Why Nice Guys Finish Last - 7 Reasons Why Girls HATE Nice Guys (AVOID THESE!)

Why Nice Guys Finish Last - 7 Reasons Why Girls HATE Nice Guys (AVOID THESE!)


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@XGuarden1 - 10.01.2022 01:47

nice guy say bad thingf? that bad men doing. i be alway nice and get rejected. Once i tryed to be bad and girl keep begin for me two year after. i decide take her back and be nice she change her mind right away

@bishal1125 - 23.01.2022 12:05

This is less of a nice guys finish last here's why, and more of a list of pushover personality traits. Misleading video 👎

@Kio_o_ - 28.01.2022 18:46

I like nice people

@jawedsiddiqui2623 - 06.02.2022 23:52

What nonsense, I am a nice guy who finished first against bad boys.Long time ago my my bad boy friends invited me to drink and dance party in which they had invited two very nice girls
Their behavioir was agressive and intimidating which girls did not. Sensing an opportunity i invited one nice girl to the dancing floor.shecwas happy and relieved and furing the dance she gave such a deep passionate kiss iwill never forget. That was one day boys got rejected and dejectedd while nice guy came out as winner

@yeswekey - 12.02.2022 15:52

Yet another shitty video. Sorry uploader. And guys, all you need is Mark Manson's Models: Attract Women Through Honesty .

@loopymason8677 - 15.02.2022 02:44

Yeah i hate foids, never give the nice guy a chance, always watching naked attraction in the background whilst you are just trying to talk. fuck them, they dont deserve me anyways

@ari_6103 - 23.02.2022 18:56

As a girl; why is this on my for you page.

Also guys; only some shitty girls like bad guys, however take a look around and you’ll see that many of us actually prefer nice and caring guys...

And if you still disagree with me- I’m kinda wondering what world you live in with JUST toxic people; not all of us just care about looks and money lmao

@jamesstewart9341 - 27.02.2022 01:40

All of this is a lie would you like we do not do all these things😐

@cameroncarter1696 - 22.03.2022 10:40

Woman a men down fall

@morninboy - 11.04.2022 21:00

I get a kick out of these videos. The concept is that women are the prize. As a person of moderate wealth with two successful businesses and two homes, one being on a ski hill I have turned down more women than I ever slept with. My favourite is women I was interested in who rejected me The women later wanted a relationship that I rejected telling one that I did not want to be number three for the ski season.
So my question is what do you have to offer girl besides a pet feline

@Omborhan - 17.04.2022 21:19

Fuck love. Im never gonna open my heart to another girl anymore. I'll just use them to have sex only after this

@bettyluis1520 - 22.04.2022 23:05

Some women say it's they don't want to be dependent on someone. Yet this can happen with a rich husband, even a bad boy. If you can't pay your bills, you're dependent on someone, it's a delicate situation. You have to bite your tongue often and just take some disrespect and abuse if you still want the roof over your head. Countless women are in such situations, and the cultures in some 3rd world countries instigate this. It would drive me insane...

@TheBatmanjb - 24.04.2022 09:47

The world is filled with sin, so people can't even recognize how to even understand what good is. when you have immorality, adultery, sexual sin, betrayal, deception, lies, it's very difficult to find somebody, without that in their traits, if a woman really wants a good man why are there so many single women with kids very sad times that we live in. I see it all the time I'm single man no kids.

