How to Rewrite Your Story At Any Age | Jack Canfield

How to Rewrite Your Story At Any Age | Jack Canfield

Jack Canfield

2 года назад

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@susanpuckett7682 - 08.07.2024 19:37

I like this and want to use it as a topic for journaling, which I have not done much, but want to start on a regular basis.

@basementdwellers5688 - 21.06.2024 16:18

Great idea. The music and the ad weren’t helpful, but the concept is helpful.

@BellaJoyeuse - 15.05.2024 21:57

I love you Jack! I have been studying from many success teachers since I was 11 and you by far are the most inspirational! Thank you for all you do! God bless you

@salibrahim6158 - 01.04.2024 15:04

Thank you Jack 🙏❤️

@ricardoribeiroseixas1508 - 18.02.2024 09:15

Good morning!! ☀️ I'm a fan! Thank you for sharing all these insights. Best regards

@mustafahusain2966 - 20.12.2023 14:04

I'm a book reader since the age of 14. I read your book. The best book I've ever read in my life.

@DanielleLavalleeWasson - 18.12.2023 16:35

Jack you are wonderful! This is such a great reminder and help me get my head out of the gutter! Thank you.

@CherieFrierson - 19.10.2023 22:49

Thanks jack! am rewriting my story with a happy ending this time

@pennymery4152 - 18.08.2023 22:07

Thank you

@FatimaCantante - 10.08.2023 05:44

Hi Jack, I read your book "The Power of Focus" back in 2003 (yes, I am old 😂) and it was the beginning of a life-changing path for me. Really happy to find you again. By the way, if you want your life to change for good, read it.

@darrensurff8554 - 24.06.2023 23:16

My new story's about hopping into a parallel body life .😊😊that is fun 😅😅😅

@Matteo-tg2vc - 10.04.2023 16:54

<<>>This is quite an interesting video with great content, thanks for sharing.....
Building a great future will require making changes to your life now. Whether having a great future to you means having a family, a high-paying job or getting into your dream school, it’s the things you do today will affect your tomorrow. You will have to plan and make deliberate changes in your life.<>>>

@anusharma8818 - 18.03.2023 23:34

Thanks, Jack for this beautiful video, I followed the same as per your suggestions provided by you, no matter how tough and challenging a situation we face, we should always believe, we are capable and can make changes in any condition and make difference.

@ChaplainMelanie - 24.02.2023 04:16

I liked what you had to say. I like your attitude. You're a "glass half full" kind of guy. We need more people like you. I think that I'm going to start listening to you. I get easily overwhelmed when things don't come to pass immediately and when that happens, I draw back and do nothing. I'm an "all-or-nothing kind of girl". I probably just need to pace myself. I need to finish writing that book. Thanks for the tips.

@kendallarielle7885 - 03.01.2023 09:33

I like your style!. #1 view provider promo sm!

@shilpadeshmukh7315 - 25.12.2022 00:37

Grateful for your guidance

@edwardzimmer - 24.12.2022 16:26

Yes time to rewrite my story. They say it’s never to late. Thank you Jesus for this message.

@isarashow.nehana - 05.12.2022 20:18

Jack,I am a great fan of yours and this is by far my favourite video of your talks.Although life s pretty tough for me, your video s give me hope and strength... giving me hope that things will work out well in the end.. Thank you once again,and continue on with your great work.God bless you JC.

@georgiafrancis9059 - 05.12.2022 03:26

I see I'm not alone remembering when you bad-mouthed President Trump.
Less than one dozen comments here and all replies were deleted.
Thanks to Biden, Democrats are dropping like flies----escept for Oprah, I hear, then laughed at who she supported! The dumb-bell in PA who couldn't recite an entire cohesive sentence got HER vote. I laughed.

@georgiafrancis9059 - 04.12.2022 22:17

So, Mr. Canfield, how can you explain the state of the country today. I really miss the 4 years of abundantance under President Trump.
Today, it cost over $100 to fill my gas tank, whereas in 2020 it cost only $30.
Let's go Brandon.

@HildaKalap - 02.12.2022 22:57

It took me a long time to focus on what I accomplished and when I did it really flipped the script - thank you for this reminder Jack

@TeriPCox - 02.12.2022 11:19

Thanks, Jack! Grateful for these helpful reminders to stay in a positive mindset and focus on/celebrate the progress being made on the path to achieving a goal.

@5sistersvodka - 02.12.2022 05:12

Thank you for all you do! Love your motivational speeches.

@SrPerez972 - 02.12.2022 02:56

Excellent reflection. Priceless. Thank you 🙏

@williampyle1005 - 01.12.2022 22:58

If we want to collaborate with you on book meditations how can we send you ideas ? Thx - Will

@catherineayotte6748 - 01.12.2022 22:55

Daily, I reformulate my story with affirmations. I have written 100 success I can re-read if needed.
Making me a more effective person... I all learn that with you Jack :), Thank you
May I suggest eating more carrots and all rainbow-colored food Jack, you're a little pale in this video... Love you dearly
There is always good to focus on...

@mohamedkaba2707 - 01.12.2022 17:12

Great lesson!

@thequintonflynn - 01.12.2022 16:43

Thanks, Jack. Good stuff. Hey how’s your son? It’s been nearly 20 years since I’ve see him and I want to wish him well. All the best, Quinton Flynn.
