The Truth Behind Why I Left Amway

The Truth Behind Why I Left Amway

Josh Schonert

2 года назад

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@vulcan1429 - 03.12.2023 09:23

No don't tell us a story.....please?

@gextreme2381 - 02.12.2023 09:36

Another MLM scumbag. (that isn't promoting AMWAY - sure you aren't). This is the new angle "but we're not an MLM, we're affiliate marketing. Run, people, RUN fast!

@millionaire_mentor_ndobandola - 23.11.2023 08:07


@sirgalahad3574 - 10.11.2023 19:27

Living in Michigan, I encountered this business multiple times. What I did was test some of the products (particularly the "concentration" of soaps and stuff). I do think Amway has good product, but I never found the products to be a bargain. I've never understood why they didn't just use the old wholesale/retail method...which they likely do, but is hidden from view.

@RobertVarga-px6rx - 09.11.2023 13:54

True,but couple of amway products good quality &still using some of them ...

@imagomonkei - 03.11.2023 02:10

My 20yo brother just called me and told me about this great opportunity he found. A kid complimented his shoes and they got talking, and now he's reading the books and listening to the podcasts. I knew immediately that it was an MLM before he got past the shoe story, so I've been looking up videos to send him to hopefully convince him out of it. He's a bright kid, but he's impulsive.

@retrocountryfarmer5345 - 02.11.2023 14:21

Did anyone also get converted to christianity at one of their functions that happened to me on their sunday session

@hectoralas7216 - 29.10.2023 04:49

one of the things I have noticed is that if you don't spend enough money to buy products during the month they don't like that because you are not spending a lot of money in order for them to get their checks. you have to spend like 400 dollars which is like 3% to make like $9.00 they call it PV (present value) also they push for you to recruit more people. so, i think there is no independency in this business BECAUSE IBO MEANS INDEPENDENT BUSINESS OWNER . BUT you always have somebody calling you tell you what to do and how you have to manage your business for your own behalf and bla bla bla the product is excellent, but the prices are already inflated! some people say they can get their products in the Dollar Tree which is TRUE their products are not competitive.

@michaelduffee6402 - 25.10.2023 22:25

The right-wing politics and evangelical Christian beliefs inherent in the culture of the distributor group that I was exposed to was extremely off-putting. It also became clear that only a tiny fraction of the involved distributors were making money. Most of the money being made was in the "tools", tapes, books and events. These are not Amway products, these are materials independently produced and marketed to the "downline" distributors by the high pin level distributors. Nobody gets rich selling Amway products, they get rich selling "business tools" and the illusion that the money is generated from the sales of Amway products.

@user-dt1zd8ol1r - 21.10.2023 13:55

That’s NEW!!!!
Never heard of this!
Must be a single state addition!
Was NEVER this way 20 years ago

@sam.9000 - 19.10.2023 06:20

I have a coworker who is part of Amway. It's turned him fucking weird. He packs sandwiches when he goes out with friends to a restaurant now. He told me Amway told him not to waste his money on useless things. I then learned that he pays $300 to attend meetings. Makes sense.

@claysmith4909 - 18.10.2023 23:48

😮 had friends who did amway, built a maintenance cleaning business in five million dollars revenue using the amway cleaning products, they did it the right way.
As for amway make up division become a makeup artist using the products! Get a clientele

@suniljha6917 - 12.10.2023 22:04

दम नही था ।having No guts😂

@alicel7078 - 10.10.2023 22:29

Thanks, reeally helpful to make decision

@user-cf3tk3bl9z - 10.10.2023 07:24

Ok. Thank you 😊

@user-cf3tk3bl9z - 10.10.2023 07:22

Ok. Thank you

@user-cf3tk3bl9z - 10.10.2023 05:33

Does Amway preach that if your girlfriend whom you love very much and want to marry one day does not join the business then you have to let her go because the relationship won’t work?
My daughter’s boyfriend says he wants to be with her but can’t because she doesn’t want to be a couple business partner. She’s heartbroken. Him too. He wants to be with her but tells her he can’t because she will not join. This is what his Amway people tell him especially his mentor Is this something Amway preaches ?

@alecmcalister2280 - 07.10.2023 08:24

Thanks great info, second meet up with recruiters, and its been vague now that I know what its about I wont be attending the third. Thanks again my man.

