EU4 1.36 The Papal State Guide - The Most UNDERRATED Nation For BLOBBING

EU4 1.36 The Papal State Guide - The Most UNDERRATED Nation For BLOBBING

The Red Hawk

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@clintonlowery6227 - 01.02.2024 03:17

A guide for Korea, please?

@rubencarva - 31.01.2024 06:22

I'm trying to form italy for the first time but I'm trying with florence. Do you guys recommend forming Tuscany, or is it better to stay as florence?

@benabaxter - 31.01.2024 01:49

If you want to really blob, you will want to get to Malta and Alhambra ASAP. Obviously the easiest way to upgrade monuments is through using manpower----for this reason alone, I think quantity is an excellent idea choice, once you get your economy in order.

You could always do innovative and espionage, for the early all powers cost buff and siege ability, as well as the aggressive expansion impact from espionage, but in my latest run I decided to prioritize AE impact and the Deus Vult CB from religious. What people don't realize from religious as the Papal states is that you will earn so much prestige from conversion, as well as papal influence, and this prestige can be used to have massive vassals because you get to spend your prestige on placating local nobles. I have been at zero prestige on purpose only to be at 100 within a year or two if I have enough lands to convert.

Plus, obviously, it can be very useful to have at your disposal calling crusades against the Ottomans. I have no problem getting down to zero manpower and then declaring war against them, because I have so much diplo rep and so many armies and such a large force limit, etc. It's almost a shame I had to cripple France and Castile, take their territories, and rival them until they were irrelevant. This is all after achieving Empire rank.

In short, form the kingdom of God ASAP, take espionage, religious, quantity, and then admin. Have massive vassals core things for you and help you in wars and give you force limit. Spend your prestige on keeping them loyal, and then integrate them once they are of large enough size. You might want to wait until you have both admin and influence to integrate the largest vassals.

Oh, and because I lucked out in Portugal eating almost all of Morocco, and Portugal was my ally, I've been able to easily vassalize Morocco, convert it, and request all the cores back. There are so many opportunities If you seize all the adjacent centers of trade in war and look for easy vassalizations.

@EndoftheTrain - 29.01.2024 18:18

You can give cardinals to your subjects using the curia treasury and when you annex them you get the cardinals for yourself. You can also demand your allies subjects lands, so you could ask for Dalmatias Hungarian cores from Austria. Great video hawk!

@ricardomunoz3455 - 29.01.2024 06:15

what's the mod of the missions that makes them look better?

@marsh2537 - 29.01.2024 05:59

this guy loves saying man

@tobiaschristensen5843 - 29.01.2024 01:32

Imagine if you took quantity instead of quality

@fidoruh - 29.01.2024 01:05

Espionage would be a good thing to add to lean on the agressive expansion reduction at the end of their tree. Also Battle pope is probably the greatest thing they gave them.

@OliverKlohzov - 28.01.2024 23:32

Maybe you already know this.. but if not, as a tip, you should do your privileges before you summon the diet, as you can get the burgher's 'pay off national debt' agenda.. Then you simply go and repay all loans, and then wait a day, and you get the rewards.. which is a half cost YIR admin advisor. And of course, 10 loyalty! then just get your burgher loans again.

@CesarLuisAfonsoDias - 28.01.2024 21:14

I find very hard to WC with the Pope, it lakes PRC, CCR or better VAC. I tried both pure conquest and vassal conquest and never achieved with both strategies. I remember the time I tried with pure conquest I had 3500 development by 1600's and still failed. Core times and lack of admin delay everything.

@nfinitecontradiction6758 - 28.01.2024 19:23

In the middle of a run with Provence

1. Aragon kept Naples and was allied to Castile and Austria. So I got cores on Naples instead of PU CB.

2. I allied Castile and Austria and pulled them into a war where Aragon was non-cobeligerent to break alliances.

3. I took Naples here (as Aragon didn't have an heir and I was worried about the Iberian Union event.

4. Iberian Union immediately fires upon peace. Since cores are in Naples I can't ask Castile to return cores.

5. Before I can isolate Castile to take back cores, Castile got the Burgundian inheritance.

6. Castile wound up allying England after I broke off my alliance.

7. My cores expired before I was strong enough to take them back -100 prestige.

F in chat?

@satyamanand7566 - 28.01.2024 18:53

Espionage > anything else for Papal States. AE no longer exists.

@divpadsmitais - 28.01.2024 17:50

good job

@Yacovo - 28.01.2024 16:50

Thanks for the video.

@mich3630 - 28.01.2024 14:22

Since you made that video about the eu4 tutorial being really bad i've noticed how you include tidbits about where to find things in the interface or tips for general gameplay, like the diplo vassalization this game. really cool!

@MaitreWham - 28.01.2024 13:29

15 secs into the vid and i already lanched EU4 to try this

@Prany2 - 28.01.2024 12:43

How about Mali guide next? They kinda need it more than most of Europe.

@zotsd8147 - 28.01.2024 11:47

Nice Video only a Little to Late for me. Just finished my run with the papal State and it was a lot of fun.

