Revisiting the BEST Doom Maps

Revisiting the BEST Doom Maps

FP Media

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@ikaikaboy88 - 11.07.2023 20:44

Wait wait wait what? Fans of downtown? Do they also pistol start plutonia? Downtown makes me out doom2 down

@acejumper1681 - 24.04.2023 15:00

The ad at the beginning is so cheesey.

@HellhammerSS - 12.04.2023 22:07

Doom 2, first thing that comes to mind is the color Tan.

@CabezasDePescado - 06.04.2023 05:42

Never understood why the community considers TNT and Plutonia part óf the original and classic franchise. They are not.

@michaeluy114 - 07.01.2023 10:39

dead simple

@zeldafan159357 - 30.11.2022 02:04

If you're going to insist on using ZDoom for your Doom-related videos, please turn texture filtering off in the settings. It really helps visibility.

@gregoryberrycone6937 - 31.10.2022 04:25

so you disqualified doom 1 episode 1 maps because they are too good... ok then?

@abalyon7043 - 18.10.2022 18:19

turn off texture filtering

@arcadeguy781 - 28.09.2022 20:17

For me
Ultimate Doom: E1M1
Doom 2: Circle of Death
TNT: Wormhole
Plutonia: Slayer

@thunder____ - 13.09.2022 06:36

In Doom 2, my favorites are Dead Simple and The Pit (important to note: I play single-segment so I'm not doing pistol starts, and these days I'm on a huge fast monsters kick). The combat in those maps is just so exciting.

@ivanilayakimova2526 - 01.04.2022 00:42

Doom 1-Toxin Refinery ,Doom 2 -The waste tunnels and Monster Condo.

@marklee1194 - 21.03.2022 22:58

I have not played Final Doom personally, but these are some of my favourites from Doom and Doom II:

Doom: E1M1 (Hangar), E1M8 (Phobos Anomaly), E2M8 (Tower of Babel), E3M3 (Pandemonium), E3M6 (Mt. Erebus)
Doom 2: Map01 (Entryway), Map07 (Dead Simple), Map08 (Tricks and Traps), Map20 (Gotcha!), Map 23 (Barrels O' Fun), Map25 (Bloodfalls), Map28 (The Spirit World), Map30 (Icon of Sin)

@frayedsanity - 27.01.2022 01:50

Doom 2, my favorite would have to be Industrial Zone, another Romero map. You can definitely tell when Romero's style is present.

@horricule451 - 25.10.2021 07:31

Mount Erebus is my personal least favorite map in Doom 1. It took me forever to find the exit on my first playthrough and to me it's always just felt empty. A whole lot of nothing with enemies thrown around everywhere. It reminds me of the worst maps in Doom 2

@jonwallace6204 - 28.09.2021 23:10

My favorite level is Hunted. Me, my shotgun, a bunch of archviles, and the bunny music.

@Me-ex7qg - 22.08.2021 12:09

5. Dead Simple
4. Tricks and Traps
3. Sever the wicked
2. Go 2 it
1. Courtyard

@TheFallenXL - 11.08.2021 22:21

My favs are:

Doom - E2M6 Halls of the Damned
Doom II - MAP15 Industrial Zone
TNT - MAP16 Deepest Reaches
Plutonia - MAP12 Speed

@dominickchuka5387 - 30.07.2021 15:54

For doom 1 I would say e4m2 and e4m6. Doom 2 I’d pick living end and suburbs

@Cheerybelle - 26.04.2021 05:54

"There are probably fans of maps like Downtown..."
That would be me.
I actually really like Downtown and its concept.
If there were an entire megawad of only levels like Downtown, I would play it.

Sure, it took me over 24 minutes to 100% the level, but I enjoyed it the whole way through.
...It was only barely the slowest time I made going through a level in Doom 2.
Still faster than I got through Containment Area from Doom 1. I like that one a lot, too.
I spent a lot of time playing through this one WAD, Double Impact, as well. Incidentally, did you know that, if you take over an hour on a single map, instead of telling you your time, it'll just say "TIME: SUCKS"?

@ericgrimes341 - 28.03.2021 20:31

E4m2 I love that map.

