Top 10 Most Annoying Mounts to Farm in World of Warcraft

Top 10 Most Annoying Mounts to Farm in World of Warcraft


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DaBigT - 17.09.2023 03:42

I got extremely lucky on lich king classic and randomly flew into time lost's patching while headed to do the polar bear daily

joshua catano
joshua catano - 08.09.2023 04:24

Im so happy because I have the time lost lol I got it while heading to ulduar during wotlk

Potato Duck
Potato Duck - 06.09.2023 07:37

You can get a second chance at the heavenly onyx mount with an Elder Charm of Good Fortune token, you can farm them rares located in Isle of Thunder. I farmed Sha for about 10 years after nearly 6k kills and countless alts. I was able to obtain the mount with this reroll token during mid SL.

Paul Bernardini
Paul Bernardini - 04.09.2023 13:06

For m'y third time in wotlk to search proto drake , i find it. Less 2h of searchin , so fkin lucky

Logical “Lee” Fish Keeping
Logical “Lee” Fish Keeping - 30.08.2023 21:55

dang didnt expect to be one of the 4% having phosphorescent drake

Volvoxaureus - 25.08.2023 13:40

this guy knows shit, BfA was the expansion of gold you can make tons of it very easy

Dilly P
Dilly P - 13.08.2023 06:58

I'm quite lucky to have 4 of these mounts (Voidtalon, Phosphorescent Stone Drake, Heavenly Onyx Cloud Serpent and Time-Lost Proto Drake). Lots of time invested but quite rewarding once you get them. Gonna start working on a 5th one soon being the Grey Riding Camel.

Edit - I managed to get lucky with the Grey Riding Camel as well. Good luck to all who want to farm out these mounts

Error415 - 10.08.2023 04:01

Those all sound like rewards for not having a life

Envy LP
Envy LP - 04.08.2023 14:29

52 weeks a year, 8000? Really? Not even possible god damn

SirOlrox - 01.08.2023 15:41

Was mere 83 hunter in Deepholm. Scanner went Aeonaxx!. Tried to solo but could not. Prolly despawned for everyone. Now i have it on my wow account i havent played since BfA.

J V - 31.07.2023 11:45

I got 3 tlpd in offical wotlk,its usually 16 respawn

Schneeteufel - 27.07.2023 23:59

I have the Ashhide Mushan. But I got someone to help me, so it wasn't that bad.

I have certainly unsuccessfully tried the Ultramarine Qiraji Battle Tank and Love Rocket for many, many hours.

It drove me even more insane than the actual Insane title. When I got that title I even had max rep for goblins and pirates at the same time, which you don't need. Running the love event with 50 characters every day and not looting the mount is way worse.

Astrolime - 25.07.2023 06:25

Should have included the stupid bird mount from Legion.

Joshua Denkenberger
Joshua Denkenberger - 21.07.2023 17:57

I killed thousands of NPC's yesterday and STILL no Pack Mule

Kaan Tecdelioğlu
Kaan Tecdelioğlu - 21.07.2023 06:19

I have been farming ashes of alar for the past 6 expansions… with multiple characters.

bpastorb - 17.07.2023 20:54

Not sure if this was correct at the time, but the Aeonnox info is wrong at this point. The bat only spawns for a very short amount of time, seeing one would be incredibly rare, killing one even rare. It works exactly the same way as time-lost proto, except that you do not have to kill the alternate spawn. Whereas with time-lost you would need to kill vyragos to reset the spawn timer. They did away with that and made the alternate spawn only stay alive for 15 seconds or something like. It still has a much higher chance of spawning the bat - like how vyragos has a higher spawn, you simply do not have to kill it.

Jaiton - 04.07.2023 19:31

As a troll player I'm still mad about the brutosaur, no matter how hard I tried ob my server you just couldn't make the money at the time. I wanted it because it's a troll mount and a dinosaur, which I was so excited about. Now it's out of reach forever simply because I'm terrible at playing the AH

Supertacoboi Sr
Supertacoboi Sr - 03.07.2023 17:31

I just got into wow when WOTLK classic came out again. I didn't. Start farming mounts till 7 months ago. The heavenly onyx serpent I got last week. Only 7 months of farming compare to others who been farming years. I'm just saying next Feb I wouldn't be surprised to get the love rocket.

donnymo179 - 28.06.2023 07:15

How about the Sea Turtle mount?

