putting baltimore club esque music is really funny in the background

Ben Anderson
Ben Anderson - 13.10.2023 13:43

I suffered the borderline disorder for over 23 years. With so much anxiety Not until I came across psilocybin mushrooms treatmentPsilocybin treatment actually saved my life honestly. 6 years totally clean. Never thought I would be saying this about mushrooms

Shlok YT
Shlok YT - 11.10.2023 20:01

He's a GOD for whom came here to stop this f***ing thing called p**n

Jamie Mason
Jamie Mason - 11.10.2023 00:15

I stopped through, sheer, willpower and trying to keep my mind focussed on other things

Qtipz123 - 09.10.2023 09:04

I remember as a kid, I tried to not masterbate for several months. Everytime I'd distract my brain with something else.

The problem is it succeeded. The other major problem was I couldn't get myself to get an erection anymore. That scared the crap out of me. It's also the thing that got me back into porn 🤦

Torger Vedeler
Torger Vedeler - 09.10.2023 00:38

I like that you mention the anti-porn attitudes of other forms of zealotry. I wonder if studies have been done in the effect of political or religious zealotry on the brain.

And I think we have to be very careful lest we confuse healthy sexuality, including basic lust, with problems like porn addiction.

A good video. Thank you.

Edgar Fajardo
Edgar Fajardo - 08.10.2023 07:59

I was going thru this way of thinking but what got me strong is getting to know Jesus Christ. Amen

Call me Bungus
Call me Bungus - 08.10.2023 01:12

Anything besides human male on human female porn is abnormal porn. "Not normal"
Feel free to argue bit you're wrong if you disagree

Jay Swift
Jay Swift - 07.10.2023 18:07

I’ve quit for 2 weeks so far and I’ve never felt better, my mental is so much more clear & focused now it’s crazy

Boxingfan1 L
Boxingfan1 L - 07.10.2023 12:11

Main reasons not to watch porn:
-You are supporting human trafficking and child abuse; most if not all of those women were victims of sexual abuse.
- your sexual life sucks if you watch porn
- you become a weak version of yourself, that energy can be used towards getting stronger and more attractive
- you live in silent shame
- you are less attractive
- you can’t be trusted, porn messes up the way you see and treat women, children, men….
I suggest to grow b@!!s and start working out, get healthy and attractive and find a healthy partner we’re you can enjoy a healthy sexuality.

LeRohlik - 06.10.2023 18:01

I'd rather watch porn then date an independent strong feminist

Sober_capitel5 - 05.10.2023 18:07

Tip for people trying to quit it comes down to a persons to person working out makes you unable to get one out and video games help distract you from urges

Senpai_Mangue - 05.10.2023 16:12

haha PP u

nawafster - 04.10.2023 15:23

nice video asapscience

unknown - 03.10.2023 02:45

I'm trying to quit its hard

ErkoPolo - 02.10.2023 23:00

It's been almost one month for me and it is AWESOME 🎉

fullhit08 - 02.10.2023 20:09

Great video. Learned a lot. Quick question. What’s up with the outfit? Going fishing?

Luke B
Luke B - 02.10.2023 05:33

Remember nnn (no nut November) 😂

Manish goat farm
Manish goat farm - 01.10.2023 21:29

Yes after few months u start to feel good🎉🎉🎉

Manish goat farm
Manish goat farm - 01.10.2023 21:28

Today i relapse even after staying clean for 6 months...
Guyz believe me the only permanent solution is switching to a keypad phone...because even if u want to change watching it advertisements, triggers,stickers,images etc will get you aroused(not immediately but at some point of time and then u will relapse).
Lets not loose hope..and try once again

TheBraz08 - 01.10.2023 17:39

I really appreciate your videos. Thank you! I'm on day 22 of no porn and no alcohol and going strong! I've found non-excessive video games to be a nice replacement for both

Jim - 30.09.2023 11:52

I like porn. I’m very grateful for it.

Kaushal Mehta
Kaushal Mehta - 29.09.2023 10:54

100℅ .. Nah, me and my homies quit it long ago

Phoinix - 29.09.2023 10:23


Jahangir Khaliq
Jahangir Khaliq - 27.09.2023 16:04

I struggled badly to quit porn in the past few years but when I got married it was naturally became easier for me to avoid porn and concentrate more on other important things in life. One can satisfy the sexual desires with his/ her spouse whenever you get the urge of watching porn. Scientifically it is much healthier when you satisfy your sexual desires without porn. You brain works in a negative way when you try to satisfy your sexual desires watching porn. It affects and destroys your health in three ways- Physically, mentally and psychologically.

sarra boomgaard
sarra boomgaard - 26.09.2023 21:51

Lol this came up coz I watched what happens after quitting cigs, but like... 100% of men? Really? No way.

