Celibidache in rehearsal with the Berliner Philharmoniker

Celibidache in rehearsal with the Berliner Philharmoniker

Berliner Philharmoniker

9 лет назад

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@curaticac5391 - 26.08.2021 22:24

They didn't look very happy 😋!

@ronaldrabanda2907 - 30.08.2021 19:30

So ist es 🎻🎻🎻🎼🎼🎼

@ThenewOne98 - 08.09.2021 23:49

ERSTE!!! ZWEEEITE!!!!!! ERSTE!!!!!!!!!!

@bonnietchi_bunnie - 23.09.2021 19:39

it's too bad that he was such a blatant sexist and harasser to trombonist Abbie Conant. Would probably enjoy watching this if he didn't have such a public meltdown over a woman winning a trombone audition for his orchestra. "we need a man for solo trombone" my a**

@r0mmm - 13.12.2021 21:03


@pedromoyaguzman7517 - 30.12.2021 09:06

Great playing from the orchestra!! No matter what, he was a colossal ass

@sculpturum - 12.01.2022 22:32

A terrible orchestra! Who do they think they are? :-)

@tootsiefrootsie5987 - 14.01.2022 14:42

Nothing worse than a conductor yelling at you because they can’t show it with their stick technique.Nobody needs to shout like he does . No wonder that violinist looks pissed off.

@artlexander387 - 15.01.2022 20:49


@LOLERXP - 19.01.2022 01:25

Pretty sure people are reading a lot more into the orchestra's facial expressions than they should.

@mikedunn7553 - 15.02.2022 08:13

His comment to the Violist 'got me'...(don't mind admitting it!)

@stephenjablonsky1941 - 12.03.2022 06:01

It is not every conductor who gets to yell at the Berlin Phil.

@fredrictengstrom9522 - 19.05.2022 20:39

Ich bin ein mensch Also a musician not so good I wonder if i ... Bit Well fine music craves what i aint got BUT feel Thank u Fine orchestra 2 Ds

@MartinSmithMFM - 13.06.2022 15:11

He is so rude to them. Not a single book has been published on him. If you want to change history, be nice!

@GerrlichStudios - 29.11.2022 21:03

un maestro

@wolfie71231 - 04.02.2023 09:54

The Philharmonic chose Karajan over Celibidache, and it shows.

@rubengreenberg2253 - 28.02.2023 13:00

Celibidache was most at home with first-class student orchestras. They were more receptive to his teaching. He wasn't just interested in rehearsing: he wanted above all to teach.

@nikesamo2025 - 15.04.2023 23:17

There is a huge story behind Celi and Berlin caused by Karajan after Furtwängler. And the Berliner are well known till nowadays to be a very challenging orchestra. Excellent but very challenging, driving conductors nuts. This is what you get when you have to many soloists playing in an orchestra.

@martinbusch2823 - 30.04.2023 10:22

Celibidache mag ein herausragender Musiker gewesen sein, aber diese Arroganz ist kaum zu ertragen und das ist der eigentliche Punkt. Wirklich geniale Musiker haben auch immer Bescheidenheit und Demut ausgestrahlt. Diesen Kult um ihn habe ich nie verstanden, seine Interpretationen zum Maß aller Dinge zu erklären, ist einfach Unsinn. Mit seinen "breiten" Tempi hat er einer ganzen Reihe von Kompositionen auch ihren spezifischen Charakter genommen und hat deshalb am Stück vorbei interpretiert. Auch seine Art zu dirigieren, handwerklich meisterlich, aber despotisch, seine Orchester strahlen für mich nie Freiheit, Individualität und Spielfreude aus. Kult war noch nie gut, es geht immer wieder um das unvoreingenommene Zuhörern und auch Zuschauen!

@andreysimeonov8356 - 03.05.2023 13:43

Celibidache was close to a genius, but, as often the case of people in such a mental position is, he could act very meanly and harshly towards others. When it comes to an orchestral conductor, this tendency could acquire the form of an overt pathological-narcissistic abuse by treating the orchestral musicians as mere tools for implementing one's 'divine' intentions and will. The latter was especially obvious when orchestral musicians did not understand or follow properly Bodhisattva Celi's heavily imbued with hypo-maniacal determination artistic ideas and approach. Watching his rehearsals, I always wonder why the hell does he dare to press and yell at the players?! If I were there, I would stand up and punch him in the complacent Zen-Buddhist mug...just as a reminder to be more polite and considerate. Otherwise, from a purely musical perspective, in this small fragment he shows why his place is among the greatest conductors of the century.