Harmagedon - 28.06.2023 04:37

Archeology was cool but with legion I found it more boring than before, maybe it's because I'm more old than before? When whe are kid whe can easily play a bad game or mini game and thinking it's fun (me with plant versus zombie)

Aida BlackHeart
Aida BlackHeart - 10.06.2023 04:46

revisiting this list and man. after a years long break since bfa i recently returned. got heavenly onyx after like 2-3 kills after coming back. and then i just stumbled into aeonnax on my birthday while heading to the deepholm dungeon. now with hind sight 20/20 i feel bad i didn't tell anyone before i killed it. in the moment i was just like: OOOO and entirely forgot i could share the kill with others c':

Miriam Wood
Miriam Wood - 02.06.2023 15:32

Headless Horseman mount is right up there with the rocket.

Dapr0n - 27.05.2023 13:54

i got the Heavenly onyx serpent after killing Sha og anger randomly, cuz i say a bunch of people standing around the spawn point ^^

Sardonic Spartan
Sardonic Spartan - 25.05.2023 23:05

This is call "no lifer" mounts.

Kogure - 01.05.2023 03:57

fun fact, I got the pack mule randomly while questing there on my main, towards the end of the zone's story
I learned it without looking up just how rare it is

Deejus - 15.04.2023 20:39

I have Ashhide- it was definitely WAY easier to farm back in MoP.. However, it was still a grind. Killing 500 players in world pvp took a lot of time. I specifically farmed WPVP for it.

FRTZKNG - 08.04.2023 02:50

To be more precise, the drop chance for the love rocket is 1 in 3,333. Coupled with the two weeks per year time frame, drops recorded to Wowhead won't list the correct drop chance ever, were it not for dataminers.

Logan Laslo
Logan Laslo - 06.04.2023 21:39

1. It’s not 5 mins, it’s 15 mins for Edge of Reality portals.
2. Make sure NPCtimer (add on) says that the zone hasn’t been reloaded for at least 48 hours after a reset (Most likely Thursday) to start looking.
3. Don’t get discouraged, it took me 9 hours of searching on a Thursday before I saw my portal in Nagrand.

Cribbage Kyle
Cribbage Kyle - 24.03.2023 10:06

Proud of the fact that I even own 1 mount on this list =)

Slavovid - 21.03.2023 01:11

The Battle Tank is easier than the Fishing one .... if you do farm Archeology on alts. The first 3 rare finds in Tol `vir come easy in the first 20-30 solves and thus if you do alts you are likely to get it faster than if you try on 1 character. It took me 3 alts to get it and only 2-3 hours per alt where i spend a lot more on main before that with no success.

Gilafax - 15.03.2023 07:59

They really need to update the texture of the ultimate battlemarine

Saint zero
Saint zero - 05.03.2023 19:25

The time lost proto drake..

I have this mount. I didn't even know what it was. I was flying by to farm uldar a few expansions later and just happened across it.

CoJoGrizzlo - 27.02.2023 22:07

I read “10 mounts I’m not going to even bother trying”

Twilight Knights Cosplay
Twilight Knights Cosplay - 27.02.2023 18:25

As someone who has Aeonaxx and Time Lost I can say Time lost is easier. The spawn TLPD shares stays up until killed and is easy to spot. The bat that shares Aeo's spawn timer on the other hand is a battle pet sized mob that is only up for exactly 15 seconds before despawning so unless it spawns right in top of you your chance of missing it high. I camped Aeonaxx for 17 days straight with my longest shift being 31hrs and my average shift being 10hrs. During that time I only saw the bat once. I saw Aeonaxx once previously to getting the mount but was killed swiped by a random who just happened to log in at the right time. When I finally did get him it was in WM just as I was about to log off and call it quits for the day.

LionheartNh - 21.02.2023 04:52

Many years ago I'd been farming the time lost drake when I was in the bath and the rare spawn alarm went off. Thinking it was Vyragosa as usual I nevertheless dragged myself out of the bath and there was the time lost flying merrily about the mountains. Getting water all over my keyboard I was able to shoot it down and get it. Never ignor the alarm even if you are in the bath lol.