Carp. - 26.09.2023 19:08

This is not about NNN. This is about never falling back.

Jacob Rowell
Jacob Rowell - 25.09.2023 07:50

I haven’t smoked, vaped, or drank anything in nearly 7 months. Kicking those habits to the curb was extremely difficult, don’t get me wrong. But quitting porn, and subsequently stopping masterbation, has by far been the trickiest thing for me to overcome. I’ve been “clean” for just over a month, and that includes participating in no-fap. I am yet to see (or at least notice) any huge changes, but it’s a great feeling knowing that you can control your urges and desires. I think one of the key components to my success thus far was the deletion of social media. There’s so much erotic material all over mass media, that although isn’t scandalous enough to be labeled as porn, would be enough to send me down the rabbit hole. Definitely something to consider if you’re trying to get a grasp on your habits.

Rapex - 24.09.2023 08:57

Everyone only talks about how harmful high porn consumption is, but what about frequent masturbation without porn material?

stoneeh - 23.09.2023 20:46

I agree that slavery to your dopamin system is never a good thing, through whatever means that might occur (p**n, food, attention, money, ...). But that's the only point you have. Sporadic use of p**n is no problem whatsoever and every man's right, and in fact it can make your life much easier. A quick and easy relief is a much better choice for many men than wasting lots of time and money on trying to get the same from an actual physical women - who, btw., as I can personally attest to, will in most cases be quite disappointing in the bedroom.

777Eliyahu - 22.09.2023 03:13

When I am hungry I choose instead to salivate over a picture of a steak

lechuga - 21.09.2023 07:07


D MAIN - 21.09.2023 03:56

I can stop watching but imma just have to smash everyday at least twice 😭no woman can handle that so I choose to be faithful and watch porn 🤧

James Waleski
James Waleski - 20.09.2023 19:10

I quit watching porn and searching for random hook-ups on 4 Dec 2022 and have not watched since. I can honestly say that I feel good and have more clarity, but the urge is still there and I know that I can go back to the dark place I was in at the drop of a hat. Stay strong girls and boys !!

Daniel Knight
Daniel Knight - 20.09.2023 13:57

Porn is easier , ladies don’t judge a book by its cover

Isaiah Alderson
Isaiah Alderson - 20.09.2023 08:11

I quit 10 minutes ago changed my life for the better 🙏🏽

DAÑÑY🌊💦 - 20.09.2023 04:31

100% is crazy

Renovator - 19.09.2023 23:07

I'm glad we're starting to realize how damaging porn is and I feel very sorry for the generations of people who grew up watching porn from a young age, I remember being in 4th grade and my friends we're already talking about the porn they watched and who their favorite porn star was. It should be made illegal for people under 18 in all honesty, like alcohol, nicotine, and weed.

Dony Rorikon
Dony Rorikon - 19.09.2023 11:59

Thank you, cool stuff like this greatens again the interest for science

Daniel C.
Daniel C. - 18.09.2023 20:37

The state of VA banned porn so. Guess I'm quitting.

Asian Guy Imagicrenation
Asian Guy Imagicrenation - 17.09.2023 16:23

15th September 2023,
I quit poon.

I decided to NEVER watch, read and play poon, animated poon, hentie,
cartoon poon comics, hentie manga, doujinshi,
Cartoon Poon games, hentie games
for the rest of my life. Never again.

EK THE PRO - 16.09.2023 11:30

I watch porn(not daily thats crazy) but it doesn’t negatively impact my life. I see so many comments saying their lives got better after quitting but for me im already confident able to function as a human and im naturally a happy go lucky guy who is positive and optimistic. So i dont see a reason to quit. Anything done is excess is bad but doing it reasonably is perfectly ok to me. Its doesnt get in the way of my life or my relationships so its fine.

akshit kumar
akshit kumar - 15.09.2023 16:47

I realised that whenever I was happy, I didn't even think about porn and didn't masturbate either.
Last time I was happy, I was in love, I didn't watch porn and I didn't masturbate for 8 months straight. And right now I'm struggling to quit both of these things even for a few days. This is frustrating.

Ryan Johnson
Ryan Johnson - 14.09.2023 00:50

I started actually getting girls, that's y I decided to quit.
