Martin Etheridge, SVP, Blockchain & Digital Assets at Mastercard, discusses how interoperability networks can unlock new opportunities for blockchain adoption by financial institutions. His interview covers:
- Insights from the recent white paper, "Institutional Interoperability."
- Mastercard's approach to connecting blockchain-based assets to payments networks and future possibilities for further interoperability.
This interview took place on the sidelines of Point Zero Forum in Zurich, July 2024. The Point Zero Forum side event, hosted by Axelar and Metrika, featured speakers from Citi, Deutsche Bank and Mastercard – all contributors of insights to the white paper.
Read the full white paper:
Highlights from Martin's interview with Axelar Foundation director and Axelar protocol co-founder Georgios Vlachos:
- Mastercard's starting point for blockchain innovation, 0:24
- The importance of interoperability, 3:46
- Chain abstraction in financial infrastructure, 6:28
- Blockchain use cases: identity management, 8:54
- Institutional use of public blockchains, 10:26