SECRET Azir Tips & Tricks

SECRET Azir Tips & Tricks

LoL Dobby

2 года назад

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Andrej Radosevic
Andrej Radosevic - 18.12.2022 00:35

s13 here, i fucking hate xerath, never ever play mid against him, other counters are somewhat counterable, but xerath is just a fucking annoying piece of shit that doesn't have any reason to be op as he is, buff my man azir rito

lolboy -
lolboy - - 06.12.2022 16:02

with multiple soldiers, which of the soldiers will your E go to?

USX - 20.11.2022 08:41

I disagree with precision being the rune page of choice. Im not high elo, but the champ can tap into so many keystones that suit for various matchups an play-styles. I think long trades dont feel great in lane vs 90% of midlane champs, so i opt into comet/domination (i also dislike how aery feels, because getting the most from its lower cd than comet encourages excessive mana use in lane). Precision feels great into more bruiser mids, but comet poking the enemy laner out of lane is just as good as having kill threat and is safer. Comet also lets you match damage in poke lanes. Also, please note that he struggles with mana pre chapter. If you dont land the q+auto it is a waste of mana. Try to push with autos, when possible, instead of the w around lv 3/4 to have mana for full combo when you hit 6.

Someone. - 14.11.2022 00:47

Can someone tell me if the thumbnail Azir skin does exist? :( I was like "I want that one"

klin - 30.10.2022 17:10

riot needs to fix azir's buffers. can do revenant shuffles (w>e>q>rr) consistently but even if it's working, it feels heavily rng based, like a coding error than a feature. if man can normally cast abilities while dashing, why is it that a second cast requires mashing a hole into your keyboard (or ig double tapping but being able to just time it once shouldve been more than enough). playing azir is fighting the game's system half the times and until this is resolved, not very people will want to pick him up since the coolest part of his kit is being able to do things while flying around at the speed of sound and it's locked behind a wack ass execution barrier (a not wack execution barrier would be riven or fiora combos)

Hakpin - 05.10.2022 12:52

Why Azir R doesn't work mine on mid-air? Can't do the Shuffle well

Andy Huynh
Andy Huynh - 30.09.2022 13:01

Here to make a small correction on the builds.

With the cost increase to Zhonyas, it's even worse to go Zhonyas 2nd item now.

Zhonyas 2nd puts you in a huge power trough. Armguard + Fiendish is the same power level as completing Zhonyas.

Having it 2nd item, makes you stay the same champion for 10min. Which just feels horrible. If you get Zhonyas 3rd, it's fine though.

Nathan broski moua
Nathan broski moua - 13.09.2022 16:04

I see some people try first strike on azir as well, great for finding the gold and dmg late game.

USX - 04.09.2022 17:53

To all you azir freaks out there. Body just hit 2 5man revenants in 1 game a few weeks ago.

abdrrahman chkaili
abdrrahman chkaili - 01.09.2022 02:13

The best blind pick midlane champ . So strong. Low elo don't know how brocken azir is

EVIL kirby !
EVIL kirby ! - 22.08.2022 23:54

just played azir kinda for the first time and carried 7/6/17 stole 3 dragons and and secured the last teamfight omg he is fun af

Laki Dragonfire
Laki Dragonfire - 15.08.2022 01:00

Man am Azir player to this day and i am only a gold, he's not dead to me
Servers: EUW and EU eastern

Kanazaki Tom
Kanazaki Tom - 05.08.2022 19:34

this champion is so satisfy to play and master xD... I like him from Faker's azir

Felizardo Neto
Felizardo Neto - 23.07.2022 14:01

Azir 720 k de maestria :D

ilitre - 06.07.2022 13:26

каким образом он делает такие огромные рывки этими солдатами? азира понерфили? сейчас это сделать просто невозможно. невозможно сделать рывки через стены на такие расстояния

Alejandro Jiménez
Alejandro Jiménez - 04.07.2022 01:57

I mean... I have never seen an Azir carry a game; at least not in my platinum elo.

