Coming to an end… 3on3 Freestyle

Coming to an end… 3on3 Freestyle


4 месяца назад

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@yvngdragon - 04.02.2024 19:19

Yh i totally understand bro I’ve been uninterested in this game for a long time but still upload 3on3 content even tho I lost the passion and love to play it everyday instead of once or twice a week but to hear stuff about the community and hear that joycity lied to u is wild and I would’ve been in disbelief but even tho I ran into u in a game let alone drop the vid and see u comment I definitely fwu then and now and I’d still be supporting and watching u after u move on with 3on3 💯

@mistyclouds_ - 04.02.2024 19:29

nahh thats just messed up i feel bad but also respect ur decision😕 but ill still watch your content once u stop playing 3 on 3

@Astruzi - 04.02.2024 19:44

they’re wired to hate 😂

@dondonwrld - 04.02.2024 19:51

I totally understand you bro I quit this game recently and gave my brother my account he enjoy the game more than I did the game is just boring to me now most of my friends already quit I hate that I spent so much time on a game that is trash but good luck with your yt account bro much love

@TheDjma222 - 04.02.2024 20:01

You got rejected because you are a leaker. It’s justified by the company and pretending that it isn’t is foolish.

As far as people calling you ass, it’s the community. People have egos and feeling some type of way about it just lets them win tbh. Just gotta ignore it and realize that these niggas have no life outside of 3on3. Grown ass men who get off work and come straight to the game. Little kids that were ass for 6 years and are now relevant, and people with 40 accounts with nothing better to do with their time. None of their opinions should’ve been taken serious.

If there’s a pedo in the community and you’re hiding their identity, you are apart of the problem in this community.

@KisosikunYT - 04.02.2024 20:12

Yea the game is just done, Hollywood only can play meta and trash talk, joycity not listening to the community or balancing characters like they need to, than the weirdos of 3s I try not to be a part of, the game requires no brains or skills anymore I'm just waiting to see p7 lee and I barely play this game

@MrJigglebits - 04.02.2024 20:57

people saying you ass? ive played you, i main pf and when you play center i actually have to try. but honetly im just about done with this game again. The community is weird, everyone got an ego and just shit talks, i dont see healthy banter in or around this game. plus this game is just a time sink & a money pit. Its a very fun game and id rather play this over 2k or playgrounds but the progression is so SLOW. it takes forever to build a character and the only time it speeded up is with spending money and even then you could not make any progress. its running in a wheel of playing with randoms, getting shit talked, the same events over and over and pulling terrible cards. ive been having much more fun playing other games like tekken or palworld with my friends

@Dthornton1 - 04.02.2024 21:15

That's a lot... JC fucked up for that for sure, it was fun playin with you Lushii imma be here till the end 🖤

@whatis9465 - 05.02.2024 00:39

dang seen you throughout the years, online and played you handful of times on quick play with my bro. The game is old, the past year or 2 its downfall has been crazy, just last month I seen this channel so its crazy cuz I always seen u inna game. I haven't played in a long time but 3on3 always been on my mind cuz I picked it up mad long ago as a youngin wanting free games. I think u gotta remember who the creator of the game is, an asian company who make games that live off micro transactions, they will only steer their games towards ways to make more micro transactions. The game was always flawed heavily in that manner therefore the community will be. Just giving my 2 cents as I see u liked the game way more than 99.8% of the players so I can see your emotions.

@iamkilla - 05.02.2024 05:51

So to summerize your video your done with 3s as a player but not as a content creator which I respect and give props to you but your done because the community it toxic and not only that joycity doesn’t even care about there community and there supporters they they only care about how they can make money and benefit off of it and also I didn’t know what the creator thing was till today so I applied to test your theory 🤓

@necallijones2790 - 05.02.2024 13:38

It's mostly teens who live with they mommas and some grown dudes that live with they mom's too that's do all the trash talk on 3s
And then they wallets as well.
You only good if you pay to be good or have ping.
This little small community so toxic and most of yall some bums anyway not good just wallet smh

@necallijones2790 - 05.02.2024 13:45

Joycity F'D over the first ever content creator as well and he was the only one putting out vids and still the only content creator to get joycity to do a Q@A live stream... the community never supported him as well matter of fact they taunted him too... sad lil community full of kids

@dmoney2002 - 06.02.2024 23:02

Don’t stress it myG. You still got my support.

@Rekonero - 10.02.2024 08:46

You could rock with me 😊 I like the video fr that's why I been saying I do not claim to be a part of the community frfr. But maybe.. we could be our own little part of the community that's just apart and just peaceful. Thatll take too much effort because of these tryhards Hollywood type ppl but honestly sometimes I feel like its not worth fighting for.. 😔

@Rekonero - 10.02.2024 08:46

You could rock with me 😊 I like the video fr that's why I been saying I do not claim to be a part of the community frfr. But maybe.. we could be our own little part of the community that's just apart and just peaceful. Thatll take too much effort because of these tryhards Hollywood type ppl but honestly sometimes I feel like its not worth fighting for.. 😔

@Rivence - 13.02.2024 01:00

SoLushii, I seen you around in pubs here and there. And everytime I see you, it’s good vibes. Shame to see you fall outta love for the game, hope you can come around to it again ❤

@marisenju8824 - 14.02.2024 15:50

I don’t play with you to much but your good in my book bro keep doing your thing bro don’t sweat the noise 💯💯

@jaredjackson7526 - 21.02.2024 20:19

The game is broken. People who have no skill drain everything from 3 and the game is unbalanced

@SoLushii - 04.02.2024 18:56

To kinda clarify the last part (if anyone made it)

I’ve been started knowing shit since last year late summer at first it wasn’t anything cause it never really knew anyone other than people in a crew

But overtime this caused me to look at things differently and people that I wanted to hit up for the future has some weirdness under there belt or just outright dirty Dan business

But to sum it into why I only explained 3 things in this video an why it wasn’t longer it’s cause these were recent and it not only has me bummed out but it also disappointing to have it floating around knowing that it’s there

But I still wanna say thanks to all an see u till the end of march!
