Registering a domain name with

Registering a domain name with


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This video will look at the process of registering a domain name with the domain registrar The video not only looks at how to register a domain name, but it also looks at the DNS components on the internet that make the whole process work.

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Information about top level domains are kept on trusted DNS servers on the internet. Top level domains are domains like .com, .edu and .au. With the expanding internet, certain trusted domain name registering companies have the ability to make changes to the DNS server holding these top level domains. When a domain name is registered, the DNS registrar has the ability to make changes to these top level domain servers on your behalf. If you have registered the domain name, the DNS records for this domain name will need to be stored somewhere. Typically the DNS zone records will be stored on DNS servers that are owned by the DNS registrar. In the zone file the user can add DNS records like the location of their web server or e-mail server. In a lot of cases, the domain registrar will be able to provide these services. When this occurs, the DNS registrar will automatically update the DNS records on their DNS server so they point to their services. In some cases, the user may have their own DNS servers and want to host the DNS zone files on these servers. If this is the case, the DNS zone can be created or moved on a different DNS server. Remember that there must always be at least 2 DNS servers hosting the DNS zone at any one time. In order to do this, the registrar will make changes to the top level DNS server hosting the .com zone to indicate a different DNS server is holding the zone. These changes can take 24 to 48 hours to complete.

Demonstration registering a domain name
1) To register a domain name, open the web site Enter in the domain name that you want to register and GoDaddy will perform a check to make sure that domain name is available to be registered.
2) If the domain name that you wish to register has already been registered, GoDaddy will show some alternative domain names that are available. In some cases, some domain names will be listed for auction. These have already been registered, however you can buy them from the owner.
3) When you find a domain name that you want to register, you next need to add it your cart. When this happens, you will also get some additional options, listed below.
Domain only: This will register only the domain name and is the cheapest option.
Privacy Protection: This will prevent someone from reading who the domain name is registered to. If they attempt to read who the domain name is registered to they will be given the details of the registrar instead. The person will need to go through the registrar in order to contact the person who registered the domain name.
Privacy and Business Protection: This gives the domain name additional protection. For example, when the domain name expires that domain will not be available to be registered for another year. This also gives you the privacy option given with the option Privacy Protection.
4) Once you have the domain or domain names that you want to register you can select the check out option. In the case of GoDaddy, it will then give you the option to add additional packages. For example, you can add additional web hosting or e-mail. The advantage of using their web hosting or e-mail is that DNS will automatically be updated to point to these services. If you use services like these on different severs, you will need to manually modify the DNS records on the DNS servers to point to the servers that are holding these services.
5) The next screen you can configured how long you want to register the domain name for. There is also an option for a promo code. If you have one of these codes you can enter it in here and get the domain name for less money. Once you are happy with your choices, select the option to proceed to check out.
6) The next screen you will need to login with your GoDaddy username and password. If you are not already registered, you will need to register with GoDaddy before you will be able to register the domain name. If you register as a new user, you will need to enter in a pin. It is important to remember what this pin is as GoDaddy support will ask for this pin.

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"Internet Assigned Numbers Authority"


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Hema - 23.05.2020 15:14

When I entered my domian name and click search nothing is displayed on the screen what can I do now

Marsha W
Marsha W - 19.02.2020 22:09

Confusing!!! Your not explaining the terminology your using for exmple.... what is a DNS servers ?? NON Go Daddy domain servers? What would be the reason for changing it?

Arumugam - 23.11.2019 23:32

Never take any service from godaddy. Their service is worst among all the hosting service providers. In TV Mahendrasingh dhoni appears and gives arvertisements for godaddy. Thinking that it is a good service I migrated to godaddy and I took costly hosting plan. Few months passed without any problem.

My wesite got one word press website and one phpbb forum. The forum got lot of project related PDF attachments in files folder. Only less then 10 associates access the wesite from chennai India. No other visitors and no other users of the attachments.

All of the sudden I got email saying that I need to remove files folder. Without that folder my wesite is useless and I can not run any project as my associates can not see any attachments. So I could not delete the folder.

