Weird Things You Can Do In D&D! Combo Compilation 2022!

Weird Things You Can Do In D&D! Combo Compilation 2022!

DnD Shorts

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BFDI | Fan
BFDI | Fan - 04.09.2023 21:07


Ace_mrk20 - 28.08.2023 16:15

Got the like just for the 69 one lmao

TRIKK - 16.08.2023 05:47

... fabulous...!

AbyssalDragon42 - 24.06.2023 22:29

I also made a build around the deinonychus. Try the lizardfolk race to boost your AC to 15 (or 16 if your racial ability score increase boosts your dexterity) and guarantee that bonus action bite attack. Also, hex can give the target disadvantage on their d20 check to avoid being knocked prone.
It's better to get hex through hexblade warlock because then you get hexblade's curse as well, and even armor of agathys (as you still have the temporary HP while wild shaped, even though you can't use it).
Also, include meeting a deinonychus with 80 hp that died in combat in your background (as wild shape is clearly phrased that you transform into the creature, not the type of creature). It's possible with maximum rolled health and a 9th level aid spell (which doesn't require concentration, and lasts forever if that creature died). You may also want to stack some similar lasting buffs on it.
A valid alternative to hexblade warlock is barbarian. This makes you able to take even more damage and also increases your damage (just by a significantly smaller margin).
Your most important stats to focus on when it comes to deciding what stats to put where will be wisdom and charisma. ASIs should go towards physical stats though because they'll stick around for the dinosaur.

AbyssalDragon42 - 24.06.2023 21:58

There is an epic boon that grants immunity to fire damage, but that radiant damage could be a real problem, if you can't persuade the dragon to fight you outside of its lair.

AbyssalDragon42 - 24.06.2023 21:32

You failed to grasp the power of the dracolich. The enemies they kill with their breath weapon come back under their control.

atrution - 18.05.2023 09:54

The grappler feat is for multi-attack, 1st attack grapple(shove) knock prone, 2nd attack grapple(pin), then continue attacking, but now they are prone with no movement so they can not stand up.

Elron NL
Elron NL - 11.05.2023 11:10

I love the lower level combos. I used the lvl 2 cleric with chromatic orb in a one shot. Absolutely destroyed everything. Gonna use the Druid with fog cloud and spider next week.

The Angler
The Angler - 09.04.2023 09:01

Sigh, how many druids have seen a raptor to shapeshift into them?

sy_guy - 02.04.2023 23:14

For the star radiant damage you can use wish to become invincible to it

Stormdragonlord - 08.03.2023 00:20

Instead this should be called: how to piss off your dm.

Names Haillay
Names Haillay - 22.02.2023 02:00

its a polyamorous marriage unless its one guy and many women (but polys wouldn't marry for a short term buff unless they planed on staying with there new paramour)

Luke Salazar
Luke Salazar - 09.02.2023 20:31

Also Jeffrey Epstein and John McAfee didn't kill themselves

AnonEyeMouse - 05.02.2023 15:36

The most OP magical effect I ever got in a game was in 3.5 the cantrip spell (cast any cantrip you like at will, for eight hours) but using permanency. Alongside my character's maxed performance and slight of hand skills. Basically, at will I could cause my eyes to glow, electricity to crackle over my hands, a constant light wind to blow my hair back, my skin to shimmer like gold, my cloths to recolour and repair (designs to animate) deepen my voice, add echo. Have smoke or steam drift up from my skin, telekinesis and many other little effects.

There is nothing more intimidating than a small human guy with a silk shirt walking into a room, the candles snuff out, his body is illuminated by a golden aura. His eyes shine and his deep, reverberating voice tells you to leave while you can. Red lightning crackles through his hair and over his metallic skin. His body begins to smoke and crackle and the dragons on his shirt start writhing and breathing fire. Is he getting taller? A dagger on your table floats into the air between you, spinning slowly with black flame dripping from it...

I managed to rescue the rest of a party from a public execution using this and starting small fires as I walked by with candle lighting. 200 blood thirsty commoners terrified and stampede out of the courtyard. The castle guard break, backing away from the gallows, quivering with fear. The big bad of the scene falls to their knees and begs for mercy as the ropes of the party catch fire. Green fire.

xXAngel_With_A_Shotgun Xx
xXAngel_With_A_Shotgun Xx - 01.02.2023 00:38

i wonder if you can combine the phantom ball buster with that Iron Dancer build you had mentioned in another vid. That would be terrifying,

Devin Andreason
Devin Andreason - 21.01.2023 23:27

Remember when this was posted two weeks ago and in less than a month D&D has broken down. (OGL reference)

Wren - 20.01.2023 10:57

Weird things you can do in D&D 1.1:
Fuck it up for everyone.

Tactical nonsense
Tactical nonsense - 14.01.2023 21:35

You have proof the email is real yet

Skaibutts - 14.01.2023 13:03

I may have said this on the death save short before, but my group uses a similar but different rule. The dying player rolls, hidden from the rest of the party. This keeps autonomy in the hands of the player, but doesn't let the party know how they're doing.

Ali D
Ali D - 14.01.2023 05:29

Love it and like a longer form, keep up the great work! 👍

Nunya - 13.01.2023 22:54

this is how dumb I am, I was like thats not right because 10 rounds is a turn....... damn you 2nd ed rules!!!

DresdenWarlock - 13.01.2023 06:27

Wizards of the Coast: Hold my OGL.

axe saw
axe saw - 12.01.2023 23:56

I gotta do God griffon

Jacob Flanz
Jacob Flanz - 12.01.2023 00:38

DnD Shorts: I'm gunna show you how to completely break DnD!
WoTC: Hahaha, hold my beer

Marcel de Jong
Marcel de Jong - 10.01.2023 22:09

Wotc-Hasbro saw your thumbnail and said “great idea!”