@paralogix6216 - 15.05.2023 00:26

An exasperating slowness. You shouldn't conduct an orchestra like that. Furtwangler and Celibidache were recognized as directors of pause and slowness. Furtwangler doesn't always do it. Giulini is somewhere between the two for the great romantics. But as for the Romanian director, he is the epitome of unacceptable: what a way to exaggerate. That's why orchestras like the Berlin Philharmonic chose individuals like Karajan and others. You just can't turn the orchestra into a barely moving hippo just because the conductor <<likes>> it that way. I agree with Celibidache on one thing, you have to <<think>> the notes. Alright. But you must play the notes in public, not think the notes in public. That is too wrong. Interesting results obtained by Celibidache but for the ears and patience of very few.

@yangluo - 29.05.2023 06:49

I keep coming back to this video to check my German learning progress. Two months ago I could only understand 10% but now it’s 30%😂

@GundulaRach - 06.06.2023 18:40

Kleiber and Furtwängler are the Masters ! Celibidache and Karajan are ok !

@barney6888 - 16.06.2023 19:21

ya they are the philharmonic and Furtwangler and Karajan are 10x the conductor celi is

@Christian-tw7me - 20.06.2023 22:27

Erste Zweite😤

@김범석-t2j - 29.06.2023 11:17

A true conductor should fight against mannerisms which almost all of orchestras fall into. I really miss another Celibidache who is able to fully control the orchestra

@vladimirbakula6289 - 30.06.2023 00:39


@sergiofeijoo9534 - 13.07.2023 19:41

Posiblemente fueran celos por no haber sido designado titular de la orquesta en lugar de Karajan (años 50), o después en lugar de Abbado, pero este video demuestra la falta de respeto de este señor a unos pedazos de músicos que seguramente le daban mil vueltas en la concepción de la 7ª sinfonía de Bruckner, sobre todo porque muchos de los que están ahí había tocado esta misma obra con Klemperer (Böhm. Abbado, etc. etc.), algunos de ellos con Furwängler, y todos en esa época, con Günter Wand.

@stephenestall9044 - 15.07.2023 10:51

What Celibidache achieved here was quite magical for any lover of Bruckner - whether it's the Berlin Phil or a lesser orchestra

@UrsusFelicis - 08.08.2023 06:47

Lástima q no haya más vídeos que muestren la labor del director. ¡Qué fantástico ver a Celibidache preparando una de sus interpretaciones magistrales!

@choihans7839 - 20.09.2023 20:07


@choihans7839 - 20.09.2023 20:08


@wardropper - 05.10.2023 16:05

It is so easy these days for people to feel offended when confronted with passionate authority. But the way Maestro C. works is absolutely perfect, and the results are always beautiful and interesting. It must surely have been a privilege and a joy to work with him. I just have one pet-quibble about string tremolo: Too many players play that as if it were relaxed 16th-notes. When the music is very quiet, a supple wrist certainly allows an exciting, fizzing background sound, but if the music gets louder, the wrist alone doesn't have enough strength for a powerful crescendo, as he wanted from the Second Violins. Then the larger muscles have to come into play. However, that means continuing to play fast notes! Training and much effort are needed!

@willyhwang1059 - 09.10.2023 08:18

i applaud to these musician
the 7th is damn boring

@Falstaff1972 - 03.12.2023 05:05


@jackwilmoresongs - 22.12.2023 21:13

The opening of Bruckner's seventh had to me one of the most unforgettable first and lasting impressions.

@hrt700 - 19.02.2024 05:25

모두 열받았는데 해석에 어떤 의문도 가지지못하고 연주하는게 재밌네요ㅋㅋㅋ 첼리비다케는 위대한 지휘자에요

@yaelpalombo4093 - 25.02.2024 12:27


@eudesdelafon2453 - 29.04.2024 01:25

wunderbar !

@cercelsever814 - 30.04.2024 18:52

the Berlin Philharmonic was always the best in the world, but unfortunately in 1952 it went to the hands of Karajan who brought you a lot of money, countless recordings, etc., at the expense of Celibidache who would have led you to the next level! Sad!

@JOSEMANUELSEIJASFERNANDE-md2rh - 02.06.2024 23:34

Genio Celibidache.

@user-hc7yn5he8d - 24.10.2024 03:09

He wanted to appeal or emphasize the turns of 1st violin and 2nd violin, but it didn't become useful way haha

@macerrant2071 - 16.11.2024 14:42

Nein, nein, nein! Slower! More boring!

@rodrigoinfante9315 - 12.12.2024 02:46

anything ask Keef Richards for help

@stelianbalan6838 - 12.01.2025 23:09

This is the reason being the best !!!
