Pro Workflow in Laravel And Sublime Text

Pro Workflow in Laravel And Sublime Text

Tuts+ Code

11 лет назад

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TruthMachine - 06.06.2016 20:44

Wow, this blew my mind. Thanks so much

Jaime Santiago Molina Orbe
Jaime Santiago Molina Orbe - 17.08.2014 16:20

Hello, excellent video.
But first the benninging. I have try to install the plugin in SublimeText2 and I haven't find a single tutorial for that.
Could you help me?

IQSDF - 13.01.2014 11:31

Does it work with Sublime 3?
after "Resource->name etc" shows "Sorry, I can't find that task."

cThief - 18.12.2013 18:19

My brain just melted. This is great.

Pedro Silva
Pedro Silva - 26.11.2013 04:11

@Xtreme Beard Programming Yeah, this is an example, Laravel is for more complex projects, if you make a project that needs to be modified but you've sold your first version to you client how you do it fast without migrations? like, ur client gives you half an hour to change their DB and have it running for them to work? and how do you easily modify the project (when its big enough) with only php and no MVC? and dont tell me eloquent ORM isnt really easy and fast to work with... for a PROJECT not a DEMO or an EXAMPLE, Laravel is freaking good.
But as you have one, my opinion.

Coding With Rhyno
Coding With Rhyno - 11.11.2013 01:43


Coding With Rhyno
Coding With Rhyno - 11.11.2013 01:43


omatsola sobotie
omatsola sobotie - 02.09.2013 13:03

just one question? how do i acquire the sublime text plugin & artisan generators for laravel 4 inorder to help me accomplish this task. Thanks

Spartan - 29.07.2013 17:42

Create 50 files to display "dog" and no one gives a shit. Say that PHP and Laraven aren't foward and everyone loses their minds.

Roshan Pal
Roshan Pal - 27.07.2013 19:07

Its actually simple. May be this is not of your level(low). Watch some beginners tuts?

Killa Fella
Killa Fella - 27.07.2013 19:03

This kid has no idea what he is talking about! Firstly, laravel is not designed to display "dog". Its just an example. You can't build a enterprise project in a screencast, so what they do is, make a simple app so we get idea how stuff works. I understand that you want us to know that you are a node.js "happy" user(not programmer?), but we don't care? we're PHP guys which is why we watch this tut. Go find some node.js tut for yourself bro.

abyshakes - 15.06.2013 21:31

Thanks jeff, this is awesome :)

Spartan - 19.03.2013 20:15

Dude, I'm not trying to offend PHP, sorry if I din't express myself in the right way.

Spartan - 19.03.2013 19:41

Sure, I strongly agree with you, I try to use MVC patterns in every project when codding with Node.js. I'm not trying to convince you to leave PHP and/or try Node.js, it's just my opinion. One time ago I was in love with PHP too, I have 8 years of PHP programming and I still remember all those happy times with PHP, but now I feels like I have been betrayed by it. Keep up your good work, I always watch your tuts when I have time :)

Spartan - 19.03.2013 19:32

And that's the problem with PHP, more and more complexity as your project grows :(

__ - 19.03.2013 12:20

Rails is not a language. Its a framework.

Spartan - 19.03.2013 03:02

Well, I'm a Node.js happy user, your tutorial is super cool but I don't like the idea of generating/modifying 10 files to show your dog's name :(

Mark LeMerise
Mark LeMerise - 18.03.2013 22:57

For all of this chatter regarding frameworks and IDEs, I'll leave this: "Just build websites." -Chris Coyier

Wilman Arambillete
Wilman Arambillete - 18.03.2013 18:55

I have not read the previous comments. Frankly, I cannot stand arguments over which framework is the best. RoR vs Laravel vs Yii vs Syfmony vs Django.. come on guys! cut the crap! You can use whatever you feel more comfortable with besides this is not the place for such arguments. Jeff's tutorials are excellent and the issue at stake here (in any case) was to show how to use laravel with Sublime Text 2. If you use Rails or you do not use Sublime Text 2, what is the point of it?

Wilman Arambillete
Wilman Arambillete - 18.03.2013 18:50

Excellent as usual! I used Yii but I find some of the laravel features pretty convincing. Thanks Jeff