@SandyofCthulhu - 01.03.2021 00:36


@johnlewisbrooks - 15.02.2021 04:57

My favorite map is O Of Destruction! This level is a VICIOUSLY evil little shit of a level that immediately gives you few places to hide, hit scanners, traps, draining health pits with only a few breaks in action! You put it on UV or Nightmare and you're in for getting your balls busted! If it were me we'd even have about a dozen exploding barrels right at the start just to fuck with the player's head even more lmao!

@seancdaug - 13.02.2021 14:01

One of my favorite levels (despite being terrible at it) is Go 2 It, MAP32 of Plutonia. Revisiting Entryway is just a clever conceit, and Milo Casali does an incredible job both in terms of aesthetics and difficulty. It's hard as hell (no pun intended), but it's carefully designed such that, even when you fail, it's typically obvious what you need to do to succeed next time.

@justindearmond1 - 12.02.2021 17:21

Dead Simple. map 7 from Doom 2, old school players will remember this one. you get to hear Slayer's South of Heaven while kicking ass.

@ridingcdaoveritfilms8892 - 11.02.2021 16:49

Dude it's, "mount E-rū-bus"

@Sebasspartan117 - 09.02.2021 18:09

E4M2, It Is indeed perfect. Is was a fair challenge

@sernoddicusthegallant6986 - 09.02.2021 13:01

I also loved Stronghold from TNT it was just so statisfying mowing down rooms full of enemies with the super shotgun.

@sernoddicusthegallant6986 - 09.02.2021 12:54

Frozen: "I loved the part with the teleporting revenants"
Plutonia: "Do you have any idea how little that narrows it down?"

@black0angelo285 - 04.02.2021 03:51

After many days playing Doom 95, I was checking different levels and then a name sounded interesting for me in Plutonia Experiment:

Go 2 It

When I entered... Then I saw the best power up and all the weapons in front of me... And then then the soundtrack just appeared, the level literally told me that I was going to have a bad time.

@Bozzyshy - 01.02.2021 14:44

My favourites:
Doom 1: E2:M6 Halls of the Damned
Doom 2: Map 11: 'O' of Destruction/Circle of Death by quite a large margin, by far the best map in Doom 2
Plutonia: Tough cause i love every map but probably Map29 Odyssey of Noises or Map 15 The Twilight probs even between those 2. Funny though your pick for best Plutonia map might be my least favourite map of the wad not that i dont like it as i love all of Plutonia.
TNT: Mostly boring as hell, big for the sake of big with empty ass rooms plain brown or grey textures so not many good maps but for me the best map is an easy choice Map 9 Stronghold

@bassrattlestars - 31.01.2021 10:51

please turn off texture filtering you're gonna make me cry

@sinonistoyemi6327 - 28.01.2021 21:21

my favorite doom maps: ultimate doom: e1m6, e2m5, e3m6, e4m6. doom 2: map 15 industrial zone is by far the best level of doom 2. tnt: map 31 pharao. plutonia: the whole wad

@ExSpectre - 28.01.2021 17:41

Doom: Perfect Hatred (or Warrens if we’re not including Thy Flesh Consumed)
Doom II: The Living End, with Suburbs as a close second
Plutonia: Go 2 It, for obvious reasons
TNT: Wormhole, the only level I can think of liking in TNT

@rilluma - 26.01.2021 22:52


@Starduster - 26.01.2021 20:26

Nice to hear you list out your favorite maps and what you thought about them. I may not necessarily agree with them but the way you explain yourself is really good.

I am with you on your opinion of TNT, it has got some absolute gems and some crappy slogs in there as well. As for Plutonia - I did a single-segment 100% run of it :D was a lot of fun despite all the dying in maps 09 and 32. Tombstone used to be a map that I disliked because of all the backtracking and different gameplay, but it has certainly grown on me. Much more enjoyable when you know where to go.

@FightingForceSoulless - 26.01.2021 00:21

Doom 2... has to be Refueling Base. The map has so many different paths and great action, it's brilliant. Doom 1, my favorite, E2M2, because of the theme, and the music.

