Oppenheimer: Father of the Bomb

Oppenheimer: Father of the Bomb

History City

1 год назад

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History City
History City - 30.07.2023 12:35

Correction: I put the wrong slide in there for the date of Kitty Oppenheimer. Her date of death is October 27, 1972.

Not for sale
Not for sale - 21.09.2023 14:07

Such an informative video! Oppenheimer's legacy is a reminder of the power and responsibility of science.

My channel
My channel - 21.09.2023 10:03

The moral dilemma of using the atomic bomb is something we should always remember. Great video.

Nancy Molly
Nancy Molly - 20.09.2023 19:54

I never knew Oppenheimer had such a complex background. I can't express my feelings. Great video!

mr_mbt - 20.09.2023 08:45

The Trinity test footage is still mind-blowing to watch.

William Chavez
William Chavez - 19.09.2023 20:25

Incredible history lesson! Oppenheimer's role in the Manhattan Project is both fascinating and haunting.

二階堂永一 - 13.09.2023 12:32

The United States did not drop atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
They detonated each of the Japanese-made atomic bombs on the ground by order of the Japanese Emperor.
The Japanese Emperor Showa was a Deep State Devil.

Jason McKenny
Jason McKenny - 11.09.2023 17:27

Good movie!

LiteStuff LLC
LiteStuff LLC - 04.09.2023 06:09

Frisch and Peierls obviously did everything needed to "invent" and design the bomb except to actuallly manufacture it. The Manhatten projects primary mission was to islolate the U235 indetified by Frisch and Peirerls in the quality they described or larger; then put the critical mass together with a firing mechanism. General Groves was in charge of the project. That doesn't leave much room to claim an office manager of a group of physicists was "the father of the a bomb" makes such historians rather look like fools. Oppenheimer didn't even think the atom could be split. Ernst Lawrence could possibly claim it because the Plutonium bomb was exploded first even though it wasn't built first. Lawrence identified plutoniium as a substitute for U235 which could be extracted chemically. Giving that title Oppenheimer is totally invalid and an attempt to give false credit to a minor player in the project. His largest impact was a very poor security internally allowing the secrets to be stolen easily.

Kimberly Thomas
Kimberly Thomas - 03.09.2023 05:42

Angel to some a demon to others!

Naseem Khan
Naseem Khan - 31.08.2023 15:44

I want to watch this movie about him and the world's most destructive weapon. To me he successfully demonstrated the destructive power of a nuclear bomb. I put him in the same category as Tesla, both men were historically geniuses. Just think of the aftermath, this weapon never stops destroying as it travels through time

Stephen Wright
Stephen Wright - 30.08.2023 18:21

This narrator mispronounces words by the dozen. Sorry but he won't get a subscription from me.

Lee B
Lee B - 30.08.2023 07:59

Glad napoleon Attila the Hun ect didn’t do anything Japan got in late on the action Doesn’t seem quite fair

Warren Johnson
Warren Johnson - 27.08.2023 21:47

Science in wartime is a double-edged sword. ⚔⚛ Such an informative video!

Nichole Reed
Nichole Reed - 27.08.2023 17:07

Wow, this video really dives into the complex history behind Oppenheimer and the atomic bomb.

Social Experts
Social Experts - 26.08.2023 23:14

Oppenheimer's moral dilemmas really hit hard. 😔💔

Lucas - 26.08.2023 20:55

I appreciate how this video highlights Oppenheimer's conflicting role as a scientist and the consequences of his creations.

