[BG3] The Ultimate Guide to Illithid Powers #baldursgate3

[BG3] The Ultimate Guide to Illithid Powers #baldursgate3


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FoundAPeanut - 21.09.2023 18:04

How do I unlock the outer ring? All of the powers on the outside are locked, how do I unlock them?

This google account
This google account - 18.09.2023 07:32

Can someone explain why on one character my mage has black hole as bonus action and others have black hole as regular action

Leocreuu - 18.09.2023 00:31

As a sorcorer what two should we start with in act one? And do you have to pick a certain one to get the second row of your choice? Or is it just any of the first ring then any of the second

Leocreuu - 18.09.2023 00:24

Does awakening effect your relationships? In other words will shadowheart still want to smashy smash

Stephen Raines
Stephen Raines - 12.09.2023 09:37

Absorb intellect is actually pretty nice if you use it on a already low intelligence companion. Basically hurt your own companions intelligence for passive healing on a caster.

Galactu5 - 09.09.2023 07:57

On average these abilities are very very good. Having played many years of Magic the Gathering, being able to assess and synergize combinations of effects is very satisfying and rewarding. Many interactions aren't obvious until you play with them and experiment, so be sure to give all the weird seemingly weak skills a try also. You might be surprised by their utility.

starrius - 30.08.2023 08:55

do we know if who uses the Illithid wisdom powers actually matters for the progression or does it all have to be on 1 character?

Zayphar - 25.08.2023 02:53

General rule of thumb: Take Passive powers before Active powers. My selction preference order is:
1) 2-1 Favorable Beginnings(S)
2) 2-2 Luck of the Far Realms(S)
3) 3-2 Charm(A) [front-liners who want to hold aggro should not use this for a Reaction]
4) 10-1Transfuse Health(B) [only usefull for characters with a big health pool]
5) 10-2 Perilous Stakes(S)
6) 8-1Concentrated Blast(C) [active power that you won't use often]
7) 7-2 Cull the Weak(S)
8) 8-2 Psionic Backlash(A)
9) 1-1Psionic Overload(A) [active power that is godlike if you have multiple attacks per turn]
10) 1-2 Ability Drain(A)
11) 9-2 Shield of Thralls(A)
12) 11-2 Stage Fright(A)
13) 4-1Force Tunnel(B) [only usefull for Tanks]
14) 5-2Replusor(B) [highly situational, not that useful]
15) 4-2Displace(D) [highly situational, not that useful]
NOTE: The #-# notation refers to the clock position(1 to 11) & ring postition(1-inner ring, 2-middle ring) the perk is located on the brain power-tree.

maning04 - 24.08.2023 11:11

Very tempting to use! Although in my current playthrough I try my best not to use Ilithid powers since I'm playing as a neutral good character

lendial - 22.08.2023 12:57

I just got to act 3 and have toyed with some of the ilithid powers and currently it feels like certain powers just absolutely wreck some encounters, black hole, perilous, and luck of the far realms especially and how they synergize with aoe spells.

Does the game just get easier once you get to act 3 and onwards due to these powers?

Yamin Faruque
Yamin Faruque - 21.08.2023 20:42

Hey Kazu, is it safe to unlock the already available illithid powers without it changing the ending ? Like for example I have luck of the far realms and a few other ones unlocked, if end of act 2 i say no to whatever option comes up and my appearance doesnt change, am I safe for a good ending? Trying to avoid spoilers where possible i just dont want a "dark" ending

lowrider993 - 19.08.2023 07:30

So with charm I found that my Wyll and Karlach gain disapproval when I use it, even when Wyll was not there. Do you know which party members disapprove of which abilities, cause you can't respec illithid abilities, they lock you in.

Neon Peon
Neon Peon - 19.08.2023 02:43

Do your opponents get the benefit of mind sanctuary if they enter it?

Joshua Wu
Joshua Wu - 18.08.2023 23:36

for some reason I can't unlock fly?! I got the astro parasite but I don't have the option to unlock it even though I have points, HELP!!

jpa - 18.08.2023 06:31

Having perma fly is so fun. I use the custom area to put fly on 1 as a hotkey for everyone. Game changer in combat.

Buddy Lord
Buddy Lord - 18.08.2023 02:05

Hey hey ho ho calamari Powers have got to go. I really do wish they had more special abilities people who don't want to be evil or turning to brain-eating vampire squid

Hedgehog Morph
Hedgehog Morph - 17.08.2023 19:50

Good to see summary of higher-tier abilities, verily so.

