As a young immigrant child in New York City's Chinatown, Jimmy "Bighead" Tsui quickly became immersed in the gang world of the Lower East Side. He quickly rose the ranks and soon became an associate of the Chinese Mafia in Hong Kong moving drugs in and out of the country. He joins the show to breakdown exactly how Chinese gangs operated in the US and Hong Kong before he left the life of crime, became a volunteer police officer, and started being a positive influence on the youth in the neighborhood that raised him.
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0:47 Intro
2:57 The History Of Chinese Immigration And Chinatown
5:53 Growing Up In Chinatown In The 1970s
12:46 How The Gangs Cleared Out The Neighborhood
13:36 The First Gangs In Chinatown
17:27 Association Clubs, Gambling Houses, And Extortion
24:46 Getting Introduced To The Tung On Gang
33:11 Gangs And Chinese Investors Buying Property
36:57 Experiencing Gang Violence For The First Time
41:12 HelloFresh Sponsor Ad
42:32 BetterHelp Sponsor Ad
43:48 Officially Becoming A Member Of The Gang
47:59 The Tung On/Ghost Shadows War In Chinatown
54:22 How Jimmy’s Gang Made Money: Extortion And Massage Parlors
1:04:08 Moving Drugs In And Out Of Hong Kong
1:10:48 How The H*roin Business Worked In NYC
1:13:51 Visiting Drug Markets In Thailand
1:16:11 Leaving The Gang, Federal Crackdowns, And Reflecting On The Life
1:23:04 How It All Ended And Life After Crime
1:27:37 Explaining How Chinatown Has Changed
1:31:44 Wrapping Up