Great Rural Towns in Idaho to Retire or Buy a Home.

Great Rural Towns in Idaho to Retire or Buy a Home.

World According To Briggs

2 года назад

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Christensen Farms
Christensen Farms - 19.09.2023 08:26

The last thing we need is Californians coming to tell us Idahoans how to do things if you are going to move here don’t think you are going to change Idaho

Sloan Van Dam
Sloan Van Dam - 12.09.2023 17:57

The whole key to this equation is to create a middle class in Mexico, then turn California into a red state. California would see a net migration of Mexican nationals and transplants would return there. This would alleviate the upward pressure of home prices in places like Idaho.

Will By Gosh !!
Will By Gosh !! - 09.09.2023 03:38

Californians might want to check out West Virginia along with Idaho,the real estate prices and property taxes in West Virginia are among the lowest in the US.

blackout - 08.09.2023 08:35

This area is all maga trump country. Nobody from anywhere else is going to be happy. Everything here is overpriced for the trash you'll get.

Richard Elder
Richard Elder - 02.09.2023 16:20

Get your facts straight!
I live in Driggs Idaho. Ran across a friend last week who has worked for the Chamber of Commerce for the last 12 years. He volunteered that the income required to get a loan for a new home in Driggs is 220 K per year now. Makes sense. The starting point for a town house in the Tributary golf course you mentioned is 2.3 million. There are five golf courses in thee Valley, not one. The business jet airport (which is within the city limits) has built at least 30 new hangers in the past five years. The nearby ski area built for the local kids now has 5 lifts and pay parking lots that fill up an hour before starting time.

But it's cheap to the Californicators. Across the Pass in Jackson Hole monthly rentals are $5,500 per month and the median house price is 6.7 million. That is not for a Mansion, but for a 30 year old tract house on a small city lot.

I'm leaving--- not just the Teton Valley but the US. (Se habla espanoI) Just rented a new house in Ecuador. Four acres in the mountains. Frontage on a small river. Wonderful mountain view. Far nicer than the $5,500 Jackson hole rental. ---$490 per month. or $390 for a year lease. Produce is all organic. More variety than here and about 1/3 the cost.

There is poverty in Ecuador, but nobody lives in a tent under a freeway and shits on the sidewalk like in Seattle.

Helm - 30.08.2023 06:56

Don't want to move there, although you do have a beautiful state. May someday visit. My brother lives in Elk City. I would love to see a video of Elk City.

C Nil
C Nil - 23.08.2023 05:52

Stop moving to Idaho!!! WE are not ready for YOU!

Jessa - 17.08.2023 22:58

I want to move here. We’re a conservative young family just trying to find our place of peace in a quiet, rural fixer upper homestead. I want to produce, not consume.

CrismaFire - 11.08.2023 08:38

Would think Healthcare would be close to the bottom of the list as far as importance. I am 63 probably will never need it

Jon White
Jon White - 10.08.2023 13:49

Idaho is FULL. just pass through.

A A - 31.07.2023 07:50

Californians F everything up

Xavier Quinonez
Xavier Quinonez - 21.07.2023 02:32

If I move to another state and someone ever tells me that they don’t like people from California moving there, I’d just say “it’s all good; I’m Native American so I kind of get it.” 😂

Rjh - 21.07.2023 00:43

Over inflated prices 👎

Chris Shelp
Chris Shelp - 19.07.2023 00:07

Never mentioned towns like Notus, Parma, Middleton, etc. Idaho City is in Ada County & is still the county seat even though courthouses, etc., are all in Boise.
I'm very disappointed in the fact that you only highlighted Southeastern Idaho towns. There more than that in this State. You really need to do better research.

TO ALL OUT-OF-STATE PEOPLE: If you're planning on relocating to Idaho-DON'T! We don't want you here. We have enough problems with Californians trying to change our State into another California. BTW, THIS ALSO GOES FOR PEOPLE ON THE EAST COAST.

Paula Galloway
Paula Galloway - 06.07.2023 01:11

Idaho was a cool place to live-now the people are CRAZY right wingers-I'm from Twin Falls-I know what I'm talking about

GriffinsNest - 04.07.2023 05:43

Why would anybody take your advice on where to live you can't even get North East and Northwest correct talking about Idaho City.

cindy HSK
cindy HSK - 03.07.2023 04:52

Why are you trying to destroy IDAHO? PLEASE STOP! But there aren't that many hospitals. I know! Idaho is my HOMETOWN.

Bill Clark
Bill Clark - 27.06.2023 22:19

Not a good place to be 18 and pregnant. Not a good place to be a person of color. Not a good place to educate your kids. Not a good place to be non-Christian. Not a good place if you care about the environment (or at least environmental regulation).
A good place to shoot guns, and drive trucks.

Cheshire - 14.06.2023 18:37

You could update this series of videos, since now we have starlink and lack internet of service isn't really a problem for small towns anymore.

George Washington
George Washington - 07.06.2023 13:53

These places North of AZ and NM are brutal in the winter. Great to visit in the summer, living there year round is a hard pass…especially for retirees.

lukeslc - 07.06.2023 01:07

Driggs is not what it used to be. Too many out of state people moving in.

lukeslc - 07.06.2023 01:02

St. Anthony?? Really????