FlameUser64 - 10.01.2023 13:27

Forget Bigby's Hand, Mordenkainen's Sword is even worse than just upcasting Spiritual Weapon!

FlameUser64 - 10.01.2023 13:05

Honestly, making players worry more about dying super quickly when KO'd isn't really very fun tbh. D&D 5e already has a problem with people getting up at 1 HP constantly because it's better than being at 0 and rolling death saves and you're not at risk of instant death anymore. Making them really want to be on their feet even faster doesn't really help anything.
Instead, I'd consider using something like Pathfinder 1e's system of negative hit points. When you drop to 0 HP and go unconscious, you don't actually just drop to 0. You can go to negative hit points if damage reduces you below 0. And while you're below 0 HP, you have to roll a DC 10 Con check at the start of each of your turns or lose 1 hit point. When you drop to a number of negative hit points equal to your Con score, you die. If you succeed twice in a row, you stabilize, and stop having to roll. Rolling a nat 20 also instantly stabilizes you, while rolling a nat 1 makes you lose 2 HP instead of 1. Also, you take a penalty on this Con check equal to your number of negative hit points. So at -3 HP, you take -3 on the check. Any amount of magical healing stabilizes you, even if it doesn't bring you above 0.
The upsides to this are that you will often take close to a minute to bleed out, it's harder to instant kill low level characters and easier to kill high level ones, and once you're down, picking you up is a really bad idea. At higher levels, being conscious at single digit HP puts you very close to death and likely to die from a single decent hit, so it's usually better to leave you KO'd so enemies will ignore you. This can also put the fight on a time limit once a party member goes down, making the whole situation very tense if the hit that KO'd them left them at, say, -8 HP.

basaltman - 10.01.2023 05:59

For the ac, add two levels for the unarmored defense of barbarian and monk, then have your cleric cast shield of faith for an extra 10 ac

Iklary - 09.01.2023 23:55

If only my players knew, where I find these terrible villains. Thanks for the ideas. (maniacal laughter)

rmcphail2007 - 09.01.2023 23:35

Adv on str checks is not the same as adv on saves

Media gem
Media gem - 09.01.2023 01:46

Got a new one for you try stacking the cantrips shape water and minor Illusion to pull it off you just tell your dm that you're going to swirl balls of water around you, (or just explain that you are constantly casting shape water within the hour every time you cast it and just keep it in a jug on your back ala gara style) then at any moment you can place ice walls make difficult terrain or put a minor Illusion over your shaped water/ice you could use this mostly to baffle and confuse enemies as when they touch your minor Illusion you can animate both your water or minor illusion it doesn't require a turn so id consider a free action and neither spell is concentration so you can use Minor illusion for a whole minute ie a whole combat so now you can control the Battle field on a whole new level with wet or cold illusory/physical objects you can make shadow clones monster's cold coins oh and also shape water just works well with this whole illusion battle master idea because it allows you to take the color of your water so you can make it look like you or someone else is bleeding or change the color of drinks and do alcohol shenanigans.

saltypork101 - 08.01.2023 19:47

New series idea?
Weird Things You Can Do In Open Legend

dach829 - 08.01.2023 14:46

Ogl is very troubling

NonExclusive 666
NonExclusive 666 - 07.01.2023 23:19

Love your content though rip dnd atm with leak controversy/ new license

Eliza Livine
Eliza Livine - 07.01.2023 04:05

funny, that chain healing is how I always play my druid
(except I take a level in life cleric to get that sweet +2 to all of the heals & heavy armor prof. -and I don't start out human because I like the other species too much)

Jimbob1337 - 07.01.2023 02:52

Vedalkan Totem Barbarian... Holy christ in heaven is that a broken character...

melkorthe3rd - 07.01.2023 02:32

make a short on how silvery barbs is not overpowered?

calibrexdaoc - 06.01.2023 07:18

I need gift ideas: friend is wanting to DM. I’ve never played and they (him and his wife) played a bit with other groups. Perhaps dice, subscription to something, etc?

Jon Leszczynski
Jon Leszczynski - 05.01.2023 22:15

Sorry, no. I don't allow conjured creatures to activate other magical items.

Cappuccino - 05.01.2023 21:10

I did a Fighter: Runic Knight + Barbarian: Giant Path + Brawny (feat) and where able to lift 2 TONS without transforming into a giant...

Toma Calin Stanescu
Toma Calin Stanescu - 05.01.2023 17:19

Did I mention I love this madness?

LeonardAndHisBiscuit - 05.01.2023 09:41

I guess I'm not familiar with One D&D at the moment, are they allowing multiple bonus actions per turn now?

Lloyd Lineske
Lloyd Lineske - 05.01.2023 08:04

Taking the Tucan Blast Machine a step further. Couldn't you be a Warlock with Pact of the Chain to have an imp familiar and have it turn invisible and fly up to be able to blast the enemies? This makes it much harder to hit since it'll move after blasting. They wouldn't have disadvantage attacking it, because it's not even in that space anymore. I'm pretty sure no matter how well you roll if you attack a point that has no enemies in it... Will never result in a hit.

Lloyd Lineske
Lloyd Lineske - 05.01.2023 07:55

Isn't half of 0.... Still 0?

duane pruitt
duane pruitt - 05.01.2023 07:38

Just so we are %100 clear. I am NEVER, (*%* EVER playing D&D with you. I would die laughing as a player. or as a DM find my self forced by honor to commit seppuku.

kyle anderson
kyle anderson - 05.01.2023 06:59

That doesn't work. They can't pick up rocks

Zpayer - 05.01.2023 02:16

For the last one.... just upcast shadow blade
