Kristian Harloff

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@gunthermertens7504 - 18.07.2024 01:05

lol. I thought her helmet was too small in stead of why should she need one. it really looked ridiculous.
the raccoon sabotaging Sol's plan was just ridiculous. It's all about choices that make no sense just because they move the story to the point they want to go. even if the damn descision makes no sense whatsoever.

@gunthermertens7504 - 18.07.2024 01:08

3.7 On imdb by 91K people says it all

@wowgoldwing - 18.07.2024 01:09

Are you saying boo or boo..erns?

@brooksmcentire7678 - 18.07.2024 01:10

How late into production do you think Plagueis was added? A hail Mary for a second season and another 200million. Bunch of amateurs. This show could have been wicked sweet

@craigwilliamson8167 - 18.07.2024 01:14

I was watching the show the same way. So many confusing choices had me scratching my head.

@afro18en - 18.07.2024 01:17

what is going on at Lucasfilm the amount of red flags and fires with this show. OMG how do you fix this its serious ! I'm so interested to see what is Disney next move is ?!

@nashvillainz - 18.07.2024 01:26

Harloff is a confirmed casual. Can't even recognize Plagueis lol

@Daiode - 18.07.2024 01:29

Liked it, didnt like it. Let's be honest. You watched it and reviewed it cause it got you video clicks.

@ryanmoorehead2945 - 18.07.2024 01:39

Kyber Crystals bleeding, not a blood crystal lol😂

@thechewatson - 18.07.2024 01:44

I’m confused why something from the dark side point of view feels it has to make the dark side good guys and the light side bad guys…. I mean…. What?

@vermontmike9800 - 18.07.2024 01:45

That didn’t look like a clone wars era Muun. It’s more like someone copied some of the non-canon artwork.

@thechewatson - 18.07.2024 01:46

I also don’t understand… what happened when sh put the helmet on? Why all the force there?
Also why did the twins/one person do what they did at every turn?
I have more questions. None of this made sense to me

@vermontmike9800 - 18.07.2024 01:47

We need a new show runner and instead of a second season have a new miniseries centered around the Sith. If that was Plagueis then where is Tenebrous? So they’re going by the rule of four at this point.

@Trish-lamour - 18.07.2024 02:07

Have you ever heard the tragedy of Plagueis the Wise? He was forced to appear in a terrible show called The Acolyte. 😢

The last two episodes made this show even worse. It was in poor taste to include Yoda in this mess. I only appreciated Plagueis because I could see him come to life, but neither Yoda, Plagueis, nor Qimir makes me want to see a second season.

That said, if you replace this show's team with the Andor team and kill off or get rid of the twins, I'd be excited to watch a second season with Qimir, Plagueis, and other characters. But I guess that wouldn't be The Acolyte anymore. 😊

@boomieboo - 18.07.2024 02:13

The Sith guy said to "strike him down" to Mae about Sol AFTER she had already tossed her saber away making her intentions clear. So what tf did he want her to strike Sol down with? A fart? I swear Disney LF consistently makes and most basic and egregious of writing errors and logic flaws. The strike him down request should've been delivered BEFORE she tossed her saber. NOT AFTER

Remember how the climax in ROTJ went? Palpatine demanded Luke to strike Vader down. Luke paused to look at his and his father's hands. Which reminded him of their bond not just of their biology. But of their blood as father and son. Then Luke threw his saber away proclaiming himself his father's son.

Logical order and sequence of events. Conflict. Suspense. Proper build. Powerfully moving resolution. Done.

But of course, that's not how Disney LF rolls. So in Acolyte Sith bro said strike our boy down AFTER THE SABER HAD ALREADY BEEN TOSSED AWAY.

Imagine if Palpatine had said strike him down to Luke after he tossed his saber aside and proudly proclaimed that he was a Jedi like his father. Would that make any sense emotionally or logically?

