I’m going to be honest. You give off a lot of drama and talk too much. You are new and talking crap about your employer to patients. I’m guessing you change jobs often
ОтветитьYou were snooping and I feel bad for all of the poor patients not getting their proper care no matter who's at fault
ОтветитьIt's a rite of passage to be fired at least once from a nursing job😅
ОтветитьI worked at an infusion medspa type place when I was a new grad & desperate for an 'in-between' job. My boss was an EMT, the owner was an interior designer. I hadn't been there 1 week & was working on my own. It was just me & the receptionist. I completely put my license in danger. I was thankful for God's protection in that moment.
ОтветитьThankfully I’ve never been fired…I leave when I know it’s not a dept I’m happy in. I love this tho…”I’m in Messico!!” 😂😂😂
ОтветитьI swear nurses tell the best stories. One of the very few things I miss about the healthcare field.
ОтветитьThat place your worked at temporarily sounds like the rheumatologist is whacked out mentally I hope her business shuts down that’s not how you run a practice
ОтветитьConsider the person had memory issues, no surprise
ОтветитьThis is crazy listening to you! Sounds sooo similar to my last job! From the interview to getting fired. I knew from the beginning, the Lord showed me that I would be there to plant seeds and it would be temporary. I heard from the clients the whole time how much they appreciated me and the other staff didn't like it. I was the only Christian there and so I was mocked every shift. I ended being fired due to "conflict with staff"
Now trying for unemployment benefits, they claim that I quit that I just didn't show up. They also had a huge turnover, like new people like twice a wk.
Honestly Sis, God did you a favor cause you were basically working for an idiot. Some of these Managers, Directors, CEOs, etc in this healthcare field truly don't know the ins and outs of health care management nor patient care. Hiring anyone whom can give a dose of Tylenol. Messing patients up, especially in the hospitals. Code rescues, and code blues called everyday🤦🏿♂️🤦🏿♂️
ОтветитьI ike you sister straight forward ..
ОтветитьThis happens in hospitals all the time
ОтветитьCan you get to the point?
ОтветитьThat wasnt nice of the previous nurse you called to tell them you contacted her. Smh
ОтветитьI feel sorry for the patients 😢😮 and hope they are looking for another doctor 💊💉💊💉🏥💊
Thanks for helping me to grow, I wish you the best 🙏🙏🙏.
Maybe 🤔 getting Fired for me can be
God will not leave you blind! When jobs are posted every week with a company you're right it's a red flag. When you said Northside I knew you were from my city I have friends and church members that work there. Im thinking about moving back.
Ответитьno policy for the infusion room in case of a reaction?!?! holy crap. I'm a pharmacy tech and i can't even imagine. but also i can. the public would be shocked at how little doctors know about basic medical stuff. we often are the ones who recommend meds to the doctors now bc they can't even be bothered to know what to prescribe so they call us and ask
ОтветитьI was scared when I saw the headline but then realized I saw this already a long time back. Take care Nisha I know you'll be fine.
ОтветитьVery unfair to you..
ОтветитьOh baby it’s all healthcare, unfortunately it’s all screwed up!
ОтветитьGirl that place sounds like a mess and they were doing some illegal stuff. It was a blessing u got fired. I kinda want to know what happened to that clinic
ОтветитьOmg when you said after you talked with the previous person who you replaced and the next day the lady who hired you wanted to see you in her office I said that other lady called her and told her what you and her talked about and for her to rehire her it was really to make sure that she wasn't going to call and have her office investigated this is why jobs can't keep people because they're always trying to use and abuse the system. I'm glad you are no longer working there because one day we will see them on the news 😅
ОтветитьI’m a retired nurse after 45 years and I had very similar experience with a clinic position. Wow was I bullying. You’re so amazing. Keep your beautiful head up. You got this.
ОтветитьI meant I was bullied
ОтветитьSorry you had to experience an unstable work environment but what about the patients wanting for treatment.
ОтветитьYeah people have a lot of nerve, I'm glad you are out of there
ОтветитьThat's okay what's for you, will be for You❤
ОтветитьNorthside, my stomping ground for 17yrs....
ОтветитьI’ve worked for 2 female physicians and NEVER EVER again!!!! My worst experiences was working for 2 female physicians.
ОтветитьTwo years later, and I’m hoping that this place has been closed down or they fixed their issues at the very least.
Ответитьit really sounds like that doctor was breaking the law (and her husband too). She could have gotten patients harmed with her incompetence and negligence. Those are the type of bosses to make mistakes and try to blame you for it. You were lucky you got out of there!!!
ОтветитьOh Lawd…. CAN WE ALL SAY FRAUD???? 😂😂😂
ОтветитьIf she was there for fifteen years she knows a lot and she did a lot as well.
ОтветитьNesha, I subbed you.
ОтветитьThank you for this testimony. I was recently fired due to not being fast enough. I was only there a month and the people that trained me didn't train me. They just told me when I was wrong, which was about everything. I had never in my life been around such rude and toxic people. God definitely pulled me out of there.
ОтветитьThis company has some very creative accounting practices! It sounds to me they are "using" everyone's licenses to set up family Trust Funds ... at your licensing peril!
ОтветитьToo many red flags. Always best to move on. As professionals you do not tolerate: INCOMPETENCE, NEGLIGENCE, bullying, omissions ect. Equal to ABOMINATION ; way pass their level of competence. Those places need yearly inspections.
ОтветитьThis is a PERFECT lawsuit.
ОтветитьLiving Lavishing w/ Nesha You did the right thing to ŵalk out. She did not give you any notice.
ОтветитьScared for your license!!!! Jesus Was All Over That - Were they even or ever accredited?
ОтветитьIt's OK to get fired.
ОтветитьJust how many red flags did this interview cause you to reconsider. WOW,, no policies? I would have quit on the spot, my license is worth so much more than money. Hang in there, you made the right decision.
ОтветитьTake the L and shut your face