Which Tests Should We Automate - Angie Jones – Sr. Automation Engineer, Twitter
More and more teams are coming to the realization that automating every single test may not be the best approach. However, it’s often difficult to determine which tests should be automated and which ones are not worth it.
When asked “which tests should we automate?”, Angie Jones’ answer is always “it depends.” Several factors should be considered when deciding on which tests to automate and many times that decision is contextual.
Join in on this session where Angie will explore features and associated tests, then discuss whether the tests should be automated or not considering the factors and context provided.
Attendees to this session will take away:
– Identification of the key factors to consider when deciding which tests to automate
– How to gather the data needed to make these decisions
– A formula that can be applied to any test to determine if it should be automated or not
Angie Jones is a Senior Software Engineer in Test at Twitter who has developed automation strategies and frameworks for countless software products. As a Master Inventor, she is known for her innovative and out-of-the-box thinking style which has resulted in more than 20 patented inventions in the US and China. Angie is also an adjunct college professor who teaches Java programming and is a strong advocate for diversity in Technology. She volunteers with organizations who champion this cause such as TechGirlz and Black Girls Code.