It's like writers, directors, and producers at Disney LF saw the OT once a long time ago, just forgot how everything happened exactly, and are now just doing their best to create their SW content from the best of what they could recall from the OT. And failing miserably at it.

@Trish-lamour - 18.07.2024 02:16

I hated the slow-motion parts of the fights too. I was like, "Eww. Am I watching Crouching Tiger or the Matrix instead of Star Wars?"

@Coolcat3 - 18.07.2024 02:16

This show and rings of power didn’t exact same thing with who is Sauron . Who is palagis. But rings somehow was better 🤣

@Jon4U - 18.07.2024 02:17

I didn’t like it. But the only thing I’d say if we always say we want them to make the universe bigger. This is a time there are more Jedi than ever. So you’re not going to Yoda or the council for everything.

@sirmarshall9521 - 18.07.2024 02:30

Bro is out here holding this show to a standard Star Wars has literally never been at.

@UCanGetWitThisOrUCanGetWitThat - 18.07.2024 02:30

I don't think you're supposed to have to "root" for anyone. This story is not about liking one character over another. Its like in Scarface or the Joker, we weren't supposed to root for the main character we're just watching their journey.

@KevinKrayden - 18.07.2024 02:32

Overall the show was "meh." I liked Darth Thirst Trap and Sol, but that was about it and even much of what they did made no logical sense. Those two actors just elevated it, whereas everyone else in the show struggled with a very mediocre script.

@robertstwocents - 18.07.2024 02:42

Nepotism trying to get a second season approved.

@robertstwocents - 18.07.2024 02:44

There will be a second season. I do not believe Disney can resist the opportunity to piss on the image of Yoda. They will make him incompetent, dishonest And unwise. Disney would happily lose another 180 million to do that.

@hamhockbeans - 18.07.2024 02:57

If this took place a century before the Phantom Menace why was Yoda old.😅

@BluplanetFriends - 18.07.2024 02:59

Season 2: No thanks.

@NotSoSvenn - 18.07.2024 03:01

should have just combined the twins into 1 person.

@johnnypadilla7400 - 18.07.2024 03:19

Did you say strap in or strap on?

@mkhud50n - 18.07.2024 03:49

next time Disney says "this show is about ____" don't believe them.
the show makes more sense than people realize but I can't figure out why Bazil would stop Sol from catching Mae. 🤔it was Plageius. he's only in there to show that he knows his apprentice now has an acolyte and will now try to kill him. the show doesn't give answers, you have to figure them out like Indara said in episode 7.

@jacobbuchanan3166 - 18.07.2024 04:15

Is Mae the Disney canon Revan? Mind wipe leads to larger legacy

@killlaaaakamm6 - 18.07.2024 04:18

Nobody saw Osha stunt double when she was fighting mae?

@zelaxavenger - 18.07.2024 04:32

I personally liked the show in the begining because i really liked the idea to leave the skywalker empire era and explore something fresh. however, with each episode i realized that there were problems with the show. Still saying that i did find the show entertaining in the end but i can se the problems with it and it could have been excecuted better. Cant deny that plagues cameo was the best part of the show haha and that should send the people making the shows the message what people actually wanted with the show in the first place is not what we got here. It should have focused on the sith way more.

@kylewilson7644 - 18.07.2024 04:34

@TheKristianHarloff I personally watch everything Star Wars, Marvel, and other IPs that work hard to build a universe that feels real and unique yet reflects the world that we live in as an artist lens that focuses on the artist’s perspective. That being said, I had many disagreements about the story telling choices, however I think the story itself was compelling/incomplete. It’s like telling a very specific joke to a group that has no awareness of context. There was a very clear decision to organize the plot points in a way that was begging for a second season. Like much of the Stars Wars Legends content, there were plot holes and questions of logic. Art is supposed to inspire discussion and discovery which I think this show did well for a younger generation that did not grow up with the original trilogy which was a reflection of generation x. Basic story telling with a clear motive and resolution has unfortunately become “boring” to the TikToc generation. I appreciate how you honestly responded to each episode with fairness and encouraged dialogue. If we could all learn to have a dialogue without hate and cruelty, than Art will win. Keep on doing a great job.