Mark Galeana
Mark Galeana - 26.08.2023 12:47

Such a complex legacy he left behind. 📜✨

LiteStuff LLC
LiteStuff LLC - 20.08.2023 14:02

History or Garbage city? Oppenhiemer was merely a manager in the manhatten Abomb project. he invented nothing, he made no discoveries nor did he have a critical role in the Manhatten project.Oppenhiemer didn't even think atoms could be split until Germans did so in 1939. in March 1940 Rudolf Peierls and Otto Frisch at the University of Birmingham calculated, , that the critical mass of a metallic sphere of the rare isatope uranium-235 was as little as 1 to 10 kilograms (2.2 to 22.0 lb), would costitute a critical mass and explode with the power of thousands of tons of dynamite. This is the Key discovery and basic bomb design. The Frisch–Peierls memorandum prompted Britain to create an atomic bomb project. These people made the critical discovery of U235 making a useful bomb. U235 however was a small portion of natural occuring Urainium; extacting enough would take massive industral power. Britain determined it had inadequate resources so they disclosed this highly guarded secret to the USA in 1942; which as a direct result started the Manhatten project in 1942 headed by General Groves; who selected Oppenhiemer at the head of the bomb design team to design bombs as outlined by Peirerls and Frisch.. The focus of the project was to extract U235 from the much more naturally occuring U238 for a bomb. Without the revelation of U235 being the key; no functional nuclear reactor or bomb is possible to build. The Nazis never appear to have learned this. Later Ernst Lawrence identified Plutonium as a substitute for U235 and found a easier chemical means to seperate it out. From that point forward Plutonium became the path all others followed to make a bomb - except maybe Iran; if you think they are trying to build one. The U235 bomb was designed and made first; the Plutonium bomb was made afterward and the idea of using high explosives to implode Plutonium to create a crtical mass had to be tested so the Trinity test was done as a proof of that technique; the U235 bomb had a high degree of certainty it would work so it was first but they did not need to test it.

Leslie Christensen
Leslie Christensen - 19.08.2023 02:26

Oh, wow. This whole thing made relevant sense. Thank you.

Loka shankar
Loka shankar - 18.08.2023 10:36

Same story with Dr Nambi Narayan a space scientist at ISRO..was wrongly accused .. tortured and arrested...later proved innocent ..clean...so what.... we lost his talents....wasted ..coz of vested interests.

Anil Kumar
Anil Kumar - 17.08.2023 15:25

If use of atom bomb stopped WW2, if we use all atom bombs today, there will be no wars in future.

Wesley 59
Wesley 59 - 16.08.2023 04:07

Because Japan chose not to surrender, Oppenheimer influenced the U.S. government to build the atomic bomb to drop it over Hiroshima and Nagasaki. There wasn't a choice but to force Japan to surrender. The bombing was I think a week or a month after Germany surrendered. The point was at the begining was for the U.S. to beat Nazi Germany in the race of the development of atomic bombs. And to be ahead of other countries.

Wesley 59
Wesley 59 - 16.08.2023 03:47

Oppenheimer was naive to the point where he was fucked by the government and politics. His projects effected decades later until today. He crossed a path with Einstein but Oppenheimer created Atomic bombs to win the war and Einstein figured out how to defuse atomic bombs to help end the war.

Simen Mudin
Simen Mudin - 14.08.2023 10:36

Pendapat : mungkin terdapat unsur yang mampu melambatkan pergerakan laju uranium. Ami

George Wayne Wilcox Jr
George Wayne Wilcox Jr - 13.08.2023 01:00

Harry held the bomb and dropped it twice. Who holds the bomb today?

fabio sunspot
fabio sunspot - 12.08.2023 08:58

It was all a game of numbers in which the innocent will always pay the highest price...