Jpuc - 16.05.2022 16:32

Not in bronze lmao

Mamemaki MMK
Mamemaki MMK - 11.05.2022 18:15


The Shuriman Pigeon
The Shuriman Pigeon - 08.05.2022 09:52

I adore Azir because he's deceptively simple on the surface. Seriously his kit can be explained very simply. W he puts a soldier that attacks when he does. Q he moves the soldier. E he moves TO the soldier. R is a big wall that pushes people away. But the way you can weave these spells together in so many different ways and directions, making him super mobile and aggressive or incredibly safe and distant is why he's so good. The biggest downside with Azir is how gate kept he is by Riot itself. Most players range around Silver in ELO (Me included but hey I still love him) but all nerfs are aimed for high elo and competitive play. Yet Azir is always a contested pick in competitive due to his utility. I don't want Azir to get buffed or anything, I'd just like for him to be left alone for a while. It's not easy to play him in low ELO since most people don't know how to play around him, and people who do play him in this ELO don't have the greatest decision making, me top of that list because I make some REALLY bad choices.

papej - 01.05.2022 13:18

Wait. You guys don't build nashor's tooth?

Цири - 28.04.2022 16:28

просто много играйте

YouCantKillUs - 23.04.2022 08:14

is there a way to turn your lol into Japanese dub? this shit is cool af

Javelynn - 22.04.2022 22:35

I don‘t know why this player named „elderwood azir“ plays the base skin and at this point I‘m too afraid to ask

i g
i g - 28.03.2022 20:09

I bought Azir and Asol last night

worldrenownedpsycho - 19.03.2022 09:46

When would you take each keystone mentioned?

ZI Nar
ZI Nar - 17.03.2022 21:31

the best guide thx so much🔥

TGK Blacklyon Gaming
TGK Blacklyon Gaming - 24.02.2022 11:51

Azir is a late game carry, if you can wait out the early and mid game with thanks backing you, you can win and theres no amount of magic resist the tank can stack the prevent everyone feeling that shurma pain lol because he can assult back lane champions hahahahaha

Bruno Silva
Bruno Silva - 23.02.2022 23:56

If they just fix the ult bugs i'll be happy

Cancer - 18.02.2022 03:23

I'm watchin' this vid knowing I will never be able to do this XD

dim nik
dim nik - 09.02.2022 15:31

thats not a shurima shuffle bruh... thats a revenant shuffle

You are not special, Live a normal life
You are not special, Live a normal life - 04.02.2022 19:58

azir looks incredibly cool

Vinicius H.
Vinicius H. - 30.01.2022 11:25

I've been playing Azir constantly for a month Rn, most of the stuff in vid i was able to discover by my own, but the absurd range you can shurima shuffle is incredible, i have to def train WEQ a little more to get the timing right

The Bees Ankle
The Bees Ankle - 15.01.2022 18:14

am I the only one who thinks when azir is played well hes actually a good champion

Andrew Bolyard
Andrew Bolyard - 15.01.2022 07:36

I always did W Q then E but seeing them using E then Q makes everything much simpler

wdnmd - 13.01.2022 15:12

is so annoying i main azir and they keep nerf him only because mf use him in pro match smh

john vue
john vue - 31.12.2021 11:25

I found that Azir's Sun Disc turret is very underwhelming and it is too situational.

Any suggestions how to make it better or get of it with new one?

My suggestion is to get rid of it and replace it with a Stats passive called, Disc Conversion.

It has the following effects:

-Convert any bonus AD to AP instead

-Convert Critical Chance to Abilities Haste (Ex. 10% crit chance >>> 10 ability haste)

-Convert Lifesteal to Omnivamp, but it lose 20% of it effectiveness (Ex. 10% Lifesteal >>> 8% Omnivamp)

I have always see Azir as a mage marksman. Why not just allow him tab into some of marksmans' item. It will help Azir to build some attack speed without the backlash of item being AD only.

Once again, this is just a suggestion, and an idea, for a discussion. If you have better ideas on Azir's passive, please comment.

W1spy - 27.12.2021 00:15

polu kalo video filaraki

Jan Marius Serrana
Jan Marius Serrana - 06.12.2021 10:00

Very Informative Video! Love the video! <3

Zylex Sol
Zylex Sol - 28.11.2021 18:31

I’m struggling doing the WEQR shurima shuffle
Is it still possibles nowadays

Coquettish mechanics 騷操作
Coquettish mechanics 騷操作 - 28.11.2021 16:02

azir biggest secret to play: farm 30min first

irkeziQ -
irkeziQ - - 21.11.2021 04:11

Today i was playing Azir and fight against Akshan, he said azir is unskill champion and op xD
