Oldest Pyramid On Earth Found In North Dakota?

Oldest Pyramid On Earth Found In North Dakota?

Mystery History

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Nigel Holland
Nigel Holland - 19.09.2023 20:53

We still here lol. They reclassified us into a bunch of misnomers

U S VETERAN - 14.08.2023 08:25

Ground penetrating radar or lidar would solve the curiosity.

Bruce Connelly
Bruce Connelly - 14.08.2023 05:43

Are y'all woke yet because the whole earth is Atlantis Atlantis number fell off think about it

TimMouthy Announcing
TimMouthy Announcing - 04.08.2023 18:03

What other sites all over the world. You mentioned two in the Midwest. Where else?

Casco Garcia
Casco Garcia - 21.07.2023 19:03

Oldest pyramids are in Antarctica..all pyramids are thousands of years old but none other is the oldest than the ones in Antarctica

Frank Mithra
Frank Mithra - 23.06.2023 01:38

The Ice Age ened 10,000 years ago." Anunnaki/ Nephilim" Civilization must have visited this area and South to Mexico and South America.Zecharia Sitchin's Books tries to explain our mysterious history.He uses scholars'translated Sumerian Clay Tablets and Ancient Megalithic Structures around the World.He connects Sumerian Civilization Hebrew Civilization and Present Civilization.God Bless Your Work 😇

Mohandas Cletis Ghandi
Mohandas Cletis Ghandi - 18.05.2023 06:56

I went to see this last fall. The pictures don't do it justice. When you see it in person it is clearly a not a natural formation. Looking at it above from google maps and driving around it you can see that it is more of a tetrahedron, or a three-sided pyramid. I wonder if this is only the top of it and if goes much further into the ground.
It's a long drive there and nothing else to see or do. I think it may be on private property and inaccessible.

GodisReal - 27.04.2023 00:12

Looks like a computer board

Bean and Bear Homesteading
Bean and Bear Homesteading - 18.04.2023 04:08

I live here I'm going to check this out

Michael DeGeneffe
Michael DeGeneffe - 10.02.2023 22:11


Military Matters
Military Matters - 08.01.2023 10:28

That is my ancestors area! Proud North Dakota Native American. We actually have a story involving this hill!

David Hennen
David Hennen - 04.01.2023 15:46

Well, what are you waiting for? Start digging!🤑🤑🫰🏻🫰🏻💰💰💸💸On the map is a message for aliens to find the others.🧙🏻‍♀🧙🏻‍♀🪄🪄🧹🧹

Camp Land
Camp Land - 20.12.2022 08:32

This is so clearly a glyph(s) from Scandinavian peoples (or Ogham-based celts) .

Samuel Allison
Samuel Allison - 01.12.2022 10:40

Perhaps not a language but pattern for layout to make stuff from leather hides of prey animals hotrocks and ash to mold leather and cut shapes to make items should check ancient Taylor pattern s and what was and is growing on prymid Simple stone and wood tools and animal hides

John Kangas
John Kangas - 21.11.2022 04:34

Very interesting. G.P.Lydar would be great.
Those are all over Kauai Hawaii and I've found many aligned with the poles. Many 4 sided but also some with 3 sides. If you want to send someone over, I can give ia great your of the ruins (massive and island wide) and show you the pyramids. I also have tons of photos and videos.

Hayden Knowlton
Hayden Knowlton - 16.11.2022 20:42

Problem is how do u get inside

Adz Dahlman
Adz Dahlman - 03.10.2022 08:39

This is very intriguing , especially the stone , it would be of obvious benefit to the article if the reasons WHY archeologists and other random people think it's the oldest pyramid on Earth though . It's a bit/lot of a sweeping statement based on heresay with no evidence . Let's hope it turns out to be as sensational as this report...

Links Lane
Links Lane - 25.08.2022 04:55

I was going to say ..tones ....like brail

that guy
that guy - 12.08.2022 10:20

There is a mound the very same on the border of Saskatchewan and Manitoba (spy hill) very close to St Lazare

J P - 10.08.2022 05:02


Mark Wood
Mark Wood - 10.08.2022 03:40

"A vast portion of the surrounding population...", so 3 people.

