5 Most Common Vinyl Wrap Mistakes

5 Most Common Vinyl Wrap Mistakes

CK Wraps

4 года назад

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sambo170a - 18.09.2023 16:31

Hi there first thank you for your tips now for as strange as it may sound I practice archery and as you are aware metal risers get scratches with time and use painting is a complex job not an easy task to do at home
I would like to use wrap, a tutorial will be nice

Yer Odeclas
Yer Odeclas - 17.09.2023 13:53

Awesome video! Very helpful,,

Ashley McGovern
Ashley McGovern - 17.09.2023 06:40

Poor cheap wrap can make it worse, though if you're doing something straight & relatively angular can still do ok. Look at the work if it's very curved or multifaceted buy better quality wrap. & Get a decent squeegee.

JellyGunner - 11.09.2023 08:23

i would love to do this. but the film i am looking to get is 1000 usd and i am terrified to F it up

陳宗良 - 10.09.2023 01:32


Puru The Vlogger
Puru The Vlogger - 05.09.2023 21:11

Good job bro I am from India and I appreciate your work , your content is awesome and helpful to do the best 💪🏻💯✅

diesur7126 - 29.08.2023 04:31

Video was taken 3 years ago. Am I too late to the party? Have the scene get over saturated or is the wrapping business in a steady/ growing environment?

Elpoder Psychotronic
Elpoder Psychotronic - 18.08.2023 06:39

Thank you man that was very helpful. Because I did it on my hood and I end up with lots of rincles so I wasted too much material.

Nick - 17.08.2023 15:51

Why the hell would you wrap a vehicle? Stupid idea.

Rac - 16.08.2023 08:25

Nice tutorial thank you. Would you apply two color (one color over another) together then install? I noticed air trapped when doing this. I'm thinking you may do two color application and may have a solution to the dilemma. TY

Sappireflames000 - 13.08.2023 04:29

Something I don't understand is how your air bubbles pop to where you move them. My vinyl doesn't do that, the adhesive is too strong and I end up damaging the film when I try and move air bubbles.

Blacksheep R/C Modelers
Blacksheep R/C Modelers - 10.08.2023 01:04

def one of the best instructions out there buddy!!

Timothy Walls
Timothy Walls - 07.08.2023 01:00

Is heating the film necessary at all?

Christopher Crowdis
Christopher Crowdis - 05.08.2023 21:08

Thank you so much for the awesome exaamples i learned alot before doing my car.thanks.😊

Alisha Madariaga
Alisha Madariaga - 04.08.2023 00:44

I wish the people who are constantly wanting to wrap things like motorcycles and helmets would watch some of these…

perhaps then they would understand a few things such as why there’s an increased cost to wrap them (that’s if the shop does them at all! Many do not because it’s simply not worth it as most people will not pay what the job is actually worth given the labor involved

And how comments like “THAT much to wrap a tiny bike??” Makes us want to punch you in the face and then tell you to do it yourself (no seriously., do it yourself)


M&M - 19.07.2023 07:18

Hey id love to come film for you and edit

isagarcia_x - 19.07.2023 03:33

Got a wrap to wrap my ride, gave it a try, didn't get it on the first but seeing your video and how to fix the issue that I was dealing with gives me hope 🥹

Emanuel Castorela
Emanuel Castorela - 10.07.2023 23:06

Thx for the video it really helps me

Jishnu Nath
Jishnu Nath - 02.07.2023 21:28

Do we need to open up the car into various body parts? Or put the film on the car while all the parts are together?

Janu Sun
Janu Sun - 25.06.2023 08:52

Thank you very much

Ghost Spector
Ghost Spector - 23.06.2023 03:30

Excellent tips & instructions.

CrystalClad - 21.06.2023 15:27

Amazing video sir, but I kind of think you got pissed half way of the video.😅

furonable - 07.06.2023 17:05

all that work just to have it peel off in a few months.

Metalltool - 04.06.2023 22:13

Thank you so much. This made me want to really learn to do this correctly. I plan to wrap some of my guitars, not a car though

Mario Mora
Mario Mora - 01.06.2023 07:58

I'm an auto glass tech in Walnut ca. 5 star rated tech. I'm learning vynil because of your videos and I'm wrapping my own car and possibly just have a side hobby to make income. You're videos are gold. Thanks for taking the time to make these videos. Literally helping people start business for those with that drive.

Rambo - 31.05.2023 14:20

You kids have it easy now we used to wrap cars in 50 series

Airbornejesus - 26.05.2023 20:06

So diy videos are great. Ive used them to learn how to do stuff myself.

I do however think that diy videos make it very hard on companys to sustain a business.

Heres why i think this. You have your skills/trades/talents, someone needs something done that you can do, they pay you you do the job. Now diy teaches me how to do the job i would have otherwise needed to pay you to do, now i dont need your company, you lose business/income, you go outta business because you taught me how to do your job.