@Chadmw10 - 18.07.2024 04:45

Overall I enjoyed the series, but the finale was very underwhelming

@AmBobbyMudda - 18.07.2024 04:53

I love how they set up all these cliff hangers expecting a season 2. Yeahhh, good luck with that.

@brotherdave3249 - 18.07.2024 05:14

It Was DARTH PLAGUEIS...Kristian!!! How do You NOT Recognize Your BOY!?!?!?!? 😂😂😂

@brotherdave3249 - 18.07.2024 05:18

As Far as a Season 2?!?.....Hard to See Always in Motion is the Future....

@LordVader66 - 18.07.2024 05:38

Sol had all this force power and used many sweet force abilities during this season, besting Qimir multiple times, who is far more advanced and trained in the force, but could stop Osha from force choking him? How fucking stupid. They kill 1 of the only reason to watch the show. Sol and Qimir are the only ones interesting in this show. Throwing in Plagueis in there is such a fucking desperate attempt to pull ppl in for the next shitty season. And same thing with throwing Yoda in there at the end. What a fucking dumpster fire of a series.Venessa wasn’t and isn’t working for anyone imo. She’s just trying to lie and cover up her tracks so nobody finds out that it was her padawan that turned to the dark side and literally is the reason why SOL and the other 3 died. I swear to God if Yoda doesn’t sense this or know she’s is lying in the nest season I’m gonna lose my mind bc he would and can definitely tell when your lying.

@TrueNorth1217 - 18.07.2024 05:40

Sol has no problem killing the mother but cant find it in himself to kill Qimir twice

@TrueNorth1217 - 18.07.2024 05:44

When you started saying boo as soon as the show ended i lost it 😂

@LordVader66 - 18.07.2024 05:48

Yes that’s how bleeding a crystal works.

@malikr.5393 - 18.07.2024 06:00

A casual SW fan : Who tf is Plagueis??

@bettercallmaul5810 - 18.07.2024 06:06

In an interview with you, Pablo Hidalgo said that a dark side force user must touch the crystal itself, and it bleeds and turns red. I remember you asked him is that why Anakin's lightsaber didn't turn red in Revenge of the Sith, and he told you yes.

@stephenreter - 18.07.2024 06:30

I hope there won't be a season 2. These folks don't understand how to tell a story.

@SandraOrtmann1976 - 18.07.2024 06:47

What might have been interesting: if these "twins" are truly not twins, but one person split in two - what happens if one of the half dies? Does the other turn mad? Or dies this other half, too (which would be logical?). Does there appear a wound in the force? Does any kind of life around it get sucked in - maybe within a certain circumference? Does something very bad come through this wound?

@mtennantmusic - 18.07.2024 06:57

Boo indeed

@therealjasonbueno - 18.07.2024 07:06

They used most paper thin unconvincing reason to kill Sol and the worst turn to the dark side moment since Anakin in ROTS.

@Skeezer66 - 18.07.2024 07:17

I know many, many people wanted this to be about the Siths, but it was always about the twins. It also has the POV of, the Jedi aren't always pure good, and so not everyone on the Dark Side is pure evil. If this premise does not, cannot, work for you, I can see why there's all the anger. I liked it for what it was doing, no prior expectations. Do I think there'll be a 2nd season? I doubt it. Too much bad press and backlash. I have to add, throwing in the back of Yoda's head in the last shot felt gimmicky.

@cloverraven - 18.07.2024 08:13

It was stinky. But Vernestra isn’t bad. She used a non innocent man, who she whispered im sorry old friend to, for what she was about to do… as a scapegoat to get out of the Jedi senate problems.
