Perfect Outward Builds Thanos Rainbow Hexer

Perfect Outward Builds Thanos Rainbow Hexer


3 года назад

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@ethanthomas1148 - 22.10.2023 12:00

Cerulean actually only takes 5 and with wind infuse even better

@ntenzo503 - 15.10.2023 04:05

Does this still work???

@beachgirlbella4825 - 27.07.2023 08:30

Recently just started a new chatacter with a distorted experiment legacy. I absolutely love it. I havent even got any hex skills yet but i killed a wendigo on day 20. I kill bandits in 1 hit, and emptied vendavel on day 25. If that sounds underwhelming its only bcs im bad at the game. I love this chakram. Please get it

@Mr.Icampinstuff - 25.04.2023 01:10

Is there anyone that has the arena? I'm having very bad luck with finding the samples. I'm on ps5

@ForwardTap - 17.06.2022 05:39

I know it’s been a year but I just got the definitive edition and I’m wondering what the glowing armor you’re wearing is cslled

@MrEnigma3351 - 08.06.2022 13:13

So ive been working on a build damn near identical and im currently using the Rust Lich Armor (full set), Chimera Pistol for the elemental vuln, and have been debating between Radiant Wolf sword, Scepter of the Cruel Priest, or Saber w/ Rainbow for the main hand, and focus swapping to the Distorted Experiment for some BIG damages. I really like the thought of Scepter for another 13% increase as well as getting corruption built up to get the extra 50% from the build-up and seeing how the damage stacks out.

@richardclark7990 - 06.06.2022 00:32

after building and playing this build for awhile and following this guide, i think i have decided (for me personally) that i would have preferred to drop the breakthrough on the Shaman and instead use it on the Hunter for bow skills or speedster for cooldown reductions. ill explain my experience and thoughts on gear below.

i went 80 mana i feel that is a pretty good sweet spot.
everything on the hex mage skill tree is good to grab and is awesome, i was at first on the fence about Nightmare, but its actually fantastic.

i think Philosopher is fantastic on this build. Despite this guide i found myself using Jinx alot. like A TON. its a great way to pick off someone in a group before going in. as the comments mention its very hard to deal with a group of things. so magic is being used a good amount for me in jinx before a fight. so having the mana regen is pretty clutch. which naturally brings you down chakrams.

frozen chakram is killer, it absolutely shreds.. when you can use it.. i feel a huge hit to this build is how chakrams work all together. without the Focus boon they are worthless. and the main issue is they only last half the boon, then you are stuck with a 250 second cool down time before you can use them again. in a dungeon or even walking around this can fuck you pretty hard. you either have to speed run the dungeon or wait for it to cool down or just move on without it and use jinx to pick people off. i mean its a 4 minute cool down, its huge. 4 minutes is not enough time to complete a dungeon, but 8 minutes kind of sounds right if you are going at a fast pace. So half the time you dont have it. but when you do have it its fantastic. the chakram straight carried me through the rust lich fight with the mobs he sends out.

so that leads me into needing a shield, because shields are fantastic in this game, and dodging a group of dudes with no chakram up with no shield is a death sentence. so i used a shield the entire game. works well with snaps also cuz you can block a string then snap, as when you run away they can close the gap and hit you during a snap, which hurts.

as far as gear, i geared up at the start of the game with all the starter crap, sword and shield and basic armor, picked up the basic skills from spell blade and got magic and picked up skills from the people who want 50 silver and also got shaman skills. from there i went to hallowed marsh where i got ash armor and lich sword and shield and philo skills. from there i went to the antique plateau and got hex mage stuff and switched out armor for antique plateau set which i think its fantastic for this build. i made galvanic shield and horror sword and and high rolled into getting frozen chakram while just exploring. from there i got stuff to enchant. enchanted my lantern with angel light and went through the extensive process of making the hex sword, which is absolutely amazing for this. i think you could basically stop gear here if you wanted. this armor (with economy is what i did, but i think Aegis can be good too for tankiness), your fav shield, frozen chakram with chakram skills and hex sword are very good, and can probably carry you fairly well though the whole game. philosopher, hex mage and shaman for wind buff with this gear is solid, as you really need to land your shots with the sword QUICK. like that hex hit counter drops off a hit within seconds. so that can be tough to manage. but the sword, and jinx can get the job done on basically anything. espically if you grab the bow skill to lock on stuff further to jinx further. i also enchanted the elite desert tunic with Spirit of Levant and elite desert hood with inner cool so i can be in the desert and volcano with warm boon. but here is where things get tricky. becoming totally busted OP.