@sanderlinhardaway4249 - 29.09.2023 21:45

I was recently almost recruited to be apart of something like this. My intuition was tugging at me, and I'm glad that I listened to myself before I decided to go all in. Normally, if it doesn't feel right. It's not.

@johnclemons2208 - 29.09.2023 11:36

I checked out Amway many years ago. It was tempting at first. Then it smelled fishy when they said our products are much more expensive, but they are much more concentrated. And then I found out that there is a new tape (back then) required to be bought monthly as well as books to be bought periodically. I soon became very aware that this business had a cold like atmosphere about it. For me, nope.

@abhijitbhattacharyya6478 - 22.09.2023 20:25

Without 120%honestly
Amway business not possible.
Highly highly Ethical

@The_Canadian_Cid - 22.09.2023 19:54

Im 18 and my uncle got me in, idk if he knew about the scam and my ambitions to be successful, but ive gotten the book already and have been to a couple of meetings, please guys dont invest anything into this scam

@user-xd6ff1gs4u - 20.09.2023 03:31

i just got pulled into amway, And after seeing this videos, Im starting to have second thoughts. It does seem like a good opportunity to learn but, the man Im working with Kinda sketch, wouldn't tell me how much he making a month with this or just sometimes really vague with his response to my questions.

@XxCrxckedraider - 12.09.2023 10:44

My cousin got me into this business a couple months ago, and is pretty successful in it, he introduced to some very nice people who always made me feel welcome but I’m having doubts, I’m no salesman and don’t have the confidence or knowledge to become one anytime soon especially since my life is pretty much packed due to college and work, I would feel bad to leave since it is my cousin after all and Im sure me leaving could have a Slight impact on his business but idk at this point, I’ll ride it out for a couple months and if I can’t see or find improvement I’m out.

@hotmasked1 - 10.09.2023 00:34


@vishizzy - 29.08.2023 17:13


@surajitbarman8114 - 25.08.2023 13:03

Like you, many are successful in this people will not follow your talks.

@nolimits1851 - 25.08.2023 11:52

Theres this little new barber who talks about how we have been working there too long, where do we see ourselves in 5 years..all as he ruins everyones hair 😂

@Angel-ku5vq - 25.08.2023 06:58

Would you buy meat from a random guy 🤣

@albin2232 - 20.08.2023 15:19

Yeah. Once you hit 300 lbs, its time to leave.

@lovekaur8905 - 16.08.2023 06:41

Simply say you didn't do anything and you quit 😂😂. Amway works for those who make it work for themselves

@wadeanderson7959 - 15.08.2023 14:06

70% of Amways business is international, mostly Asia. I done in states and also Asia. There are some truth of what you said and i can even add more. I got to know the business very deeply and as a company, can’t say much negative about it, wont say its perfect but there is opportunity. The problem i found (because of my Asia experience) is the states put too much focus upfront in business materials. In Asia, its basic business of people to people. Amway truly can be built but it has to be profitable fast or as you say will be costly over time. I did the costly way and and I even lost a relationship because of the focus in business. Im currently in business, traditional construction and I can be totally honest with people about business or even in MLM. I believe it can be done right but not as a 80’s flare of big houses and flashy cars. Starting with a car payment will motivate someone without going into debt or time away from their family. I HATE when leaders say to quickly build it to quit their jobs.. Almost like a car salesman, person may not be lying to you but their sure not being honest. If someone was truly honest, keep it simple and part-time, a person can earn an additional $500-800 a month by the product and goal of monthly sales. 80% of people would be consumers 15% be buyers to make some money and 5% to try build something. Stick to selling and expectations will be met. MORE THAN ANYTHING, any business and I mean any kind of business always needs one thing to have in place before starting, a relationship that is together, especially if your married.Not business will last without the vision as one or else it will become an ‘di-vision) (Speaking from an past Ruby ;D)

@lrakreacts8518 - 14.08.2023 21:30

im currently caught in a crossroads of this my father has drank the coolaid essentially, he keeps pressing me on those GAWD AWFUL audios and every conversation is about the business its driving us apart especially since my step mom passed away, he runs uber and lyft burning the candle at both ends at 70YEARS OF AGE i feel in good conscience i cant support it, people of the internet give me you're advice

@zacharyfisher6791 - 14.08.2023 19:49

I’m just getting into Amway. With all the training and stuff it’s all free. I’m confused why everyone is saying the money thing monthly. Why is everyone saying this site is so bad can someone enlighten me.

