CS:GO - Get Better Aim with Progressive Frequency Training

CS:GO - Get Better Aim with Progressive Frequency Training


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@cammreid - 11.08.2019 01:13

My arm hurts when I go really slow

@xennoha6820 - 22.08.2019 20:18

from 69 KPM to 78 in about 5 mins lol

@rekall8180 - 05.09.2019 03:00

my starting kpm is 39, if anyone wants me to post an update next week to look for improvement i will.

@akwone4527 - 23.10.2019 01:41

Not bad to train the muscle memory, but for the pure aim, just go kill moving bot or dm got from 85kpm to 102

@siraeonjay - 01.12.2019 01:45

It pissed me off that you burst fired when directly on his head...

@HellexTRU - 11.12.2019 14:59

Thanks for the help my dude. Appreciated it

@dieuman1997 - 21.12.2019 16:07

Don't fucking use this

@EllisMessingAround - 25.12.2019 15:58

darn it Now i know why old time am so good and now so bad xD i instead of aiming head is shoulder guess i under flick? are u guy reading dis? cuz video is 1 year naw :)

@garyshappy5840 - 09.01.2020 23:46

Thanks 85kpm to 91kpm :D

@hookbolt7362 - 14.01.2020 15:12

When you try to put exercise science in gaming to improve your aim.

@pholleon8027 - 19.01.2020 16:29

I'll try it today

@ezzy6431 - 01.02.2020 11:52

On the first day my average KPM was around 80-86 and now after a week of consistent training my KPM is around 116-122. In conclusion this training method really benefits your flicking accuracy and overall aiming efficiency so I highly recommend this training method for those who wants to step up their game in competitive cs.

@user-nu5zg4pb4o - 09.02.2020 04:36


@dmitrixallo7072 - 10.02.2020 09:43

What would you recommend for players which might need to change their eDPI? Mine is currently at 1600 and I feel confident with it because I always played on a high sens, but I dont know whether it’ll be worth readjusting to lower sensitivities

@angramanyu9743 - 27.02.2020 08:33

how to turn off impacts

@cobaink - 05.03.2020 19:56

Muscle memory does not exist.

@zoom0283 - 24.03.2020 20:40

Just a few days in and I can say my aim improved considerably. I am now more likely to nail headshots, especially in pistol rounds. I may be only in master guardian 1 right now but I know if I continue this routine, I can progress better. Big thanks for this!

@brianstorm597 - 11.04.2020 02:52

Pretty much practicing like a musician with a metronome :p

@eazyios-1139 - 14.04.2020 16:32

Is Model O a good mouse for low sensitivity? Flicking/moving the mouse to much? Because my current mouse’s sensor stops working when i use low sensitivity

@devjeff3192 - 21.04.2020 20:11

Thanks bro ! It helped dramatically ! I practiced it 30 minutes per day for 5 days and my HS percentage just leveled to 90% and I became so easy playing on Rifle !

@ako4702 - 24.04.2020 15:42

Can someone explain to me how to track your accuracy ?

@RayDimn - 30.04.2020 15:33

No jokes man, this was the first usefull aim tutorial that i garantee to show to my friends.
i saw a lot of tutorial video of how to improve aim, but this was the only one that actually works.

THX for the video :D

@anezz7883 - 05.05.2020 00:03

I will try this for a week and post results here

@calccalccalc - 17.05.2020 03:30

Realistically, this is as simple as learning to walk before you can run.
Didn't think of it before.

@ByAeon0912 - 17.05.2020 16:37

This is honestly the best tutorial made on aim training. Thanks for this. Dropped 52 frags after a training session.

@tonyc5972 - 20.05.2020 00:04

How to start this mode of training? I am new in csgo please tell me where to find this practice mode

@areyouwelldoyouhavebrainda640 - 29.05.2020 06:30

Okay Silver player here, imma post my results on here as a kind of proof of concept after 7 days. I started practicing today and got an average kpm of 50-52. I will post the results everyday.

@finnmcgregor354 - 03.06.2020 17:39

This map is really good if you ever want to like get familiar with a new sensitivity, highly recommend

@peevedbeaver996 - 19.06.2020 07:31

Dude, I do not even play CSGO and this video was so helpful. It helped me get into plat solo qing in Rainbow Six Siege. Thank you so much for all the tips and the maps.

@V1c._. - 29.06.2020 08:10

omg, tysm this is what I needed to fix my aim

@defaultset - 02.07.2020 05:57

This training is insane. Literally progress in under 2 days, now this is a litetal life hack dude. Consistently getting 3rd in dm too

@michaelkirkronquillo350 - 10.07.2020 09:15

how do you make them stop from moving?

@wonder6013 - 14.07.2020 14:49

My kpm used to be 131 now I'm at a 80-90

@franciscoavila5943 - 02.08.2020 18:01

Like everything where you need precision, start slowly and practice to create a memory into your muscle and then, increase the rhythm while you practice and feel comfortable with the movement.
Like if you want to learn and play the guitar, you have to do the same with a metronome. Starting slowly and increase the rythm while you create the muscle memory.

Excellent video.

@ssagee4101 - 13.08.2020 21:47

Thanks, bud. Really needed something like this.

@nervz - 14.08.2020 01:58

this is basically how u click time in kovaaks too.

@in10s84 - 24.08.2020 09:44

How can I make them float?

@trolingaso671 - 23.09.2020 20:57

I've been training this for about two months now. I can confirm it works: when I begun, I used to struggle to get to 80 KPM. Now, I get more than 90 KPM consistently going fast and making some mistake, and more than 80 KPM without failing any headshot.

@siraj522 - 20.11.2020 17:57

when i did the second step when i go super slow and consistent i had more kpm (61) than when i was trying my best (56)

@Stat1onary - 23.11.2020 15:00

whats it called ? viprac? I dunno

@borckali - 30.03.2021 19:45

in first try i did 88, i played 5 min now 102

@Zawps - 13.04.2021 02:39

I tried this out for about 7 days and had decent results:
KPM Day 1: 44.6
KPM Day 7: 87.3
Heads (%) Day 1: 57.5
Heads (%) Day 7: 93.5

Idk if this is relevant to anyone, but I think it was a good practice. Include deathmatches though of course.

@kurushimee - 15.03.2022 08:12

Damn thanks a lot, this is actually really good! My aim has been stagnant for a LONG time, first day I've had 85 KPM on average and barely hit 90 KPM with really bad accuracy, it's third day now and I can consistently shoot 95-97 already with perfect accuracy and without just chaotically aiming!
To add on this: it'll be beneficial to train in multiple sets, like 5-10 minutes training, 2-5 minutes rest, repeat.

@rarinth - 09.07.2022 15:22

crosshair placement when not attacking: strong
crosshair placement when i see an enemy: weak

@r0yce - 12.11.2022 06:55

This is the definitive guide to improving aim in csgo. Thanks man.

@pateytothefirst - 09.09.2023 09:40

ohh this makes so much sense. It's like training with an instrument

@dahoodgaming628 - 20.01.2024 21:04

What is the third workshop map name?