Rust lich armor is super good for the snaps, like probably the best out there. someone below mentioned some mismatched gear which also could be good, and might be a sleeper for this, but i did not test this out. rust lich armor completely pops off your snaps by a crazy amount. but makes your sword a gross wet noodle that is only good for getting people sick with hexes. this can be a big problem as you can get something close to death, but cant finish it with the sword. so you are pushed back to snapping if you cant use chakram (or dont want to cuz the cool down is awful) which means you have to cast jinx and snap. which doesnt seem like alot, but can be all the time something needs to at least land a hit on you and drain your resources. or just kill you. so now you have to change everything for rust lich armor. i put Aegis enchantments on the armor for more protection cuz youll need it.

experimental chakram becomes a must now, and is pretty strong especially with boons active. but you are still in the cool down situation which, mixed with rust lich armor negatives, can leave you desperate for a quick way to finish something off during a fight. completing the levant factions is huge, cuz it makes snaps better, and makes your sword do very very weak pokes, but can sometimes be enough to finish someone off, but if you want to go for the totally busted build, you need Brains passive, which puts you right back into wet noodle land with your sword. so now i am back to "how do you fix this?"

well i have some thoughts. as the rust lich armors damage for snaps is so good, i dont want to give it up. so i looked into how to fix this and i have two ideas.
first, i think shamanic skill tree could be dropped, the extra damage on boons are great, but alot of the times you wont have those active (if you want to keep them active all the time i suggest going 100 mana) so the damage at this point is like okay i can take the loss i guess. and losing the infused wind sucks, but you can proc that hex without it, the things you cant proc the hex on or usually super nimble things that dodge backwards every time you hit it, and you can start doing the light heavy combo to close that gap, and big things you can tank alot of the time with the shield, get the hexes off and start snapping.
so what instead?
i think you can first look at speedster. You’re basically just going for cool down, probe and prime. Getting chakrams back online is not really relevant, it's only reduced by 25 seconds, and out of a pool of 250 its like meh? it is good with snaps though. jinx and pain and rupture can be pulled off quicker, and when you can hit those quicker groups become less of a problem, and its just over all pretty good. The 2 seconds it shaves off of each of those 3 skills is super relevant. Also getting alertness up to level 2 will let you hit Prime, which will let you use torture twice, which is some pretty gross damage. Can’t use rupture twice though since the first one will consume the hexes. Also the extra sprinting speed will help with getting far enough way to snap safely, and anytime you have alertness from probe you can tank a little extra damage the next time you are hit. I think this tree works really with hex mage.
next i think is the super sleeper pick. Wild Hunter. now that we are OP on snaps and missing poke to finish stuff off, this is our answer, and great one. you make Astral Bow, which is all elemental damage and no physical, now boosted by 90 percent through lich armor plus the bonuses from levant faction passive and mind, this thing claps. like basically can be its own build. luckily for me, Evasive Shot does not need a breakthrough point, and is all you need to finish someone off after a rupture snap doesnt kill, or quickly run backwards after a rupture and pop a quick shot off. this has mostly solved all my problems for finishing people off. i think it could possible be better than chakram, but as i still have problems with multiple people, i need the chakram. BUT, if you decided instead of shaman tree (or philosopher tree if you really dont care about managing your magic regen or chakram dance which kinda sucks with its cooldown being so high) to use Hunter, you now get Pierce Shot. and i believe with the Astral Bow, all your problems with groups of people are now solved. the bow and bow skills make quick work of them, and i imagine pierce shot is like chakram pierce but with better range (30 second cooldown though, but with evasive shot and piercing shot you can stagger the cool downs). the only down side side from not having shaman (aside from missing wind infusion) is making room for arrows and hot bar choices. Also, the longer target lock skill works fantastic with Jinx as you can cast Jinx as far away as you possible can be while locked on. I think this should be used right out of the gate with a cheap, light bow until you get astral. i think chakram is still king at groups, but having a bow in this mix solves all the down time chakram problems, especially with pierce shot, and also compliments the OP build very well.

and those are my thoughts! if you mixed matched armor instead of rust lich and get similar numbers, i think that is a good answer too since your sword will actually hit things and kill them. but i think if you didn’t focus snaps with speedster Astral Bow with rust lich gear along with a shield and hex sword is extremely powerful. Experimental chakram is very good as well, but with the disgusting cooldown time with chakrams, it becomes alot less better and more situational, which sucks that its that way.

if i were to do this again i honestly think i would replace Shaman breakthrough with Hunter breakthrough.