John Snow Kumar
John Snow Kumar - 11.08.2023 06:27

Oppenheimer was a poster boy of the nuclear program of the United States jump-started in about 1942. Suddenly President Roosevelt was interested. A car with a dead battery can be jump started with the good battery of another car with a jumper cable. The American atom bomb program was jump started
in about 1942 when two academic scientists from a country near Holland (The duo could from any country in the area) went to Washington DC in about 1942 from across the Atlantic Ocean and showed up at the White House along with about 50 papers of the Soviet atom bomb. Suddenly the President was interested. He never showed the design papers and air blast calculations of the Soviet atom to the office staff. Vice president Truman just heard that two men had brought design papers of a destructive bomb designed by the Soviet scientists in about 1942, sent to the White House by dissident scientists in the Soviet Union with the help of the courier duo. He was not informed till the day after President Roosevelt died that the United States was in a nuclear weapons program. These two academic scientists in abot 1942 offered to be pronect managers to redesign and to build the Soviet designed atom bomb in the United Stated. Their job offer was turned down while President Roosevelt thanked them for the Soviet designs of the atom bomb. President had secretly hired a team of U. S born scientists in 1942 to re design and to re build the Soviet atom bomb based on soviet design papers of their atom bomb of 1942. The Soviet atom bomb was designed by a Soviet team led by Egor Kurchatov between 1936 and 1942. During a visit to the White House in about 1942, Robert Oppenheimer said he needed 3 months notice in early 1942 approximately. The White House official along with the President wanted Oppenheimer to quit his job and to enlist himself in the re-design and re-manufacture of the Soviet atom bomb designed by the Soviet team of dissident nuclear scientists within the Soviet Union. President Roosevelt asked the two academic scientists in about 1942 why there so many papers on nuclear air blast calculations in the smuggled papers on the Soviet atom bomb. the bundle had about 50 pages approximately. The two visiting academic scientists rightly guessed that these
air blast calculations were a delaying tactics by the dissident scientists of the Soviet Union to delay the manufacture of he Soviet atom bomb. which made up to 70 percent of the papers handed over to the white House. The Soviet papers of the atom bomb also had a warning note that if Hitler had an atom bomb, that Hitler would surely nuke London or Moscow or Leningrad (Saint Petersburg). President Roosevelt made it very clear that he wants an American with a German last name to be the poster boy of the
nuclear program of the US. Kurchatov himself was a dissident scientist. Egor looked more like a beach boy surfing a surf board in a beach anywhere in the USA, as a young man. Egor as a young man also looked like a slim fraternity boy in any college in the US. Average fraternity man in any college across the US used to be fat. About a decade or two ago, college fraternities in the US made it a requirement that all new fraternity members be
slim or muscular and not fat any more. Later, Egor also started looking like a mad scientist as he aged. Oppenheimer was hesitant to join the nuclear program, as he someone told him as a child that he had a German last name. * In 1942, two theoretical physics from a country near Holland or Denmark showed up at the White House along with detailed blueprints of the Soviet atom bomb along with air blast calculations. President Roosevelt was suddenly highly interested. Two academic scientists from Holland or some other small country near Holland or Denmark visited the White House along with blueprints of the Soviet
atom bomb, and offered to become project managers of the American nuclear program. President Roosevelt told Oppenheimer that he needed an American with a German last name as the project manager. Why? If Berlin is nukes, then he can say that a German American had nuked Berlin. If the President finds out that Hitler may use the atom bomb against the US, then President Roosevelt may be obliged to order the use of atom bombs against Berlin. So President Roosevelt wanted a scientist with a German last name to lead the American nuclear program. The Soviet 50 odd design papers of the Soviet atom bomb of 1942 sent to the White House had a warning note: If Hitler had an atom bomb first, that Hitler would surely nuke London or Moscow or Leningrad (Saint Petersburg).

ScottDrums21 - 10.08.2023 15:29

His love affairs have 0 effects on his loyalty. He was fair and honest and true enough. Groves was a jack ass under pressure from you guessed it, the usa government.

ScottDrums21 - 10.08.2023 14:38

He did his job for the us government.

Gaetane Guitard
Gaetane Guitard - 09.08.2023 15:47

Biggest assassin ever.

John Snow Kumar
John Snow Kumar - 08.08.2023 19:38

Einstein made a few speeches in public forums about the dangers of nuclear energy. The politicians and lawmakers weren't interested in the U.S in what he said. Oppenheimer was a poster boy of the nuclear program of the United states jump-started in about 1942. A car with a dead battery can be jump started with the good battery of another car with a jumper cable. The American atom bomb program was jump started in about 1942 when two academic scientists showed up at the white House with about 50 papers of the Soviet atom bomb. The Soviet atom bomb was designed by a Soviet team led by Egor Kurchatov between 1936 and 1942. During a visit to the White House in about 1942, Robert Oppenheimer said he needed 3 months notice in early 1942 approximately, in order to quit his job and to enlist himself in the re-design and re-manufacture of the Soviet atom bomb designed by the Soviet team of dissident nuclear scientists within the Soviet Union. President Roosevelt asked the two academic scientists in about 1942 why there so many papers on nuclear air blast calculations in the smuggled papers on the Soviet atom bomb. the bundle had about 50 pages approximately. The two academic scientists rightly guessed that these air blast calculations were a delaying tactics by the dissident scientists of the Soviet Union to delay the manufacture of he Soviet atom bomb. which made up to 70 percent of the papers handed over to the white House. President Roosevelt made it very clear that he wants an American with a German last name to be the poster boy of the nuclear program of the US. Kurchatov himself was a dissident scientist. He looked more like a beach boy surfing a surf board as a young man. Egor as a young man also looked like a slim fraternity boy in any college in the US. Average fraternity man in any college across the US used to be fat. About a decade or two ago, college fraternities in the US made it a requirement that all new fraternity members be slim or muscular and not fat any more. Later, he also started looking like a mad scientist as he aged. Oppenheimer was hesitant to join the nuclear program, as he someone told him as a child that he had a German last name. * In 1942, two theoretical physics from a country hear Holland or Denmark showed up at the White House with detailed blueprints of the Soviet atom bomb along with air blast calculations. President Roosevelt was suddenly highly interested. Two academic scientists from Holland or some other small country near Holland or Denmark visited the White House along with blueprints of the Soviet atom bomb, and offered to become project managers of the American nuclear program. President Roosevelt told Oppenheimer that he needed an American with a German last name as the project manager. Why, If the President finds out that Hitler may use the atom bomb against the US, then President Roosevelt may be obliged to order the use of atom bombs against Berlin. So President Roosevelt wanted a scientist with a German last name to lead the American nuclear program. Einstein had also talked about the dangers of nuclear energy in public. No politician or lawmaker in the US listened to the nerdy scientist named Einstein who looked like a mad scientist. The President listened to the two visiting academic scientists from Central European country who came to the White House with a bundle of papers and blueprints of the Soviet atom bomb and air blast calculations of the Soviet nuclear weapons program in 1942..