@sonquay8126 - 05.05.2022 21:36

Women just don’t get it so many things wrong with this video

@mrniceguy8298 - 06.05.2022 12:55

Idk why
men chase a woman who love Satan
not worth

@suryaningbawono8652 - 09.05.2022 02:19

I do not know that I am nice guy or not...I always in friend zone and no girl want me so I just focus to study, work, exercise, and business... I always nice to everone because do nice is nice... I like it
But I will back to my self and never let girl consume me or use me... I am happy with my single life and learn to enjoy single life... I think that life is not just romantic relationship... I have good carrier with well payment... Good hotel for my pasif income... Good stock portfolio and my life more happy when I remove love in my life...
I think that we never need love specialy unattractive guy like me
I think that I need to learn to accept my self and enjoy my life with or without girl
And I found happiness when I stop to find my true love because I think that I am unattractive men that why girl always cruel to me
So for unattractive men like me nk need find love only focus to increase my self with study hard, work hard, exercise for maintinance health if I want sex no need beg love only call whore and problem is solve
I think that prostitusion better than find normal girl and more simpel
You get what you pay
I think worst part of my life is falling in love because falling in love only make me stupid
Love not for type of guy like me
Love only hurt me
So I focus to love my self... Accept my ugly face, improve my quality of my life with business and investment
Enjoy my work hard with good food, good place to stay, and if I want sex, a lot of girl offer their body for money... So for what falling in love? I think whore better that girl friend,... And yes whore is fair relationship
Girl friend only washing time and money and girl friend can not give me anything only hurt me cheating me and a lot of pain... So life is better without love
Maybe for lucky guy able to find good girl for him and yes I am happy for them
But for unlucky, un attractive guy like me
Girl only send me in friend zone
Girl always cruel with me
Girl always ignoring me
So I more prefer stop make relationship with girl and focus to my study and earn money
Money always better than love
Because love only give nothing and only hurt me.
Money give everything
I can buy house, car, traveling,... I can hire beauty maid and of course I can fuck her... She just want money...so I give her money
Dear guy who fail in love never sad... Just focus to improve your self study hard, work hard, focus to you carrier start to invest your earn for your better life... No need beg love again because love is unwoth it. Trush me... You never need love for your happiness and of course you only need money for sex... A lot of girl need money so why you not focus to money...never focus to girl
And you will find your life happier

@hauntedasylum8194 - 12.05.2022 18:32

The pretense. Women don't like the pretense from nice guys.

@CristianHernandez-px9uz - 21.05.2022 09:04

This is definitely describing someone the total opposite of what a nice guy really is!!! Almost as if she was describing an f*boy!!! Weird!!! She is not describing a nice guy at all

@gordonwu9235 - 31.05.2022 23:34


@SosaLife1919 - 05.06.2022 19:54

Yeah so funny ,but nice guys is the reason why the human race isn't extinct yet. So I partially disagree with this video.

@chrismcphatter7218 - 09.06.2022 00:44

How about women figure out how to chose a man in the first place ?....? They always chase what's going to hurt them " real smart " , only to realize what they've lost LATER ..

@theprogamerz2895 - 20.06.2022 15:23

you don’t know what nice means, just coz a boy is nice doesn’t mean they are not confident, and don’t have a good sense of humour or are flirty. unless girls are wanting to be treated like a dirt surely you want to be treated nice to an extent

@matthewj.barnette3851 - 21.06.2022 02:35

Guess there's an overabundance of nice guys nowadays. No wonder there's so many single chicks out there.

@AbdulHameed-bw4cg - 28.06.2022 02:27

If a girl is looking at each of these things to accept or reject; I will revommend her psychiatrist and move oN

@tylerharris4392 - 13.07.2022 12:34

I think this has a historic explanation, Back in ancient and medieval times, Women, only went for guys who demonstrated strengths fearlessness like warriors or what society would consider killers

@malcolmirving2449 - 14.07.2022 04:34

I was good to my girlfriend and she did me dirty

@sethkipkoros9295 - 16.07.2022 22:33

There is a saying that says one who laughs last laughs the best. Nice guys will always get the best. Right now is the moment of focusing on your dreams and putting aside girls

@sethkipkoros9295 - 16.07.2022 22:39

Your video is 😑😑😑😑👎👎👎👎👎👎

@Mitchthe1soul - 18.07.2022 20:18

You know what? These “reasons” AKA excuses and whatever other nonsense things that I hear about as to why women don’t wanna be with nice guys is just bologna. That’s all they are excuses. We need to get to the heart and truth of the matter, which is women are just immature and needless to say, so are the so called bad boys/thugs they love so much. Immaturity attracts immaturity. People just don’t want to admit or call women out on their immaturity and I’m not saying every single woman in the universe is like that, but let’s be serious, quite a few are. It’s just nobody ever calls them out on it. People don’t like to accept or believe that women can be just as selfish and evil as any evil man out there. Good men aren’t advertising they’re good guys and don’t have ulterior motives for their actions, unlike bad boys who practically brag and make it very well known that they have selfish/ulterior goals with women and with multiple women at that. Adding to that, a lot of these women also have some selfish/ulterior motives when it comes to good men. And as far as rejection goes, unlike the majority of women out there and of course the bad boys/thugs, nice guys don’t rejection to heart like that and they certainly don’t play the victim, something that women are much more notorious for I might add. Most women that get rejected act like they’ll die or as if it’s the end of the universe when they get rejected. Women take rejection much more to heart than any man I’ve ever seen. The issue here isn’t whether or not a good man is worthy of a woman. Of course a good man is worthy of a woman, a good woman that is. The real question is what a makes a woman worthy of a good man. Is she a mature adult and conducts herself like one? Will she genuinely love and respect him the way he will genuinely love and respect her, unlike the bad boy/thug who will never love or respect them in any way, shape or form? Will she contribute to the betterment and preserving of the relationship? Because if the answer is no to any and all those questions, then go to your little bad boy/thug and accept accountability and consequences for your choice and actions. You’re adults first and foremost and inevitably, you’re gonna have to face the end result of the choices you make.

