BEST LR-HR Long Sword / Bow / Dual Blades Progress Guide | Monster Hunter Wilds (MHWs)

BEST LR-HR Long Sword / Bow / Dual Blades Progress Guide | Monster Hunter Wilds (MHWs)


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@KaioKevin93 - 01.03.2025 04:10

Switchaxe main myself, but gonna learn Charge Blade once I reach endgame

@KazeSenseii - 01.03.2025 04:24

What’s the difference between guardian rathalos vs normal rathalos DB? Also THANK YOU for this video. I was a tad lost and a little overwhelmed. I made it to high rank after a full day making almost every set of DBs in low rank lol

@Guilhox1987 - 01.03.2025 04:54

What happened with the thunder DBs? LMAO did they forget them or smt? 🥲

@3rdAgeSoap - 01.03.2025 07:11

Having an absolute blast with Dual Blades as my main. The secondary is such a pain to figure out though. Torn between SnS, Hammer, Insect Glaive and Charge Blade

@calibreus2743 - 01.03.2025 10:53

Someone found bow charge plus by accident? xD

@MrBoegela - 01.03.2025 13:52

Always been and will be a Bow main, ill clear the whole game with it

@Ersb99 - 01.03.2025 15:33

Any recommendations forSnS End game ?

@knightslayer6161 - 01.03.2025 18:07

The hold R2 for longsword is broken. You can just charge chain combos to red. Charge-let go-charge-let go-charge. Next. Level. Longsword is beyond crazy.

@NightBlade58 - 01.03.2025 18:10

I have a question I just got lala 2 unlocked…

You say to upgrade, but I have no clue of how?

@jayjay7400 - 01.03.2025 18:10

so full arkveld set is good?

@BookkeeperGaming - 01.03.2025 20:25

Fire Element is strong in wilds. There are more enemies weak to fire than any other and 2nd would be dragon and ice. Check the wiki that is a convenient chart showing all the bosses weaknesses. I didn’t see anything about hitzones for range weapons so it is hard to find if element or raw is better rn. I would just stick with element.

@emanuelmendoza9613 - 01.03.2025 20:51

how to get last lala barina LS upgrade?

@regislade6742 - 01.03.2025 21:51

Cant wait to See a endgame Long sword Build !

@zebr - 02.03.2025 01:18

Just got to HR what set would you recommend? I saw you said 4pc arkvald, but what else would be good with la la barina weapon?

@Phurax - 02.03.2025 02:11

And how about "Artian weapon" ?

@andrewromero3438 - 02.03.2025 04:54

for bow do we combine ray dau with xu or just run either set?

@EinTheVariance - 02.03.2025 05:41

why g rath helm instead of legs? The helm needs plate

@Moogle - 02.03.2025 06:01

kinda confused what you meant by any combination of rey dau for latent power, do you just replace marathon runner pieces with latent or blessing ones with latent? Wasn't very clear for me. Is it even worth swapping if I only have access to rey dau helm for latent power.

@The1506andy - 02.03.2025 11:28

What are your specs or are you playing on ps5?

@JoyfulAvenger - 02.03.2025 11:28

Simple to understand and a great video to refer back to. As a new player, I appreciate that!

@JrockGames - 02.03.2025 12:32

I’ve unlocked rarity 6 gear should I still run rathian a gear or b gear rarity 5?

@MrDonAndrucha - 02.03.2025 13:44

what element is the best for dual blades?

@simz3192 - 02.03.2025 23:38

Yo PWAR What is your current setup and in game Graphics settings. I have a 4090 but notice mine doesn't even look like yours. If you have a what my settings are that would be sick.

@c.g.1605 - 03.03.2025 00:07

Top lala barina LS is awesome and my main weapon but I like the look of the arkvelt lancelot weapons are they good? Which one is better guardian with 340 n blue or normal with 320 n white?

@alyoshamikhaylov7651 - 03.03.2025 06:23

You can upgrade your armor from box, honey...

So you only see all of your OWNED armor

@petera1117 - 03.03.2025 11:13

Dude, so stupid. But love the game. 😂

@SnRTab - 03.03.2025 14:06

Its helpful BUT youre skipping on alot of mechanics,terms, etc related to the equipment, weapon you're showcasing. Im not new to MH but wilds have some quirky new stuff compared to world,rise. hopefully in your build videos we can see more clarity.

@ks_debfyed2834 - 03.03.2025 17:16

How do you upgrade the Lara sword after the second upgrade?

@mattkdigg1008 - 03.03.2025 19:55

Do you have a more in depth db guide?

@dewthegreat9270 - 03.03.2025 20:51

Can you show us a settings guide please how can you make your game look so sharp

@junbro96 - 03.03.2025 20:55

Does anyone have the calculation for White vs Blue sharpness? cause Doshaguma LS has high Raw, but really ass sharpness

@kablashazam7793 - 03.03.2025 22:12

can you do a progression on heavy bowgun

@rl5475 - 03.03.2025 22:16

How do you upgrade your sword? Mine is stuck at rarity 4

@saklas428 - 04.03.2025 01:06

For upgrading equipment, you can literally use the option "Upgrade from Box", then you should be set.

@MikkiZHskDK - 04.03.2025 09:37

I just want to know the 1 best set for dual blade hr endgame , what am i farming for and what to use