@JawBr - 25.05.2022 10:52

This build seems to work perfectly in DE, since I used speedster I never had fun with other builds but this one it's a lot a fun

@Mustang1984 - 11.04.2022 00:50

What glowing armor is that? Or was that from an enchant? Was waiting for you to say through the armor portion but ofc you didn't :P

@symonking1346 - 12.02.2022 08:36

How much mana should I take tho?

@mikaelmelendez1903 - 23.01.2022 23:09

What is that blue glowing armor you're wearing? It looks cool

@lugartan3418 - 15.01.2022 01:52

intro music name?????

@Batzoid - 30.12.2021 23:25

I didn't come for thanos.
I came for deep space 9

@resistyranny_0992 - 13.12.2021 17:31

Thanks for this guide brother, you set me on the right path to make my favorite build. Check it out y'all.

Breakthrough points:
cabal hermit, hex mage, primal ritualist.

I use astral sword that applies curse and haunted (and pain with puncture) also use probe to get confusion.
Kazite chakram with enchant that does chilled and scorched, swap to frozen chakram for big enemies to apply elemental vulnerability first.

Rainbow hex on sabre is nice but you have to hit 5-6 times to cause hexes, astral sword swings faster and only takes 2-3 hits.

Antique plate helm with economy enchant
Half-plate armor with spirit of cierzo
Antique plate boots with economy.

This armor gives good bonus to fire and frost damage, small bonus to ethereal. Fire and frost is my main damages from chakram and astral sword does fire damage as well. Also this set has good stamina and Mana reduction with enchants. Decent protection and looks pretty good lol. I'll sleep in a totemic fire lodge for more fire damage bonus. 🔥

You could get more damage with white priest miter, antique plate garb and Scarlet boots at the cost of no Mana reduction.

I'll lay down the ritualist drums for tough fights. And to heal up afterwards. But for smaller stuff I just use chakram and my sword to apply like 6 hexes. 5 with just a few swings and a couple chakram skills. Probe is nice cause you don't need breakthrough point, takes three hits to apply confusion. Although the bonus fire damage and Mana regen would be nice from philosopher tree, I feel you don't need the third chakram skill or Mana regen cause I'm always very tired. Infuse wind makes astral sword swing ridiculously fast.

I love this build bro and this guide got me all started, thanks man.

@Malgana - 09.12.2021 16:42

Couldn't you use the weapon master "The Technique" skill to immediately apply all of the hexes? or do weapon skills not apply the on hits? seems like the stam burn would be a small price to pay for immediately applying a full stack and would make short work of a lot of bosses.

@Kyle455645 - 07.12.2021 04:50

Total Mana recommendation?

@ZeroJ - 07.11.2021 21:54

The angler sheild applies a 40% elemental damage debuff

@TheSnake-jt3yi - 01.11.2021 00:14

"Perfectly unbalanced, as all things should be,"

@ruzuken4855 - 27.10.2021 21:46

How much mana should I have?

@kilivanjg2813 - 26.07.2021 08:15

Hey man! Great video, very well made and well explained and dictated.

@jaredmh90 - 25.07.2021 21:53

Question, when using rainbow hex saber, would the hex’s still be applied while using the skill probe from the speedster skill line?

@bigvinweasel1050 - 16.07.2021 19:19

I tried this build but instead of using shaman I used rune magic instead with internalize lexicom for more defense and a self heal. Thoughts on the loss of the speed?

@bigvinweasel1050 - 13.07.2021 00:06

What armor do you use?

@jeffpellet1916 - 29.06.2021 06:31

Love this...but The damn Chakram skills need discipline. Isn't this a major pain? How do you get discipline in fights to even use you Chakram skills?

