Samplr meets SampleWiz with Jordan Rudess

Samplr meets SampleWiz with Jordan Rudess

Jordan Rudess

1 десятилетие назад

15,791 Просмотров

Samplr and SampleWiz. Both really cool iOS apps based on sampling. In this video I explore some of the differences between the two apps. SampleWiz is a Wizdom Music universal app for iPad and iPhone and Samplr is created by Marcos Alonso and is an iPad app. They have some similarities, but the differences are enough that if you like sampling and sound, you should have both!!



#Samplr #Samplewiz #Jordan_Rudess #Sampling #iPad #iPhone #Wizdom #Music #ultitouch #waveform #instrument #device #electronic #glitch #granular #tools #wizard #Marcos_Alonso #Theater #Dream #Apple #MorphWiz #Geo_Synthesizer #Spacewiz #Mobile_Device #Touch #IPad_2_(Computer) #Ambient
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