Its crazy that in 25-30 mins we can learn how to do something that people used to work years to learn.

Edit: this was a pretty informative video, and im not sure why i watched it tbh. I dont have any thoughts of wrapping my car. I think it was simply the title that caught my attention. Well played👍.

Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers - 18.05.2023 22:32

Is it better to use a matte color on a boat

Daine Petrou
Daine Petrou - 17.05.2023 15:23

G'day CK wraps... I'm doing a 2022 model Suzuki Hayabusa motocycle petrol tank and it's proving to be quite difficult... I'm no expert and have watched many utube vids to try an educate myself as much as possible before i have a 3rd and final go....
My 2nd attempt wasnt to bad but have now realised i didn't use enough squeegee pressure as i got air bubbles in one side i couldn't get out and wondered why and how...
Now i know.
My other mistake was hand placement and over stretching to the cut off line, causing fold or bunch up marks....
I'd dearly love if you have the time to show tubers how to successfully wrap a modern day sports bike petrol tank as i believe the curves and arcs are way more prominent than something like a slim line Harley Davidson petrol tank...
Sports bike petrol tanks are tighter in curvature and higher and longer so quite easy to get folds and waste wrap because it gets stuck to each other when trying to stretch.
I use 3M quality wrap and sorta happy at my second attempt but i will try to do better with the 3rd attempt...
Thanks for a great instructional video as it's educated me to do things right rather than do it wrong off the bat...
Many thanks brav.

Thomas Hardy
Thomas Hardy - 16.05.2023 22:49

New to the channel, love the idea of wrapping - professionally recognised as a bicycle XPEL PPF fitter (not trained) - and want to ask, can "anyone" wrap a car/van? Can the DIY person wrap a vehicle?

Christian Calison
Christian Calison - 15.05.2023 18:40

Thanks bro

Torque and Beans Sauce
Torque and Beans Sauce - 15.05.2023 18:22

Take the rental back and tell them you didn't like the color so you got it wrapped. You could ask for reimbursement too lol

Gulshan Patel
Gulshan Patel - 07.05.2023 13:18

Nice work sir

JassyUnlimited - 01.05.2023 05:26

I'm doing this on my K5. I started today and you can see all the seams. Glad I found this video😂

Brian Elder
Brian Elder - 29.04.2023 07:04

Cool I need a little help with mine

Stompy TheWonderLizard
Stompy TheWonderLizard - 26.04.2023 04:48

Mistake number 6. DO NOT WRAP THE WINDSHIELD. Learned that one the hard way.

Haiden Thomas
Haiden Thomas - 23.04.2023 06:59

This is a fantastic video! I've never wrapped anything before but after seeing this I have the confidence to try wrapping my ZL Fairlane. Thank you so much and I wish I could give you more likes

Codeplayer - 22.04.2023 00:06

Nice, thanks! I will stretch a small vinyl wrap around my aftermarket Android stereo frame to achieve a brushed steel frame look, like my VW Passat B7 trim, to get more OEM look. What I will try, will be to have the frame facing upwards on something that has around the same width and length to support the pressure when I will add the vinyl, but allow me to pull down on it, like you did with the mirror. Then I'll heat the vinyl and just press it on top of it. I will wrap it by bending around a bit and then cut it off. Lets see how it goes :)

Justin Guarino
Justin Guarino - 15.04.2023 15:27

I did my mirrors like 4-5 different times ahah prob doesn’t help that it’s off the car and just me holding and wrapping it alone either 😅

Ahsan Khan
Ahsan Khan - 15.04.2023 03:49

You are nice

Freddy flint stone’s mechanic
Freddy flint stone’s mechanic - 14.04.2023 01:07

I’d like to see one one wrap truck fender flares w indents for the bolts to match the body.

G7 Art
G7 Art - 13.04.2023 20:11

Thank you for this video and for the effort of using your film for each demo... 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

Malcolm Perry
Malcolm Perry - 12.04.2023 08:12

Wipe the hood with what kind of alcohol?!??

Bob Riddle
Bob Riddle - 08.04.2023 03:38

Thank you

Russell Scott
Russell Scott - 07.04.2023 15:26

Great videos and will be a huge help when I start my van although better camera placement could have been useful on the corner of the bonnet as I couldn’t actually see what you were doing at all due to your hands in the way. I think some of you other videos cover this if I recall.

Jeffycump - 02.04.2023 17:24

I watch a few other vidoe's that sucked most guys acked like punks play sum weird ass music and just rap the car to there weird ass music don't explain shit anytjing at all i think tose video's suck ass this guy duzz a really good job explaining everythig to u i giv thhis guy 2 thumbs up 👍👍keep the GREAT VIDEO'S coming 😎

Fahim Kauser
Fahim Kauser - 01.04.2023 11:39

You are a very good teacher sir ❤

getnanoed_xo_football - 29.03.2023 18:36

1st mistake: wanting to wrap.
