TUNGUSKA METEORITE: What’s There Now? What Happened in Tunguska Event?

TUNGUSKA METEORITE: What’s There Now? What Happened in Tunguska Event?

Archie's Archive

1 год назад

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Gregory Hawkins
Gregory Hawkins - 09.09.2023 20:26

That would get your atten6toin. Well, shiver your timbers. That would rattle your windows & shake your walls. They definitely heard that on down the road. That made everybody cuss & swear like truck drivers. It was a Alien flying saucer that had some kind of technical failure. It detonated up in the air. It was a atomic boom banger of some sort.

stephen Erpelding
stephen Erpelding - 04.09.2023 17:35

There wasn't any Meteorite! Check out Tesla and the Tunguska Event?

Herb - 04.09.2023 16:37

Junk has been slamming the Earth since the beginning of time. Alien theories and other magical suggestions are so literally dumb. Stop it.

Vilhelmo De Okcidento
Vilhelmo De Okcidento - 02.09.2023 16:39

Tunguska Event is not a mystery.

Oto Sere
Oto Sere - 22.07.2023 06:53

I still firmly believe this was Tesla's energy ray. It is the exact same day they informed Tesla they were not funding him anymore and the government wants his tower gone. It is long rumored that he used his ray and aimed it to hit a remote area...

Sabrina Ley
Sabrina Ley - 20.07.2023 19:53

None of the people who were close enough to witness it, hear it and be knocked around suffered no burns or ill effects. None mentioned heat. Just light, noise and concussive force.

Croat - 19.07.2023 08:50

Its all bullshit. Space doesnt exist. It was most likely a nuclear bomb or some type of bomb detonated on purpose in the middle of nowhere by who knows who or who knows what. Simple.

N̶i̶x̶ - 17.07.2023 07:12

Maybe it was a warning shot 👽

RW Brown
RW Brown - 12.07.2023 19:22

Thank you for this! It’s a great introduction to the broad variety of theories.

In Stasis
In Stasis - 11.06.2023 17:16

The scientific evidence taken by itself might allow a person to draw different conclusions, but the first hand testimonials of witnesses makes it seem fairly obvious what happened to even a layman like me.
Reports of very bright nights days before the incident by people all over Europe indicates a comet flying in close proximity to the earth. Comets have tails that are composed of meteorites and fragments. In passing close enough to the earth, some of those meteorites and fragments would have entered the atmosphere. The loud concussions sounding like artillery would have been the fragments entering the earth's atmosphere and falling to earth, with the large piece(s) of meteorite impacting the earth and causing enormous destruction. It's a logical explanation that is corroborated by the witness evidence. No aliens or stupid theories of black holes needed...

In Stasis
In Stasis - 11.06.2023 17:16

The scientific evidence taken by itself might allow a person to draw different conclusions, but the first hand testimonials of witnesses makes it seem fairly obvious what happened to even a layman like me.
Reports of very bright nights days before the incident by people all over Europe indicates a comet flying in close proximity to the earth. Comets have tails that are composed of meteorites and fragments. In passing close enough to the earth, some of those meteorites and fragments would have entered the atmosphere. The loud concussions sounding like artillery would have been the fragments entering the earth's atmosphere and falling to earth, with the large piece(s) of meteorite impacting the earth and causing enormous destruction. It's a logical explanation that is corroborated by the witness evidence. No aliens or stupid theories of black holes needed...

Megs - 03.06.2023 13:26

This was really well researched video, and what made extra good was adding context from people who were actually there, that put it above because that is humble and respectful, brilliant video, Thank you so much for your hard work and I can't imagine how much research. I hate to say it but this does have a human experiment feel to me, and I've seen ufos , I have never seen an asteroid though 🙏 (Tasmania Australia) I wouldn't have thought that until I watched the hellfire documentary, which they've taken down, there's only a very edited version left at the moment 🤔🤷‍♀️🙏🙏🙏.

Karl D
Karl D - 28.05.2023 11:28

I read that a team of researchers from the Swedish Institute for the Study of Naturally-Occurring Dildonics speculated that Tunguska was hit by a giant black space dildo fired at the Earth by the Pleiadians in revenge for 15th century astronomers mooning at The Pleiades because they thought it was funny.

Jay Boley
Jay Boley - 11.05.2023 22:12

Just found your channel and had to subscribe. Premier content right here.

Fessus Corvus
Fessus Corvus - 26.04.2023 06:06

after 3-4 theories

Da Vinci
Da Vinci - 15.04.2023 07:29

“The birth of Superman”

Federico Fumagalli
Federico Fumagalli - 11.04.2023 05:26


iamrichrocker - 30.03.2023 09:46

"The Sea was angry that day, my friends"..George Costanza...

Ryan Kenealy
Ryan Kenealy - 21.03.2023 02:14

I’m so obsessed and curious as to what this event would’ve looked like from various distances away. I suppose from certain distances, it would’ve looked similar to the Chelyabinsk meteor, but larger and more powerful. From the information I’ve gathered, scientists used to think that Tunguska sized events happen once or twice every thousand years or so. Some scientists now believe Tunguska sized events happen once or twice a century, with bigger objects such as Apophis, happening once or twice every thousand years or so… Apophis would probably destroy a land area roughly the size of Texas.

Gifted Fox
Gifted Fox - 17.03.2023 00:17

When there is a lack of science, that is when people come in with their delusions. Sharing their madness to those that need to believe in something other than death and taxes.

the myth hunter
the myth hunter - 06.03.2023 12:31

This was a very interesting video, very informative and great narration! I love your voice, so soothing!

