6) Login and Install eCommerce Plugins - 2016

6) Login and Install eCommerce Plugins - 2016

Greg Narayan

8 лет назад

818 Просмотров

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@mustafadabbagh1 - 09.03.2016 10:48

i just coppied and pasted your blog url but you forgot to post the url in the comment section. just a thumbs up

@mustafadabbagh1 - 09.03.2016 10:51

greg youre the man dude. thanks for the videos

@carolynchristian3874 - 17.03.2016 05:59

Hi Greg,
Am still in the profile of the users section. 1.Wanting to know if I I keep using the same personal gmail address for receiving email from godaddy, hostgator and wordpress when I follow your videos.2. Do we need to have a website address ready for our ecommerce store when following you or do you teach us that in one of the future videos.
Carolyn (total beginner, however enjoying learning this process)

@carolynchristian3874 - 18.03.2016 13:22

Thanks Greg and the link. Carolyn

@tribeaisle1615 - 19.05.2016 23:03

Hey Greg, great video, but the link in the description doesn't seem to work.