@logicalchaos5274 - 18.06.2021 22:44

Not sure how willing some people are to miss match armor sets. However after crunching some numbers the priest miter,copal/green copal chest with tenebrous boots give very good defense with an increase to all elemental damage that can be increased further with a few enchantments.
I have started this build and am working on getting these armor pieces now.

@Matrix-sc5vt - 07.06.2021 08:22

This build is amazing, only build I have ever tried that doesn’t feel like Hex mage is the only thing your gonna be using 99 percent of the time, and genuinely fun

@zarroph5122 - 21.05.2021 14:35

This guide is amazing. I really appreciate you uploading this. I just started playing about a week ago. I have all the DLC but I'm a new player. Is there anyway you could include a general order of what to do from a fresh start? Thank you for your time!

@jfeld-gp2qe - 12.05.2021 02:15

Steel Sabre -Rainbow Hex Enchant
Distorted Experiment Chakram (For aoe and highest dps)
Fabulous Paladium Shield (For tankiness)
Frozen Chakram is good starting Chakram (Caravaneer random chance)
Armor is personal preference

Cabal Hermit
Hex Mage (+Lockwells Revalation)
(Philosopher if planning on using Chakrams) Otherwise personal preference


Arena Passive (Brains)
Shimmer Potions
Alchemist/Chef Buildings in Created town to help make shimmer pots
80-100 Mana if using Chakrams,otherwise 60-80.

~Just leaving this here for myself, and anyone who needs a quick reference~

@TwizslurD - 23.04.2021 20:54

Have my own version of this that uses the palladium knuckles. Kind of your stereotypical old monk with mastery over mind and body.
Uses Cabal Hermit (same skills as video), Hex Mage (same as video) and philosopher breakthroughs (play on console so no Brothers skills available 🥺). Most or all 7 boons active. Tired or very tired for damage (plus a master of mind and body doesn't need sleep anyway). All 5 hex skills, torment, rupture, and prismatic flurry are the main hotkey skills.
- use a few or all boons depending on the enemy. (Recommend at least Blessed and Mist for synergy with Doom and Haunt when debuffing the enemy, and rage for extra impact)
- open fight with standard attack, or prismatic flurry if a tanky enemy. (Palladium knuckles will proc elemental vulnerability in 2 hits, 60% buildup, meaning a single standard attack will proc.)
- apply doom and haunt hex to enemy, followed by torment to proc sapped and weaken.
- apply remaining hexes and use torment again.
- continue to use prismatic flurry and torment as needed.
- Five Point Palm Exploding Heart technique = Rupture, for the big finish.

Alternatively you can still, somewhat, use the build in this video with this setup as well (minus any three brothers content of course). I think the palladium knuckles would work better in combo with a rainbow hex saber on this specific setup to make up for the loss of damage loss. Hotkey the knuckles and saber. Apply boons and open the fightwith prismatic flurry, swap to saber and apply rainbow hex while the enemy is getting staggered by prismatic flurry, which hits 6 times with all elemental boons active. If you need a little more opening for the saber use mana push. Then begin the torment/rupture cycle, with prismatic flurry for extra damage and stunlock.

@philllllllll - 22.04.2021 23:03

I haven't played the three brothers DLC yet, but I like the idea of mixing a rainbow sabre with a chimera pistol with scrap ammo in the offhand. Gets an extra explosion from rupture and inflicts elemental vulnerability which is nice. What's REALLY tempting is the astral pistol (it has passive buffs to two elements I think?) combined with a DLC enchantment to also give it +5% cold damage, that's +5% to three different elements.

Now I'm hesitating between wind infusion and wind sigil.

With the sigil I could drop down the sigil, shoot with chimera pistol to inflict pain and elemental vulnerability, switch to astral pistol, then swing > rupture. With the option for a nice chunky lightning bullet if needed.

Ugh. My brain is melting.

How does the build sound to you? What would the three brothers DLC bring to that build I don't know about?

@matthewkwong3365 - 17.04.2021 18:19

The main issue is this build is having big trouble dealing with multiple enemies. Like the 3 elite ash giants.

@untitled8027 - 29.03.2021 05:03

How much mana did you get?

@YaBetterHide - 15.03.2021 18:56

Very informative! Would've loved to see what armor you are using because im a new player.