1. Yesterday my website got suspended.
2. Now I need to delete files folder to get back my account.
3. Called customer support and asked for FTP access. Made 4 calls to customer support and waited for more then 5 hours to get FTP access. Each and every time the customer support guy thinks that the customer is a small kid and he needs to teach everything to the customer. I clearly said I am a Director(IT) and got more then 40 years experience in IT. Still the customer support guys spend enough time to talk useless stuff without understanding what I need.
They took lot of time to finish their pre-scripted useless talk and started asking what the customer needs.
4. Now I need to take backup and delete the files folder. I started downloading files content to my local system (local copy).
5. My FTP access stopped after few minutes.
6. Again I called customer support and got FTP access after 1 hour.
7. Initiated download again. Again my FTP access is denied after few min.
8. This process went on and I took FTP access 12 times for downloading some 6 GB files
9. I deleted all the folders and big files.
10.Called customer support and asked then to re-enable my account.
11.Customer support guys said I did not delete all the folders. I sent screenshots to their email IDs and proved that the folders are deleted. The customer support guys said they talked with US guys and US guys said that those folders are not deleted yet and need to be deleted. I asked them to share the screenshots showing that the folders are still present. Customer support guys refused to share screenshot and kep on asking me to delete the folders what I deleted already.
12. I started shouting the customer support guys in all bad words.
13. The team leader joined the call again and again the same story went of for 4 hours.
14. Finally I asked them to share the escalation email IDs so that I can escalate further.
15. All of the sudden the customer support guys started pointing other small files and folders and asked me to delete. They just want to pass some time it seems. I took local backup and deleted all the folders.
16. I got some 10 emails asking about the quality of the customer support. I gave worst rating as I am already getting worst customer support and worst technical support.
17. Finally I asked the customer support guys to delete any file/folder which they feel and re-activate my account.They refused.
18. Finally I said. Enough is enough. I just need CPanel access so that I can migrate to some other good hosting provider.
19. Again the customer support guys started blah blah and took lot of time and did nothing.
20. After some 3 hours I got CPanel access now.
21. I was told to re-check my account again and to delete the files if there any. Otherwise my website will be suspended after 3 hours.
22. I did not delete any files/folders as I already deleted them to get back my account.
23. Now my account is active. PHPBB forum is totally useless without attachments.
24. I am taking full backup and signed for a hosting account in another good service provider.
25. I need to migrate everything to the new hosting account within this three hours as I don't know what will happen after 3 hours.

I faced hell of problems with godaddy customer support in this small issue. I did not write all here as already it is too much now.

Godaddy is worst company and only run by advertisement otherwise it will be closed as soon as possible.

Godaddy staff are illiterate, You will get frustrated.


Resin Art 20
Resin Art 20 - 10.10.2019 23:15

when i click onthe domain name i want its a blank pink screen, what does that mean? like its not a website

viki Viki
viki Viki - 04.09.2018 14:20

i watched whole thing its was so good and thanks lot

𝐿𝑒𝑒𝑎𝑛𝑖🩶 - 01.09.2018 05:36


Raja Tiwari
Raja Tiwari - 25.05.2018 13:07

Sir, Why you are saying for GoDaddy instead they provide services costly, There are others domain provider like RedServersHost you should suggest them.

CHN - 01.04.2018 05:06

Go Daddy are squatters and will always be!

Brillo Pad
Brillo Pad - 05.03.2018 00:35

If you want to buried in SPAM use GODADDY. Nearly all of the SPAM domains I receive are registered with Godaddy. Are they selling your email address? AND THEY REFUSE TO DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT. Every time I receive SPAM for a domain registered by Godaddy, I will post this message.

Brillo Pad
Brillo Pad - 27.02.2018 21:47

If you want to buried in SPAM use GODADDY. Nearly all of the SPAM domains I receive are registered with Godaddy. Are they selling your email address? AND THEY REFUSE TO DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT.

Felix Mintah
Felix Mintah - 20.02.2018 10:34

ITFreeTraining is the biggest source of free videos. Thank you guys for the great effort you put in sharing your knowledge.

Sakura Yamamoto
Sakura Yamamoto - 06.12.2017 04:44

Crystal clear demo & explanation. Kudos!

business friends
business friends - 27.09.2017 16:50

Shar me on laen website banana chahatahu

How to Tutorial
How to Tutorial - 17.05.2017 21:48

Very helpful videos. Thanks.

Omiros Pavlou
Omiros Pavlou - 15.03.2017 23:56

I got soooo confused.

yekolotemari - 11.03.2017 20:01

Is there a way to do backup/restore of DNS info only (on AD)? Is there a way to make changes from the zone files without using the AD DNS mgt tool? Great playlist!

raintelefilm - 08.03.2017 09:07

SIR, while I followed -- in the payment option no "paypal".I need to pay via paypal. I got no credit cards.
