Toxic & Flammable 4-in-1 Gas Monitor Detector ~ For Home Or On The Job

Toxic & Flammable 4-in-1 Gas Monitor Detector ~ For Home Or On The Job


2 года назад

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@thetransformationchannel9322 - 23.01.2023 05:07

This would come in very handy when I explore abandoned tunnels and other places. Thanks for the instructions on how to setup and use it.

@oyemarvin - 07.11.2022 08:19

Hi! I recently bought one SMART SENSOR ST8900. I Want to measure Co2 but I Don't Know how to Start measuring.
Is it enough to just turn it on to start the measurement? If so, how long do I have to wait to obtain a data to capture. Greetings from México, amigo.

@4833504F - 12.01.2022 02:05

I wish there was devices like this that could export readings to a pc. Is there maybe a serial header that could be tapped into?

@sapelesteve - 09.01.2022 22:58

Very interesting video eNm & that looks like a great product. 👍👍😉😉

@nefariumxxx - 09.01.2022 22:17

Nice review and I was surprised to see they are not using cheapo sensors. Regarding sensor life, I've always heard 2 years but don't know if that's set in stone. However, I have to wonder if keeping the unit in a bag with activated carbon would increase their life. Maybe not if it's just a time based electro-chemistry thing(?). I suppose guys who work in the mining industry might know the answer. I think the sensors can be replaced but not cheap. When I was looking into them, I remember seeing some with data logging over time so you could see a line graph which would be pretty cool for mine exploration or caving.

@ededmonds8792 - 09.01.2022 21:55

Great Review.Thank you.

@jamespavlinik6481 - 09.01.2022 21:15

This would be good for use in my motorhome. I don't like the fact the sensors only last two to three years. It doesn't look like they are user replaceable. How much to replace them and recalibrate the unit?

@brikoplanet - 09.01.2022 21:10


@waitemc - 09.01.2022 20:29

We use similar ones at my shop . We repair gasoline tankers , acid tanks, food grade, ect

@tarstarkusz - 09.01.2022 20:00

Hydrogen Sulfide is some deadly shit. The very first affect is has on you is deadening your sense of smell. You will catch one whiff of rotten eggs and within seconds you'll be out and a minute or so later, dead. You ever smell rotten eggs, just even for a second, RUN out of the building.

@technologyjunkie01 - 09.01.2022 18:55

Great instructional review/video. Thanks and keep up the good work.

@JT-lq4yd - 09.01.2022 18:15

Looks like a good unit. I always wondered what lurks in my house's basement and what are the living conditions in it are.

I know it will burn out if I used it in my room overnight 😅.

@Robnord1 - 09.01.2022 18:06

Interesting little unit. Working with LP gas often, I find their 0-100% combustible gas rating a little whacky. Most detectors list specs in parts per million (ppm), and even the high end models don't claim down to zero. For my use, it would need a separate probe on a 'wand' for pinpointing combustible gas leaks.

@babylonfive - 09.01.2022 18:04

Great video as usual. This would be a great sensor for my motorhome... I guess I'll have to be thoughtful about where I put it. I think near the heater or aircon output, maybe down low? SO many competing requirements.

@ProjectFarm - 09.01.2022 17:19

Great video! Thumbnail is hilarious!!
