How to show/hide Toolbar when scrolling RecyclerView - [Android Animations - #07]

How to show/hide Toolbar when scrolling RecyclerView - [Android Animations - #07]


3 года назад

2,570 Просмотров

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Bui Huu Nghia (FPL HCM)
Bui Huu Nghia (FPL HCM) - 13.03.2023 18:53

anh mới muốn cho nó scroll lên nhẹ xíu thì nó hiện cái toolbar lên thì làm sao ạ

Tinh Ngoc
Tinh Ngoc - 02.02.2021 18:06

video hay quá anh ơi mong anh ra nhiều video hay hơn nữa

Manda 3D Projects
Manda 3D Projects - 15.09.2020 21:28

There's a simpler way to import RecyclerView or AppBarLayout or any class made by Android or Google. To do it, go to a .java file, then type RecyclerView recyclerView; then RecyclerView becomes red, and press Alt+Enter on it then implement. It always 100% working and super fast.