@VamsiKrishna-pp4fy - 25.07.2022 20:14

may be I should stop helping others and don't be a nice guy so that I can get a girl, and never be last.

@timeforringydingy - 17.08.2022 14:19

You are so off base. I feel bad for the narrator here, because she probably just read a script and collected a check.

Whoever wrote that script, though, is a person who has no conception of reality that cannot be measured in material value (which is sad).

@SaturnFrost - 17.08.2022 22:01

The halo effect is real. Don't be ugly or short (as a man) and people will treat you much better. (It's up to attractive people to make people not like them over time through their actions)

Nice guys are typically ugly/short guys who don't have the privilege of being given the benefit of the doubt like tall attractive men. So being nice is all they can do to get acceptance from others. Doesn't always work though, rarely works with women. Usually lands you in the friend zone.

@AndisweatherCenter - 13.09.2022 09:26

I used to be the “nice guy” of course i’m non-binary, so instead of nice “guy“ are used to be a nice person, but putting that aside. I did all of those seven things, including losing my temper upon rejection, though now I am much better at all if that.

I am on the autism spectrum, which is one of the reasons why I have never been in a relationship. I am 31 years old and I still haven’t been in a relationship but now I just don’t care. I talk to lots of girls now, I don’t see girls as something to win, but as an equal with no expectations for relationship at all.

This made me feel less nervous, entitled, more confident in myself and I am still kind, but I am not a pushover and I am more confident in setting boundaries. I have been called names and people have lashed out at me as the people who used to boss me around and push me around or no longer able to do that and they are enraged because of that, so I pushed those leeches out of my life, let them make a victim out of someone else. I have enough people in my life who I relate to.

@willharriman1881 - 20.09.2022 22:05

Other than looking half decent, women don't need to have ANY good qualities or personality skills to speak of! All women have to do is show up! Women get to just SIT ON THEIR BUTT AND JUDGE!

@dickkkkkkkkssss - 02.10.2022 19:09

Isnt your God a Nice guy....hahahaha
Well Alphas are nice guy...

@vamsigaming1233 - 05.10.2022 08:33

Lust is one of the reason for the end of the world happening in 2050 told by god himself

@JOHNNYCHICAGO8 - 21.10.2022 06:20

I would rather be single then be a fake rude guy

@lilblackfish2009 - 21.10.2022 17:07

i hate when nice guys are shy therefore they think its cute and justify why they dont try , yea thats means your not gana fight for me or us you rather not face music

@lilblackfish2009 - 21.10.2022 17:08

i bet he dont finish last if hes a ten

@talis6854 - 24.10.2022 16:22

Crank up the victim levels? Nah nah nah, can't go abusing nice guys then say their victims, you made them victims you deluded alien pricks

@Bert_de_Wit - 02.11.2022 11:32

Nice guy with average or below average looks: Finishes last
Nice guy with above average looks: Gets the girl anyway
The video left out that part. You can TOTALLY remain being a nice guy, IF you have abs, large biceps and groomed yourself well. Most women find being handsome way more important than being a bad boy.

@alexplayzrb6485 - 21.11.2022 20:24

Very unhelpful

@chuckcollins2349 - 14.12.2022 16:05

Women see kindness as weakness.

@olumide31907 - 11.01.2023 03:47

The problem with these videos is we have redefined the word "nice" to mean "pushover", "doormat" or "weak". There. I fixed it. To be nice simply means to be kind. It says nothing else about their boundaries or their personality.

@robertglass6505 - 20.02.2023 22:45

1 women are only dealing with guys who she is horny for. 2 women hate reality they only want to live in a world of fantasy, 3 women are shallow, 4 women are selfish, 5 women are greedy, 6 women hate doing things for others, 7 women are lazy, 8 women are more happy being a whore then being a wife, 9 women only want a nice guy after she a left over woman. 10 women have a child like mind set like the bad boy they both hate growing up.

@chriskappert1365 - 08.03.2023 18:24

I hate girls who hate me , 304s !
