Q&A with Vicky! Book three, Sicily trip upcoming trip to Puglia, and more!

Q&A with Vicky! Book three, Sicily trip upcoming trip to Puglia, and more!

Pasta Grannies

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@mikeismasri - 12.03.2025 21:00

I think the live stream cut out just as my question about food tours was being answered 😢 thank you so much for this live session though!

@wodi28179 - 12.03.2025 21:02

I can't believe I missed the live! 😢

@poultryfancier2004 - 12.03.2025 21:08

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to be online for the live

@gipsi2001 - 12.03.2025 21:09

Good morning from New Zealand
How do you stay so slim with all this lovely food

@TheTeachingCouple - 12.03.2025 21:14

You're very welcome to Puglia :) Maybe you should explore the BAT area which is less touristy and known 🌻

@markthompson1819 - 12.03.2025 21:15

I didn't know the live was happening. More publicity next time please. X

@alexandraberghino6696 - 12.03.2025 21:20

Hello from Paris.
Formidable voyage aux sources d'ancienne recettes .
Votre savoir-faire Madame est

@dee_dee_place - 12.03.2025 21:50

Vicki, I wanted to tell you that I appreciate your channel so much. All the cooks in my family took their recipes to their graves, so seeing Nonnas pass on their recipes makes me smile. They learned to make pasta as a means to survive, but today, we look at it as an art form. Thank you for preserving their art form for eternity.

@debsctn - 12.03.2025 21:50

Hello, hopefully some more gluten free recipes in latest book, please.

@tracymitton5987 - 12.03.2025 21:52

Hello from Michigan, USA. I absolutely love your channel and watching all the Nonnas cook. My Nonnas have both passed, so it is very comforting to watch the Nonnas make pasta while I make pasta. I have learned so much.

@trishbellusci6940 - 12.03.2025 21:54

I thought I lost many of my grandmother’s recipes but you’ve had many of them on your channel. Thank you. Trish. Concord, Massachusetts, USA.

@tracymitton5987 - 12.03.2025 21:54

What gave you the idea to do this?

@tracymitton5987 - 12.03.2025 22:02

The belly button ravioli from Liguria sounds amazing!!

@truthfulfree - 12.03.2025 22:14

ahh, missed it by an hour darn

@truthfulfree - 12.03.2025 22:15

I watch the show with my baby and she does a little dance whenever she hears the theme song 🙂

@jaynerobinson4960 - 12.03.2025 22:29

Hi from the North Yorkshire coast, UK

@eclecticexplorer7828 - 12.03.2025 22:32

Another viewer from the US here (L.A., to be specific). I am 64 and don't mind saying that again and again. Perhaps being male makes that a bit different. I have been to Italy, just once so far. It was a bus tour that covered a lot of ground over two weeks. I think this is a nice way to see a great deal of a country in a limited time with a limited amount of fuss, but once you have been, definitely feel it is better to go it alone, look for the "off the beaten track" locales, relax in particular places that might appeal to you, interact with the locals more, and just generally be more immersive and tailor the visit to particular interests. In that respect, I wouldn't mind seeing just a little more about the local appeal of places you shoot.

I wasn't online for the live feed, but I appreciate the opportunity for those who were online to be more interactive with you, and I hope you will do more sessions in the future and that I might be able to chime in.
I will take the opportunity to mention the things I like about this channel:
* The focus on authentic time-tested Italian cooking.
* The efforts to document the wide variety of cuisines that are not always just regional, but even down to the level of a village.
* The indomitable spirit of these grannies that present their recipes. They are consistently women that I would love to sit down and spend some time talking with.

What I would love to see: a book exclusively of the vegetarian and vegan recipes. It can be frustrating to have interest in a cookbook but only be able to use 5-10% of the contents without alterations.

@mrsdv3715 - 12.03.2025 22:34

I have been a follower for a couple of years now and I can't put in words how much I admire this project. It is very special, thank you❤

@BridgeA-l6z - 12.03.2025 22:41

That was fun! Thank you so much for a sit down to answer those questions! You look much younger Vicky! Must be the good food! 💜 Love your books!📚 Looking forward to #3😄

@mrsdv3715 - 12.03.2025 22:43

Livia is absolutely brilliant with rhe grannies ❤

@BridgeA-l6z - 12.03.2025 22:46

Happy Birthday Irma!💜 Wishing you good health at 105! Just amazing!!!💜

@artycrafty9209 - 12.03.2025 23:30

Oh Vicky I am devastated to have missed the live stream but oh how I enjoyed watching it on playback, you are a natural and because you are so very articulate you are able to keep everyone engaged. A brilliant first chapter on this, keep em coming! Ramon x

@ramonloza3631 - 12.03.2025 23:32

America is not a country!

@MagdalenaMichnik - 12.03.2025 23:40

Dear Vicky, I'm Magdalena from Poland and I'd like to thank you for "Pasta grannies" - wonderful project. I love to watch each episode, each story. Awaiting for new book. Kind regards😊

@lunalui - 12.03.2025 23:56

Although I certainly do not make pasta very often, let alone on a very regular basis, that comment of yours makes me feel somen30 years older all of a sudden.
Thumbs up for your choice of pansoti with salsa di noci: I love those, too.

@kimkelly1889 - 13.03.2025 00:13

Darn it I missed the live 😢

@sherricarneal4986 - 13.03.2025 02:08

Your Pasta Granny tour of Italy sounds fun. Start in your town.

@Geeraffe - 13.03.2025 02:48

This is such an important channel documenting traditional skills that could otherwise be lost - thank you 🙏

@MariaFiorillo-c4e - 13.03.2025 02:55

Missed your livestream, but love your program! Watch your program from Canada.

@RosannFabiani - 13.03.2025 02:56

Love pasta grannies since you first came on ❤❤❤

@fas1242 - 13.03.2025 03:13

I’m watching 6 hours late but still am enjoying the Q& A. Even though I’m retired I look forward to Fridays and your videos. You did visit one of my ancestral hometowns, Scanno ,Abruzzo and that was exciting.

@Kokkikoulussa - 13.03.2025 03:17

What about Carpano instead of Campari?

@browninggirl8622 - 13.03.2025 04:11

Ive been watching you for several years now. Im from Arkansas, United States. I absolutely love your videos and the elderly who so graciously allow their traditions to be filmed. They are a dying breed of so much knowledge. I wished I could have watched live.

@serrgggeo - 13.03.2025 04:32

Vicki I haven't watched the whole stream yet, but I'm wondering if you'll ever host experiences/dinner gatherings in Italy at a cost? THAT WOULD BE A DREAM COME TRUE

@corneliaherrnreiter5655 - 13.03.2025 04:56

I enjoy watching you and the grannies! I also agree with many of the other comments in that I enjoy your channel and the service that you provide in terms of saving precious recipes. It’s so wonderful to see the grannies make the dishes! I’ve bought both books so that I and my family have these historical recipes 😀. Looking forward to your new book!

@corneliaherrnreiter5655 - 13.03.2025 04:58

Also, would LOVE it if you could organize a tour!

@shawnmh91 - 13.03.2025 06:54

I am so disappointed I missed the opportunity to speak to you! I hope you are doing well. Greetings from Kentucky ❤

@aeda519 - 13.03.2025 07:05

Love, love, love the shows❤️

@michaelbuckley3577 - 13.03.2025 07:43

Love you're channel..

@mf54098 - 13.03.2025 08:30

Vicki peccato che non ci sono i sottotitoli.

@dbpantani - 13.03.2025 08:42

Come to Molise. We'll be there August and September and can be your local fixers.