Ali Almaliky
Ali Almaliky - 06.02.2023 11:24

Has the water of that lake been studied? Even though it’s been long time since the event but it might unfold something.
Just a wonder by a geologist.

kiwi welch
kiwi welch - 06.02.2023 06:12

100 year of tree cover tho

richalcat66 - 04.02.2023 06:07

I'm currently reading an old book about it: Tunguska:Cauldron of Hell by Jack Stoneley (1977)

Silvandar Art
Silvandar Art - 01.02.2023 18:50

Nature is so weird and incredible, yet people still need to invent alien nonsense and fake atrtefacts. Why do they do that? 😞

The Mystery of Bluebird Boulevard
The Mystery of Bluebird Boulevard - 23.01.2023 00:27

Oh. I didn't know you'd be getting so wacky with the theories at the end there. Yikes.

Shane Gawales
Shane Gawales - 12.01.2023 22:42

Its obvious, there's only one explanation regardless of evidence.....aliens.

Liz Block
Liz Block - 09.01.2023 07:58

Clearly this was from that time the TARDIS malfunctioned and was hurled across the space time continuum. The Doctor stepped out and looked around. Realizing there was no option to save humanity and the universe, they continued on their way.

Кира Мания
Кира Мания - 08.01.2023 23:48

Archie, is this Mistika’s voice over women’s sections in the video??

M Something
M Something - 08.01.2023 07:59

do you think it will crush my skull if a meteorite fell down on us in botswana somewhere? That my skull will also be affected by this?

Art Bell
Art Bell - 07.01.2023 05:15

This video narrates old reports and has nothing new to offer. Skip it and save yourself some time. Also the narrator pronounces words like he's 4. Pure trash

Rod Hanson
Rod Hanson - 06.01.2023 11:54

AN ASTEROID Killed THE dinosaurs 65 million Years ago AND i HOPE it NEVER HAPPENS AGAIN BUT CHANCES ARE it will

Rod Hanson
Rod Hanson - 06.01.2023 11:47


Rod Hanson
Rod Hanson - 06.01.2023 11:43


Idris Yasin
Idris Yasin - 30.12.2022 17:55

Maybe they tried nuclear weapons..

Ptica Nebeska
Ptica Nebeska - 30.12.2022 03:37

All this is Nikola tesla s work, it was not a meteriot like historie tells.
historie is a lie

Zz Tops
Zz Tops - 29.12.2022 10:42

That hotel reminds me of Evil Dead cabin!

Anastasija Jelic
Anastasija Jelic - 28.12.2022 17:37

I know what has happened there, but I don't want to tell you 😈

Philip Callicoat
Philip Callicoat - 28.12.2022 17:00

As an over the road trucker, especially on the southern desert interstates at night,it was very common to see fireballs in the dark desert sky... long time ago!!!

Moefuggerr - 27.12.2022 01:32

Skip it. Just a trash post. Does not get to the point till the last few moments.

smoky's dank days
smoky's dank days - 24.12.2022 19:39

It was an airburst pretty much accepted science these days

Gregory Hawkins
Gregory Hawkins - 23.12.2022 13:35

Everybody has known since the '80s or '90s that it was a malfunctioning flying saucer that exploded in the atmosphere. We're always laughed at the idiots who insist on claiming that it was a meteorite or comet. It was seen to change course 3 times, in a triangular manner before exploding. Nuclear material is the only thing that can leave behind radioactive contamination. Several investigators were made sick by radiation poisoning. Stop calling people by their last names. Call them by their first names.

7thsealord - 23.12.2022 03:43

Fascinating stuff.

Admittedly, I leaned towards the 'nuclear spaceship' hypothesis early on. Kulik's investigation included eyewitness accounts of how the object behaved and, ALLEGEDLY, "it" came in roughly south to north, executed a sharp turn to the east, and then doubled back to the west before detonation. A pretty odd performance for a free-falling natural object, to be sure. This and the allegedly 'nuclear' characteristics of the blast was what originally sold me.

But, with thought, I now think it possible that the directions given in these accounts were in error and that the object was not acting as oddly as believed. Which still leaves the question of what was it, really? A body of mixed ice and iron, travelling at especially high velocity seems the most plausible to me.

... And, as some sources claim, if the Tunguska object arrived an hour or so earlier, it may have impacted the city of Saint Petersburg.

Joe Franke
Joe Franke - 22.12.2022 06:04

If I was to guess I’d say a group of advanced Bigfoot’s created a large military weapon and attacked a rival group of enemy Bigfoots wiping out almost all Bigfoots except for the occasional lucky ones , that we see today , who escaped the Bigfoot war. Oh so this sounds crazy but a supposed scientist claims that space aliens were involved and everyone is like that makes sense. But then I’m not a scientist

Ruby Red
Ruby Red - 20.12.2022 16:19

Fascinating subject!!! Could watch shows on Tunguska all day long!!

J Strom
J Strom - 20.12.2022 07:07

So there are two dates given when events occurred in the area June 17 and June 30. Were these two independent events or a single protracted event?

mike jones
mike jones - 20.12.2022 01:00

Taurid meteor fragment

Nobdy1954 - 19.12.2022 20:34

I first heard about the Tunguska event 60 years ago and I find that it’s pleasurable to have mysteries that we still haven’t solved. Really good documentary and thank you for making it. I really enjoyed watching it.

moonlite x
moonlite x - 19.12.2022 18:52

boating is not hiking