@shubhaamgokko1361 - 28.01.2024 08:55

Great guide Red Hawk. Would like to see you do a guide on Adal

@szymonkaliszewski5137 - 28.01.2024 03:14

obviously sarig yogir is the most underrated nation for blobbing

@craigstephenson7676 - 28.01.2024 03:05

This is completely unrelated, but i have some beef with western European trade nodes, specifically Bordeaux and Valencia. Bordeaux and Sevilla are not connected at all trade-wise, meaning a france conquering into sevilla or castille into Bordeaux gives no useful trade value. If Bordeaux went into both Valencia and Champaign, this issue would be resolved, as an Iberian nation could have its trade capital in Valencia and take advantage of Bordeaux trade. This wouldn't hurt France, as it usually ends up controlling Bordeaux and transferring all of that trade power into Champaign. I also think having Valencia go into both Champaign and Genoa would be interesting, but this might make the Champaign and English Channel trade nodes too powerful.

@alatamore - 28.01.2024 02:54

I would NOT do the scornful insult until just before you plan to excommunicate them, and I would not excom them until you are ready to attack them. It is far too easy for them to buy an indulgence and get out of it. I tried this with a similar guide on an earlier version, and did the insult too early, and they just bought indulgence, and I couldn't do anything buy go back to normal spy/claim.

@AGrumpyPanda - 28.01.2024 02:26

Looks like the video was a bit poorly cut mate. A few times you repeat yourself slightly differently, as if you'd changed the script/tried to say something a different way but left both versions in.

@mahdiali872 - 28.01.2024 02:25

what was up with that epirus lol

@gyarurespecter3386 - 28.01.2024 02:11

Every time I see a guide on Italian nations and see Lombardy completely intact, it just keeps reminding me that Milan is the best nation to form Italy simply because it starts with most of northern Italy already owned. I hate AE so much it's unreal.

@danieltehrani1396 - 28.01.2024 01:50

Was one of my most fun early campaigns. Had romes borders by 1700 and barely understood cbs, trade, or absolutism. Awesome to play

@Redbeardian - 28.01.2024 01:36

I'd recommend subjugating Naples in the first war. It's only about 65 ae (if memory is correct) and you get a decently powerful vassal (they had a 17k army in my next war) with a good navy (21 ships my run), and eliminates the gamble that Aragon or France PUs them while you wait out the truce. Additionally, it worked well for me to wait for France to take over Provence, then I released them from Avignon and got most of their southern cores back with favors.

@eXistenZ15 - 28.01.2024 01:33

Tunisia guide next pls

@staa6589 - 28.01.2024 00:54

why do you never issue embargo on rivals? is not it beneficial to do so? just curious

@nikolaitregouet - 28.01.2024 00:44

Hawk, stop the clickbait thumbnails… Every fucking time the thumbnail borders are not the real in-game ones at the end of the video. EVERY TIME. Come on)))

@thenamesianna - 27.01.2024 23:50

My first complete campaign from 1444-1821 was a Papal States->Kingdom of God run , and it only had a great start thanks to your last Papal States guide, so thank you ! The Pope is OP and very fun to play as !

@BogoceDesMontagnes - 27.01.2024 23:28

You should do this kind of intro more often, it really catched my attention and interest

@clementevaldes7163 - 27.01.2024 23:24

why you got one merchant on genova if its your comerce capital?

@benabaxter - 27.01.2024 22:58

Before you fight the Ottomans, it helps to get some territory in Tunis. This way, the Ottomans will be distracted by sieging down your land there.

@Hotarti - 27.01.2024 22:52

Day 17 of daily asking for Genua guide

@dondangler2458 - 27.01.2024 22:22

I recommend switzerland over milan since it helps swiss guard much earlier

@Discotekh_Dynasty - 27.01.2024 22:12

Huh. I literally thought “I really hope RedHawk does another Pope Guide soon” this morning. Thanks dude!

@stevenhohberg5903 - 27.01.2024 22:01

Amazing Guides, although I personnaly dont like that intro showing everything done already and than explain how to accomplish, I would prefer how it was in the older videos, but thats just my opinion

@jamiecook1522 - 27.01.2024 21:50

The new starts to the video showing the end is very nice to see

@MrBattlecharge - 27.01.2024 21:41

I need a guide for Ottawa, please! I can't get my economy or military collected in time for when England arrives!

@LVRugger - 27.01.2024 21:41

Since you've done the Kingdom of God guide, would you please do the Holy Trinity guide. I'd love to see your take on it.

@Necromediancer - 27.01.2024 21:18

Take a shot every time Hawk says "obviously"

@drchaos2000 - 27.01.2024 21:15

papal states is that one nation i tend to play till 1821... i like my personal challenge or turning all of the world catholic wihout actually leaving italy. you can religion force even juggernaut like ming, ottomans or deccan with the right ideas

@floressas1884 - 27.01.2024 20:51

Personally I don't like seeing the end state at the beginning, it takes away some of the pleasure of surprise of the rest of the video. But if it's working for engagement, I can just start skipping ahead

@subboid - 27.01.2024 20:41

Just fyi “a couple” explicitly means 2. “A few” is more flexible