@ajwatto9545 - 25.01.2021 07:17

Go 2 It from Plutonia is hands down my favourite map in any of classic doom it’s just solid action and great fights from beginning to end and it’s great

@kinganarkzie - 24.01.2021 18:57

"The Omen" yuck. Not a fun level to play in my opinion. I like the hit scanners on the pillars at the end but that central raising wall/door in the middle of the map is annoying to navigate and ravanent ambush was not fun.

@kinganarkzie - 24.01.2021 18:56

"The Omen" yuck. Not a fun level to play in my opinion. I like the hit scanners on the pillars at the end but that central raising wall/door in the middle of the map is annoying to navigate and ravanent ambush was not fun.

@MadhanBhavani - 24.01.2021 12:47

Are we going to forget that TNT Map31 Pharaoh cannot actually be completed due to the key missing bug?

@fool_uto3545 - 24.01.2021 09:40

The shores of hellmight be my favorite bundle of levels. And yeah, when I was 11 mnt erebus blew my mind. For some reason, when I think nostalgia doom, I think of e2m1.

@ytmndman - 23.01.2021 12:43

TIL Doom 2 is a fighting game.

@alexeyvlasenko6622 - 23.01.2021 00:00

That's funny, my favorite maps in Doom are E1M6, E2M6 and E3M6. It's almost like the developers wanted to put the best maps in the 6, 6, 6 positions.

@tvbbian - 22.01.2021 16:06

For me my favorite are
Doom : E2M6
Doom 2: MAP27
Plutonia: MAP28
I'm sorry to say but for me TNT MAP28 is one of the worst maps in TNT. Yes it may be fun to play, but I just can't appreciate that since 2/3 of the map is just copied from previous doom 2 maps and the only original part is the simplest in design.

@brimphemus - 19.01.2021 23:13

I might be wrong, maybe I should play Plutonia again but when I played it a couple months back I thought map 16 was weird because up to that point in the game it feels like you're getting your ass kicked non stop and then you reach that point and... it's still far from easy, but, we're talking about the whole second half of the game, you'd think it would be way harder than the first? Which isn't the case. Great game though, not a lot to really complain about.

@herbderbler1585 - 19.01.2021 16:27

YES! Finally some love shown towards The Living End. That was always one of my favorite maps but for some reason this and many other Doom 2 levels seems to be frequently ignored when discussing favorites. Doom 2016's classic levels are a prime example. We got the first two maps of Doom II and that's it, as though the devs assumed no one ever even finished a shareware playthrough of the game so this is all anyone remembers. Meanwhile they waste space including utterly boring Doom I levels like Slough of Despair that are only memorable because of the hand gimmick.

@iMernerner - 18.01.2021 21:40

i love the pit. killing bunch of low tier enemies with ssg is so satisfying

@jordanfellows7455 - 18.01.2021 14:24

Love Doom, the whole series are some of my favourite games ever made, for the last few months I've been playing through all of them on ultra violence, just finished Doom Eternal Ancient Gods part 1 and I've loved every minute of playing through these amazing games. P.S. that also included plutonia experiment and TNT evilution the struggle was real

@athamas1294 - 18.01.2021 01:17

I'd say that E3M6 is the worst because of the last part

@zimbo1221 - 17.01.2021 05:20

Seeing as I’ve chosen my least favorite, time to choose my favorites.
DOOM: E2M6 - Halls of the Damned. I love love love that map. The fake exit, the dark atmosphere, it’s got everything I love in DOOM.
Doom II: Map 10 - Refueling Base - honestly, I love this map. Mowing down all those hitscanners in that room with all the secrets is so cathartic, and then that Cyberdemon fight with the invulnerability is so damn fun.
TNT Evilution: This is a tough one for me because I have several favorite TNT maps, but my overall pick goes to: Map 20 - Central Processing. It’s long, it’s got several nasty traps including a big mama Spider, but I love how it feels like the tech base is merging with Hell itself. The Design gets big ups from me, and the outdoor area is such fun to explore and navigate.
The Plutonia Experiment: Damn... you really gonna make me choose my favorite map out of so many? Ok... my choice is: Map 15 - The Twilight. Such an action packed map which is so damn fun yet so annoying too. It’s one of those maps where you have to think things through otherwise, you die. A horrible death. 😂 Honorable mention for Plutonia is Map 24, because of that bloody Cyberdemon fight. 😂