Picolina mia
Picolina mia - 07.08.2023 15:19

I’m coming here after watching the movie

Guitar Machinist Adventures & other stuff too.
Guitar Machinist Adventures & other stuff too. - 07.08.2023 12:02

Jornada del Muerto Dead Man's Journey.

Bradley S
Bradley S - 07.08.2023 06:55

this is the best bio I've seen of Oppenheimer...very informative

BONEHEAD - 06.08.2023 21:24

Fantastic Documentary! Very thorough and enlightening. I learned alot watching this- Thank You for uploading this!

Mike U
Mike U - 06.08.2023 06:59

Today is Aug. 6th here in Japan. I sincerely hope, from the bottom of my heart, that everyone in the world is thinking of what happened here in Japan on Aug. 6th this day in history, and then on Aug. 9th, and may those horrid events never, ever happen again.

Jeanne C
Jeanne C - 06.08.2023 06:09

I love his eyes, they see into other worlds, respect and love, J. Robert.

Jeanne C
Jeanne C - 06.08.2023 06:06

They totally phucked him over, railroaded with the McCarthy Era of red scare bullshit. At least he had the Princeton position and his home on St Johns to get away from the bullshit of the US at that time. He had a great mind. Respect, J Robert.

Jeanne C
Jeanne C - 06.08.2023 05:40

His charisma and reputation managed to get all those scientists to come to Los Alamos to work on the project. He got it done. He could grasp all aspects of what was needed in all aspects of the science and kept it going bt being involved. That takes a special mind.

Jeanne C
Jeanne C - 06.08.2023 05:31

He never joined the communist party, his brother and his wife did but Robert never joined.

George Fleming
George Fleming - 06.08.2023 04:58

After hearing the claims that Oppenheimer had joined the Communist Party and that Jean Tatlock was a physicist, I stopped watching.

Lynne Rocco
Lynne Rocco - 05.08.2023 15:23

We were fortunate to have him. Our history with Japan in WWII would have been very different without him and the other brilliant people that saved us.

Jamie Feltner
Jamie Feltner - 05.08.2023 04:23

I grew up in Kentucky and my family was originally from Tennessee, but I remember growing up hearing my mom and grandmother along with my aunt's talk about the Manhattan project "power plants" that are located (in Tennessee) there, killed my great grandfather.....does anyone have any idea what exactly they were talking about?

Jim Vonn
Jim Vonn - 04.08.2023 01:19

No he doesn't deserve credit as important to the Abomb. Oppenheimer was not even close to the "man behind" the Abomb; he didn't even think atoms could be split until German scientists did it. Gen Groves headed the massive Manhattan project; one might call Groves "the man behind the A bomb". Oppenheimer was picked by Groves as the manager of a group that designed the bombs, an important but small part of the project. Germans made all the discoveries that made an a bomb possible. 1. Fission, and 2. U235's importance. Ernst Lawrence identified Plutonium as an easier obtain substitute for U235. Many could have filled Oppenheimer's shoes. As manager of the bomb design he may well be held responsible for the poor security screening and lack of internal security that allows the Russians to obtain these secrets.

Jim Vonn
Jim Vonn - 04.08.2023 00:53

Pure BS. Oppenheimer was not even close to the father of the Abomb or anything like it; he didn't even think atoms could be split until German scientists did it. Gen Groves headed the Manhattan project; one might call its "Groves bomb". Oppenheimer was essentially the manager of a group that designed the bombs. Germans made all the discoveries that made an A bomb possible.

Jesse Tebbetts
Jesse Tebbetts - 03.08.2023 16:49

He was used by the US to get what they needed to end the war and then they tossed him out like trash when they where done with him and he died alone