One ending related question that i haven't seen really discussed:
Can i play with a friend who is a co-op "host", and go full on _mind powers_?
Wonder if the option even accesible to second player here.
Also can i do it, while not locking the main player in specific ending?

Would be grateful if you or someone in community could answer this dilemma

Maximum Cockage
Maximum Cockage - 17.08.2023 06:48

Blackhole is busted if you have Gale in your party. Can blackhole people near chasms then use thunderwave to push them off, or blackhole them into a group and hit them with powerful AOE spells.

Phelps2323 - 16.08.2023 20:31

ur in act 3 at 50-60 hours? Damn u arent even taking time to enjoy it..I'm at 50 hours and just hit act 2

Evan - 16.08.2023 08:37

Please stop showing spoilers.

DragonicTerror - 15.08.2023 20:18

I wonder if the stun shield works with the helm that makes you immune to stun so free stun on enemies and temp hp for tank

Marcin Cinus
Marcin Cinus - 15.08.2023 16:31

If a skill target inteligence what save throw is? 1k6? 2k6? My inteligence vs their?

fjer123 - 15.08.2023 10:31

favourable beginnings, does it work with casters? same goes for Luck of the realms?

Isra the black
Isra the black - 15.08.2023 08:20

I think Psionic Overload can work with magic missiles. This will make your missiles do way more damage. Maybe also those spike growth spells that you put on the ground that damages anyone who walks over them. Or Wildheart barbarian with Tiger's bloodlust that attacks 3 enemies and bleeds them, maybe those bleeds also give the psionic damage.

Amarentain First
Amarentain First - 15.08.2023 07:30

if i use tadpoles only for first perks without upgrade on end of act 2 will it affect the ending?

Wes Lawrence
Wes Lawrence - 15.08.2023 07:20

Most of the powers that take an action are hard to justify using on my Ranger when I could just attack twice for d6+d4+22+whatever arrow bonus per attack with a 16-20 crit range. And I'm not into the end game that much where I've found too much broken gear. Most of these seem to be better suited for support characters to use to boost up your main dps.

Matthew Nesbitt
Matthew Nesbitt - 15.08.2023 05:44

It doesn't actually lock you into any endings, all the tadpole development related endings are only locked in during the finale, and it's SIGNIFICANTLY more obvious than just unlocking the second tier of powers.

Rares Voina
Rares Voina - 14.08.2023 23:34

I really hope I havent been locked into the illithid ending cause I failed my wisdom check after act 2 but didnt invest any tadpoles

Rm8083 - 14.08.2023 21:24

I just had Gale ”evolve” and crammed all my collected tadpoles into his brain, he now look like a Sith Lord with the worst hangover ever. Yet the only thing my party wants to discuss in camp is the fact that Shadowheart bleached her hair 😂

Axo - 14.08.2023 19:50

Gortash, Orin, Myrkul, Zombie Dragon (700hp), Raphael, Final Battle. Are only fights where i think Ability Drain and Intellect Drain would come really handy because they last so long. But also i play a campaign where i refuse ceremorphosis so i will never use them.

pyro - 14.08.2023 19:34


If you pass a roll on the gith machine in the mountain pass, your illithid powers that cost action turn into costing bonus action. super broken.

OmynysFence - 14.08.2023 18:32

"Black Hoe"💀💀

Pyrflie - 14.08.2023 18:27

I just finished my first run on Tactician this weekend without taking any Illithid powers. I didn't have any real issue as some of the changes to class abilities and spells are brokenly powerful. Bear-Heart Barbarian 8/Thief 4 Karlach with the Doom Hammer could probably solo most of the campaign.

That said the Illithid powers look both fun and powerful so I can't wait to take them for a spin on a future run.

Misforautonaut - 14.08.2023 16:27

I love how OP this power is, But the trade-off for the power gained wasn't really worth it. My character's handsomeness is gone. 🥲

Mittke88 - 14.08.2023 16:20

I really do not like how OP Illithid powers are. There should be some kind of reward in power to offset the Illithid powers.

Rii Kuu
Rii Kuu - 14.08.2023 15:35

The 1d8 healing every round in Absorb Intellect would be quite nice on a Barbarian. Those small heals really stack up when you resist so much damage

Alex Emich
Alex Emich - 14.08.2023 10:59

freecast is super bugged on sorc.. you can create unlimted spell slots and sorc points with it, it also seems to reset every turn not every reset

Crookers 213
Crookers 213 - 14.08.2023 03:59

Would love the option of unlearning one and choosing another one is this possible at all?

III - 14.08.2023 02:28

yooo first