JD C - 07.05.2023 10:56

I'm sick of seeing videos from a55holes telling other a55holes they should move to Idaho........ Gtfo

Patrick Threewit
Patrick Threewit - 25.04.2023 05:34

Growth areas in Idaho all have an interstate nearby. Our local papers tell us that there is one region of the 5 or 6 that has the least growth. I just paid a year ahead on property taxes on my 11 acres with home, power, phone, creek, semi-flat land, and trees--Taxes sky high at $475/year. Robbery!!! Happy Searching!

Ron Storey
Ron Storey - 24.04.2023 15:08

Why is the price of just trying to live an buy just a small piece of heaven cost so damn much? Answer me that

Al Kunz
Al Kunz - 05.04.2023 06:38

St Anthony is between Island Park and Rexburg with Idaho Falls beyond that, but you gave Rexburg as the town for hospital and such for Island Park, but made it sound as though you'd have to go to Idaho Falls for the same from St Anthony when Rexburg (much closer) would work as well.

buddyduddyful - 23.03.2023 19:50

The reason crime rates are low in these towns is because of most of these communities have not been white erased yet. As well as they are Christians with a large LDS population.

Nada 7.0
Nada 7.0 - 23.03.2023 10:30

This narrator obviously knows not of what he speaks! He conveniently left out the very harsh winters experienced in Idaho, and the fact that in the rural towns there is virtually no shopping, and the very high prices in the little shopping they do have. For instance from Salmon you will have to travel 1&2/2 hours north to Missoula, Montana, or as the narrator stated for health care 2&1/2 hours south to Idaho Falls, majority of which is narrow 2 lane state highway.

AnalogMan - 15.03.2023 00:35

My son lives in Driggs. Very thin air and a brutal climate. Scenic beyond belief, though.

Facke Yutub-emael
Facke Yutub-emael - 08.03.2023 06:05

I need a homestead. Please

Norm - 06.03.2023 03:09

What kind of fish do they have in Salmon?

Cher Collins  ...Cher's Magickal Mind
Cher Collins ...Cher's Magickal Mind - 05.03.2023 15:53

But it IS so [email protected] Cold! I'm absolutely thinking about selling it to move to Island Park/Yellowstone for the HEAT.. Yes.. Lived here my entire life and it doesn't change anything

Megan McLaughlin
Megan McLaughlin - 24.02.2023 21:01

During so called pandemic idaho people did not wear masks or vaccinate. Good people. Strong people here.

The NorthWest Hunter
The NorthWest Hunter - 17.02.2023 21:38

2 hours away from Idaho falls is nothing. I can vouch for this city they have amazing doctors namely Dr. Pertula amongst several, state-of-the-art dental facilities with the best most advanced equipment and vascular surgeons that are amazing. I live there for almost 3 years and had a great time. Winters in this whole area are brutal nevertheless so be aware of that. Is a mainly Mormon area but they are great people to hang out with and very welcoming. They will try to convert you but they're not pushy like Protestants and far less judgmental. As far as California's, yes this is very true, they bring their wokism in pronouns and no normal American wants that shit not to mention their rude driving habits. Truth be said, that this is only probably half of California the rest are probably normal American hardworking people. Lastly, the women are absolutely gorgeous they put to shame all those dingbats from the West Coast. 🦠

In 20xx Futurism
In 20xx Futurism - 14.02.2023 00:43

Your videos are always top quality!

Gustavo Vazquez
Gustavo Vazquez - 12.02.2023 23:35


Jake Chatterton
Jake Chatterton - 09.02.2023 23:31

All these places are cold AF just FYI for Californians!

Hayden Black
Hayden Black - 31.01.2023 15:41

You guys don’t have it as bad as Montana though lol every city slicker and their brother thinks their a damn cowboy because they watched a TV show and blew up Montana’s population

sam iamdj
sam iamdj - 28.01.2023 08:42

Idaho is a right to carry state. Huge disincentive to committing crimes.

Spank Duncan 111
Spank Duncan 111 - 26.01.2023 23:24

There's a movement in eastern Oregon to become part of Idaho. Idaho, do you want it?

Walter Pierce
Walter Pierce - 25.01.2023 21:03

I would never live in Idaho.
End of story.
The state is full of right wing Republicans and Mormons.

Al Christensen
Al Christensen - 24.01.2023 01:53

When I think of Salmon ID I think of the delicious raspberry-chipotle jam I discovered in a grocery there. Also a free camping spot by the river with an amazing fish mural painted inside the vault toilet.

Atypical Motorcycle
Atypical Motorcycle - 23.01.2023 19:53

How can you feature Drigs and not mention or show "Old Murphy"

Korey - 12.01.2023 17:06

nooooo not driggs! that cant be #1 lol my dad moved there from southern CA in 2005 and at the time it was the worst place ever i was last there in was better but its still driggs.

Rz Z
Rz Z - 12.01.2023 09:25

Do they have potatoes? I luv starch . 😮

Its_Never_Sunny_in_seattle - 07.01.2023 23:54


The Conductor
The Conductor - 07.01.2023 07:35

Luckily junkies cant handle cold weather with their pants hanging to there knees. That and the inability to properly aim a firearm they wouldn't last.

Liam Cash
Liam Cash - 31.12.2022 19:31

Back off of Idaho. People from CA and Vancouver are already ruining WA because of stupid, greedy people. Don't pollute ID with your bs.

Amber West
Amber West - 27.12.2022 08:25

Can you do more recent videos on idaho?

Gowithgusto - 25.12.2022 18:33

Don’t bring your lousy political views
Leave them in California