@stressfreeu2 - 06.08.2023 03:34

I like Amway. I had a problem initially. but I liked to products more than the situation I was in. After I corrected the problem, I stayed in Amway. I wrote about my experience in my blog StressFreeU2.

@damianryan216 - 04.08.2023 17:36

My Brother in-law and sister got me and my wife involved in this, didn’t tell me the full truth about how much you have to invest meanwhile we are trying to save for our wedding and spending $250 a month was just insane. Drove my wife nuts and left.. unfortunately we where living in they’re basement suite and saw her differently and a “self sabotaging” person, always back me into a corner and can never play with my son after a 12 hr shift I was then expected to get on the calls so hear the same testimonies, always backed me into a corner almost expecting me to choose Amway over my family, we moved out and our family found out the truth and don’t even talk to them anymore, kind of sad actually.

@karenstauffer1524 - 03.08.2023 16:49

Who would buy from a door-to-door frozen meat seller? Not I, that's for sure. I wouldn't trust it had been properly stored frozen.

@ah6501 - 30.07.2023 12:38

I was part of quickstar years ago. They said they would never be a part of amway again but that was a lie. Now my friend is apart of amway and seems like he’s all in and can’t stop telling me about how rich he’s going to be. I feel like I’m losing my friend. And one can reply back with anything

@neoturfmasterMVS - 28.07.2023 05:59

Hey we haven't talked in awhile, how are you doing? I've been building up a network and would love to take some time to talk to you about a business opportunity. I have to head out now but I'll text you later and we can get together at starbucks and talk more. You would be perfect for this.

@Robutube1 - 27.07.2023 12:06

It struck me in all of this (a thinly disguised funnel to his latest hustle BTW) that the quality of the various products he has sold via MLMs is not addressed once.

@900milesfromnormal3 - 23.07.2023 23:32

I've a friend in Amway. He believes in the products. I have an acquittance--notice I did not say friend. She is also in Amway. The difference is she not only believes in the products, she buys into the dream. She is convinced that the only way to happiness is to own your own Amway "business". I heard someone ask her what this Amway thing was all about. She launched into a memorized script where she told the person asking that his boss at his work did not care about him etc. She didn't ask where he worked, because that question was not in the script. I told her I had zero interest when she tried to recruit me...she actually laughed at me and told me I "just don't understand...yet".
As you can see, for one person, Amway is a good product...for another it's a cult.

@florida995 - 22.07.2023 02:15

The #1 lie is that it’s passive income. The truth is you’ll work more at this than any job you’ve ever had.

@earlymann1954 - 21.07.2023 13:35

Friends and family are the WORST people to start with! I can't imagine why they still use that today.

@unpopularopinion149 - 20.07.2023 04:53

My father and mother were in amway for about 11-15 years. My dad had 1500 people in his down line.

The higher ups B.M.W never pushed him past emerald or diamond yet his 3 direct legs all went diamond before him poaching his own down line. It’s a screwy business because he did well but he was honest and had integrity.

He reported affairs between couples..was told to keep quite or he would be handled. My parents left. It’s a scammy MLM.

@slickdeviant - 11.07.2023 01:22

I was contacted by an amway a group who stated “we aren’t amway, we do use sell what they do though but just as an affiliate”. Sadly, it was through a friend of mine whose partner got him into it. They are both Christian and tend to believe and follow quite easily compared with most. I had a few meetings with their mentor then decided to not continue as it seemed like alienating people in terms of their success was a major part. You are the Sum of the 5 people you hang around the most mantra. Sadly my friend has stopped talking to me as much, and it’s a shame as through University we were so tight…. Before amway came

@olafharoldsonnii4713 - 08.07.2023 08:31

Ahhh so they got me. I spent 230$ for a starter package combined with the 74$ subscription fee. I’m going to cancel my order and get my money back through customer service.

@MrCwal27 - 05.07.2023 19:36

I’m in the vetting process with AMway please help me @Joshua

@user-es2kc4nr2u - 05.07.2023 15:52

But isn't the gas mileage and hotel expenses related to the business considered a tax right off anyways as long as u make over $600 a year as an independent contractor?