Dragons, Waffles and Fire
Dragons, Waffles and Fire - 17.02.2023 04:11

Just earned the Heavenly Onyx Cloud serpent, been at it for a few months and got really lucky! So damn happy

Rick L
Rick L - 16.02.2023 21:33

I have a lot of these mounts on the list including the big love rocket. My big whale mount that I missed was/is the 5 mil gold mount. I didn’t bother with it or even want it when it was first announced. Until I heard they was removing it for no good reason. Then I had to have it. Didn’t even come close to making the 5million gold.

Gary Denison
Gary Denison - 14.02.2023 10:40

My vote is for the grey camel.. its the only one i dont have on this list.

burak kar
burak kar - 12.02.2023 10:01

love rocket numer 1 confirmed

Vhear - 23.01.2023 06:48

the battle tank took me 362 trys for it

mirraiidx - 10.01.2023 13:26

Despite having seen TLPD 8 times ( and told in general he was there cause I got my kill back in Wrath ) and almost all the mounts listed, I still have to find the Quiraj battle tank. That tol vir archaeology thing is really annoying.

Mitch Haft
Mitch Haft - 04.01.2023 17:25

So i may be the luckiest person alive, i got Heavenly Onyx cloud serpent on my 2nd attempt lol

Robyn Michael Lansford
Robyn Michael Lansford - 18.12.2022 22:50

LOL…around a day to get the Aeonaxx mount ??!! I got it back in the day when it was 6-22 hour respawn. I was out there 15+ hours every day for over 3 weeks. You guys have it EASY and you think 2-8 is long?? LOL

Roy Corman Jr
Roy Corman Jr - 09.12.2022 10:36

I remember it well. During Wrath while in Dalaran I grew tired of seeing so many alliance players with time lost. I tabbed out, looked up his spawn locations, flew towards K3, and the village just NW of K3 I spotted him in the distance. Pulled him, killed him, mounted up, and flew back to Dal to show him off. Did not realize at the time exactly how rare of a spawn he was. All in all, from my interest in him till I had him was less than 15 mins. I realized later how impossibly lucky I was and it became my favorite mount to this day.

Stephen Henderson
Stephen Henderson - 28.11.2022 23:00

i finally got Time lost proto drake 2 days ago! after 10 years of hunting

Damian Lockheart
Damian Lockheart - 23.11.2022 01:54

Found that void talon portal once, then the game proceeded to crash me and the 5 other people nearby for daring to click it

DreamingFlurry - 14.11.2022 22:17

That time walking mount (which I still don't have! Damned, I have the fucking Phoenix (Ashes of Alar!) - but no, the Time-Walking-Dragon? Nope! A friend of mine who wasn't even looking for it got it the last time he played (during BfA!))

Molly H
Molly H - 13.11.2022 23:25

just an added note on blood seeker for the bat. the bat doesn't stay up. it was put there to troll people using npc scan, the bat only stays up for about 5 seconds then despawns. now that npc scan doesn't work as it use to, its almost impossible to know the spawn timer with the 9 / 10 chance of the bat and 1/10 chance of aeonaxx.

roflmows - 28.10.2022 13:00

i take people's kill claims with a HUGE grain of salt. 5000 kills? 8000? bleh, i call bullshit.

first of all, nobody is tracking kills for that long.

two, virtually nobody is killing a mob on 30 toons, every single week, for years on end. people just aren't that organized or dedicated.

i'll give people a few hundred, or maybe even up to 1000 or so.

30 dedicated kills per week = 1,560 kills per year. and that's doing it every single week, without fail or breaks, on 30 toons...and all of those toons have to be high enough level.

virtually nobody even has 30 high level toons.

8000 kills would be over FIVE YEARS of doing it week in, week out, on 30 toons, without fail. five solid years.

i call bullshit. nobody does that. NOBODY.

most people are likely grossly overestimating--or outright lying--about their kill count. people are generally terrible judges of numbers, which is why those "guess how many pennies are in this jar" contests are worth holding. it's because most people are either wildly over or wildly under the actual count.

plus, people absolutely love to exaggerate. we have no shortage of "fish tales" in the human race.
