Inner Critic | Plan Be

Inner Critic | Plan Be


3 месяца назад

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@Bernimv - 28.03.2024 21:54

Amazing, just realized, i started to watch your video the day you put it it out. I had to think, in deep. Then situations came up. Well this is my 4th try. And habiendo que pasar y pensar 🤦‍♀️came up to a wall abd now to chisel away or let it crumble or dust it off, now seeing i need to find the source of this blockage and go from there.

@AquaGangGang - 27.03.2024 22:18

Hi! I am so happy you created a new video! This is a great topic for this month of change and growth. Thank you ❤❤❤

@Simply.C - 25.03.2024 03:38

Before the story you ask if we have any questions we would like your perspective on or day to day life questions.

I thought the comment and questions angelofbeth, zuzanfinn and so many others posted were great. I also enjoyed reading your responses. I’d like to encourage you to use those questions for a new stories. I think the subscribers that didn’t read it would enjoy hearing what you your response and maybe you will elaborate too. Kindly, ~ Stacey

@Simply.C - 25.03.2024 03:22

I often wonder where people find free land, such as you did. It seems odd that it is so tranquil and free whereas others pay high fees to be stuffed in like sardines in a camp ground. Thank you for letting us know it was in Southern Florida and on Water Management District land closes to an equestrian facility.

@Simply.C - 25.03.2024 03:18

Beautiful story today. Thank you for going in deep and sharing with us.

@Simply.C - 25.03.2024 03:14

Imogene is on the case :).

@lindabarnes4128 - 24.03.2024 19:57

Being kind starts with ourselves and how we treat ourselves. Sometimes i get on better with myself if I lower my expectations and just let Iife happen. I enjoy your perspective and find encouragement in your observations. You are a brave traveller in our uncertain world. The only thing we can be sure of is ourselves.

@sarahpauline4904 - 24.03.2024 11:05

Sometimes I find that quiet contemplation with a tiny sidekick is just the balm for my soul. My sidekick is a little fluffier and not much bigger than yours. I'd love to hear what your pie in the sky dream experience or vacation would be.

@angelofbeth8515 - 23.03.2024 20:07

Thank you Diane for being so open. It is helpful to hear and feel how other people are experiencing the same. I feel like humanity as a whole is about to experience major shifts, and many have been talking about this as well. I sit in a privileged situation, no real worries, prepared, and I fret quietly and not so quietly, mostly with tears. Feeling so much, not wanting our adult kids or anyone to suffer in the current messed up world and in the days ahead. We hope to set out in our RV soon, but somehow we are waiting, a bit stuck, and I don't know why... waiting for clarity? I would also be interested in what you read, and your day to day routine and travel planning. My husband and I are semi retired, planning on RVing soon, and right now, waiting for work, and aware that some sort of routine is important for our mental health, ( and in lieu of a job that propels us from outside). We are experiencing the struggles of purpose...Thank you!

@zuzanfinn - 23.03.2024 18:30

Hi Diane, thank you for sharing :) I would love to hear about books you read, or your night time routine.... do you read in the evening, or watching some tv shows? tell us more :) 🧡☀ much love, zuzan

@jackdawadventures182 - 23.03.2024 06:27

Ah, our inner critic, I struggle with it daily. I wonder often why I'm living the nomad life style, even today, looking for a place to spend even an overnight, or tomorrow night. I think why am i not spending time with my family and friends in the area where I have lived most of my life? And then I remember, it's because of meeting people like you, Kindred spirits, finding the truth of life and happiness on the road. I look forward to seeing you down the road and sharing our life's stories. Be well my friend.

@barbwatkins3676 - 23.03.2024 02:40

Good morning Diane. Actually acknowledging out inner critic is the first step to self love for me. I don't believe it's a bad thing as long as it's not the dominant voice. I have no problem with a little self castigation when I'm frustrated.. it's a metaphorical kick up my own backside. It's a pressure release, clears my mind, makes me step back and try a logical approach to whatever it is that's causing me to vent. Perhaps if someone was listening - at that particular moment - they might mistake it as questioning my self worth but it's nothing like that. I know my own value but I give myself permission to "call myself out". Growing up with reactionary parents who at times tended towards physical punishment instead of stepping back and really thinking about what caused the "problem" in the first place has obviously coloured my own thought process. In many ways it's made me more cautious, probably more judgemental but it also made me self reflect and make certain decisions about my approach to certain issues like parenting and interaction with others. THAT was a positive.. ( wandering off track a little here) . My point is, I suppose, self critique is fine as long as it's not always negative, therefore when people appear to put themselves down, its not necessarily because they ACTUALLY think they're stupid or whatever - it's just a release valve. Ironically, and contrarily, having another person tell us, - again - in that moment - we're NOT ( stupid etc) can be somewhat irritating. It's wonderful to have someone as an external cheerleader but the timing has to be right. Unless a negative thought process is affecting someone's whole life, in which case we DO step in, it's okay to be a Debbie Downer sometimes. Life is balance after all. I can see in you a very deep emotional well which contains some old hurt which you are wrestling with and working on. ( hope you don't mind me being so personal and please correct me if I'm wrong). You're doing a great job Diane and I so commend you on opening yourself up to us. I personally think that is a brave thing to do. 🦋

@karenknowles1537 - 23.03.2024 02:22

You touched on it. How do we navigate meeting possible love/lust interests as older women. I have no interest to being in a committed relationship but I would like a someone even if fleeting.

@MsVintage61 - 23.03.2024 00:28

being an empath and growing up with an overly critical father I have found myself following in his footsteps, so to speak, and criticizing and judging myself and others, now that I am aware of it I've been working on changing my perspective and my story. I now realize that my Dad grew up that way and didn't know any different. love and light to you and Imogene, safe travels

@toddl3974 - 23.03.2024 00:26

Whenever I have had a complex problem or design that I was working on, I've always made the most progress on it when taking a long walk and just thinking. You mentioned that you find inspiration in walks. Which reminds me of what inspires me.

@michaelshimshak1173 - 22.03.2024 23:40

May you be free from suffering. Your words resonate with Kristen Neff, the Science of Self compassion

@galvestonrad - 22.03.2024 21:31


@maryswanson9982 - 22.03.2024 21:20

Here’s a hug from me! 🫶🏻

@HeyY.T.StopDeletingMe - 22.03.2024 20:18

yes, over the last few yrs it's become real to me that the voice(s)
in my head
(not just the words but the tones, timbre, volume & intensity of said inner speech..)
have distorted & narrowed my experience of life
to the point it seemed a constant torment, a battleground betweeen warring factions of confused impulses, half commitments to one after another hedged driving with one foot on the gas & one foot on the brake, judgement, frustration, rage, fear, despondency, etc.
watching Eckhart Tolle videos has really made a difference,
he reiterates watching the mind, the voices in the head,
paying attention, noticing the minds antics while simultaneously feeling the energy body within our bodies,
immensely helpful..
naw, not immensely helpful,
life changing.

@DonnaFlynn-VoiceBreatheAction - 22.03.2024 19:24

I loved your introduction. You took something as simple as a gate and turned it into something that I felt.