Rinde007 - 12.06.2022 08:53

Im Zoidberg from Futurama "Hurray people are looking at us!"

Cree Griffin
Cree Griffin - 02.05.2022 17:51

I like how no one can believe the people who made these things are still here. Yeah those peoples who's culture and history was killed out of them probably could have told you more.

Gus Jones
Gus Jones - 01.04.2022 06:06

Snipe em out

Gus Jones
Gus Jones - 01.04.2022 06:06

We should kick or kill people who threatenin these sites.

Robert Shrewsbury
Robert Shrewsbury - 30.03.2022 02:58

I have always found Pyramids fascinating, however I also know that there are more secretes about them that is Classified by governments and so "John Q Public" is never privileged to this esoteric information. Even the satellite images are not definitive of about 95% of what is underground. I am a Master Mineral Detector and have been for well over a quarter of a century and I have used (Proprietary) procedures that allows the satellite to penetrate deeper and give better-clearer images. I can say with certainty, experience and conviction that most of the Pyramids around the earth are underground and not visible. When I was in Guatemala with the Maya, they told me that there were far more Pyramids under the ground then that is ever visible on the surface and later after my personal detection work, I knew for sure they told me the truth. So much to know and so little known!
May God help us in our ignorance!

Champion - 10.03.2022 10:26

America have more pyramids than the whole World combined facts the question is why are they hidden like our nationality

Greg Byrne
Greg Byrne - 02.03.2022 21:23

If you like this check out CFPS-APPS7865's channel

et chalaco
et chalaco - 22.01.2022 00:13

local residents? So the locals believe is the oldest pyramid on earth?

Hank Scorpio
Hank Scorpio - 10.01.2022 07:53

I love this channel.

ZZ Kids TV
ZZ Kids TV - 26.12.2021 17:52

The language is lost because the people who created it were enslaved for 400 plus years!

Travis Fadness
Travis Fadness - 06.11.2021 12:46

I would love to peace IN , in N. Dakota and finally, settle with a tiny house, pimped out !! I love the landscape and native Western feel ! And love history and pyramid stuff and archeology type stuff!! But mostly, I like to go to bed early, and cuddle with my girl next to Me in the morning watching the sunrise ! You.

TOBY - 04.11.2021 01:29

Taxation is theft, our government lies to us & corporate media covers up for them. Thanks for the videos. Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself.

Robert Gerhart
Robert Gerhart - 22.09.2021 08:09

The alignment amplifies your mega-mental energy, for better thinksmarts. Your juice will taste better, your thoughts will become more rectangular. You will bend to Mr. Lobo's will.

SWisthoff - 19.09.2021 17:15

Wow, way to be a clickbait channel perpetuating hoaxes.

Ryan Water
Ryan Water - 20.08.2021 07:07

Montana. Farm land? Lol.

Taylor - 11.08.2021 08:10

Wow I’ve been to Fort Ransom a dozen times and never even notice this, I’ll have to check it out.

Cardea - 30.05.2021 22:12

The natives are no more than the children of Israel of the Canary Islands. Christopher Columbus 1492 .

J.J Cevering
J.J Cevering - 23.03.2021 22:11

It does look like music bars and notes, but not for a piano, maybe wind instrument..or percussion
Or strings maybe it's notes on frets to play on stringed instrument!

Orlena - 16.03.2021 18:20

Looks like a digital computer punchcard

Jake G Ww2inaction
Jake G Ww2inaction - 29.01.2021 08:09

I climbed this 😂

David Drupa
David Drupa - 07.01.2021 08:23

I love big mounds.

LongStep Adventures
LongStep Adventures - 03.11.2020 22:48

On my list of places to visit next summer, thanks for sharing

Al Testic
Al Testic - 28.10.2020 03:47

I call bullshit!

Dakota Dad
Dakota Dad - 23.10.2020 16:04

I live 10 minutes from this location and seen this landmark 100’s of times throughout my life, going to petition the city to investigate and start digging

A trudging Pilgrym
A trudging Pilgrym - 20.10.2020 13:29


Priya Kulkarni
Priya Kulkarni - 20.10.2020 02:16


Dan Murphy
Dan Murphy - 05.04.2020 02:23

Are these pyramids on Leylines by any chance?