@jroqz2441 - 13.03.2021 16:20

do you have shield at mace combo and bow? pleaseee

@jroqz2441 - 13.03.2021 16:15

woow wtf

@kurisu1204 - 12.03.2021 00:37

Soooo which armor set do you use in the end?

@cvrator - 06.02.2021 06:52

That F bomb was perfect.

@thunderfight12 - 04.02.2021 04:44

So why not just hog wild and switch to the astral bow for added 10% damage boost on every snap, it's a safer option than the scarlet set, and it's almost free damage

@UmbraDiSol - 29.01.2021 06:39

By neglecting pain infliction and physical damage, you miss out on up 50+ extra damage. You can use the single sword skill to inflict it and still apply rainbow buildup. The Technique is also apparently really worthwhile, letting you hit 6 times with a skill.

I'd also posit that antique plate or tenebrous set, both enchanted, complete this set better than something like, say, rust lich (not that you said anything about that specifically).

Levant bonus also grants an extra 15% physical damage buff from 3B dlc. I don't know much else about it, but it just goes towards stacking towards pain rupture damage

@seandoherty8858 - 24.01.2021 06:50

I am now making a black Thanos in outward

@MrArthoz - 17.01.2021 10:46

Thanks for the build. I use hex-mercenary-hermit combination including all other basic upgrade though haven't the Levant and Brainy bonus yet. Sidearm at the moment: cannon, 2x obsidian and bone pistol...still trying to get a chimera pistol. I use PC version so with some mods at the moment use about 12 quickslot but that was just for quality of life. 8 slots is enough. For 8 slot combination: 3 for pistol swap (best Chimera, Obsidian, Cannon...since rainbow hex already cover the Bone haunted hex), the rest for Blood Bullet, Scatter Bullet, Fire & Reload, Torment and Rupture. Using the backpack drop method you can even extend up to 6 pistols swap.

On a side note, tried The Technique (TT) in debug mode and in my humble opinion, Infuse Wind (IW) is better for a few reasons:
1. TT can miss and you will end up with stamina burned and have to make up more hits for the rainbow hex.
2. TT only one hit use while IW gives a good duration that is useful for boss and other common enemies. Wonderful for multiple encounters and with the right build can be up at all times.
3. TT stamina burned is a nuisance especially low stamina build.

4. IW with enchanted steel sabre turns you into a blade dancer. The side weave special attacks combo makes it just as good as tier 4 Alert.

My reason choosing mercenary because it makes running less tiring, faster and less stamina loss using heavy armour. I only use frost and scatter bullet, almost never use normal bullets. While blood bullet is rare as in intense fight I often forgot to use it, most fight ends so fast after clicking your fingers and a pinch of rupture...something I need to train to get better.

Also reason why I never use normal bullets because you can't cancel the reload animation if accidentally clicked...died so many times from mistakenly swapping an empty pistol. Also scatter bullet loads faster....also frost bullet AOE is so juicy especially on Obsidian Pistol. Don't bother with Horror or any other pistols that don't inflict 100% status effect.

For armour...I tend to agree with you and will keep my armour build a have a common setup of what is the best mentality ruins the game. People should enjoy whatever armour they want to use. Any armour that fits your playstyle is perfect.

TLDR: NEVER USE NORMAL BULLETS....carry multiple pistols like Blackbeard...arrrr...

@daniilmoscow3114 - 16.01.2021 05:24

Where i can find Rainbow hex enchant? ps ty for build!

@SuitRollin - 15.01.2021 13:38

Awesome video mate 💪🏽

@Jonash15Reaper - 14.01.2021 04:53

Awesome video!
I'm relatively new to Outward, how much mana do you put into these types of characters?

@mummy7344 - 13.01.2021 00:25

Please do a pistol based build. 🔫

@nijiak - 12.01.2021 14:46

is it still possible to do this build without the three brothers dlc? what i can tell from the video is that i'm missing out on the Brains passive, shimmering potion and Distorted experiment chakram, but i'm not sure if i'm missing out anything else.

@Volaju16 - 12.01.2021 14:02

Armor wise I'd personally go for the Antique Plate set with the Economy enchants for quality of life throughout the play through. The armor is pretty easy to get as well.

@jackwinta7756 - 12.01.2021 09:45

I've been waiting for so long for someone else to realize this combo and here it is, thanks for getting this out
