The Windows Feature You SHOULDN'T Ignore - File Extensions Explained

The Windows Feature You SHOULDN'T Ignore - File Extensions Explained


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BloodyBay - 21.09.2023 03:58

Neverwinter Nights (from Bioware) and The Sims 2 were the games which taught me how important it is to not let latter versions of Windows hide your file extensions! "Let's see...this directory has three files named 'NWN'. Which one do I double-click to start the game?"

Did Microsoft ever have a good reason to hide the file extensions? 🤨

SmileFreestyle - 12.07.2023 00:32

.vbs stands for vinereal butthole surplus. Avoid it unless you want your computer to have ass aids

Jessie - 18.04.2022 00:46

i dont get how a file can be a .txt.vbs like how are there multiple file extensions?

Just Some guy
Just Some guy - 21.03.2022 12:53

Wait you can show extensions I just check properties :(

Adventure Nomad for Nature
Adventure Nomad for Nature - 12.03.2022 03:17

I, and many other people have noticed that all image files on our computers (I have windows 10) have changed to a file called Unhandled File Extension Handler, and there doesn't seem to be a fix, and I can't find anything out there to help me. I've tried resetting files to Windows default, and tried restoring to another time, and a few other basic things. Apparently it's a virus, but I don't have any viruses on my computer, and it could be ransomware, but nothing has come of that yet either. Is my only solution to reinstall windows? I hope some nerd comes up with a solution soon, I'm not the only one asking for help. If you have any ideas, can you respond, and maybe make a video too 🤔 thanks

Bober101 - 18.12.2021 18:01

its like explaining to people to eat a banana you need to first remove its skin.

HTML Man - 13.10.2021 20:46


Geert Delmulle
Geert Delmulle - 13.02.2021 18:20

I’m too old for this, I guess.
I mean: the mere fact that you guys need to make a video about file extensions...
This knowledge should be encoded into our human DNA, by now. We all should intuitively know this without having to be told or taught.
Halas, such is not the case. Good job. :-)

That One Fox...
That One Fox... - 05.02.2021 14:24

If I would code an OS I would ignore File extension, I would make that my OS recognizes the type, from its own

Dominik Tősér
Dominik Tősér - 17.01.2021 18:45

i was looking for this! .VBS is a fake error or a real text to speech or normel speech file! That means its safe (i have tried it out)

Gabriel's Epic Life of Goals
Gabriel's Epic Life of Goals - 04.10.2020 00:54

So, how do you make your own?

Szmerch - 17.09.2020 22:44

What is a MIC. file?

Star Sheep Gaming
Star Sheep Gaming - 12.08.2020 01:24

.WTF file is a World Of Warcraft Save file

tedd bundy gaming
tedd bundy gaming - 27.07.2020 18:38

2 3 4 leters unity game devs laugths

José Daniel
José Daniel - 16.06.2020 18:21

Winner of a video, I have been researching "running mlm classified ads" for a while now, and I think this has helped. You ever tried - Teyazon Financial Blaster - (just google it ) ? Ive heard some pretty good things about it and my work buddy got great results with it.

Skrate - 02.05.2020 08:22

Thank you the video really helped.

FHL-Devils - 01.04.2020 06:58

Did you seriously say download files from the internet and change the extensions? ... ummm......

bobingabout - 12.03.2020 01:08

Amiga had an interesting way of doing things.
Some files could and did have file extension, but since most users were using an operating system on floppy disk, knowing what all the file extensions should be used with weren't stored, because the OS could be older than your program, and likely on a different floppy disk.
There was one file extension that always existed though, .info, and basically every file that was saved, also had another file of the same name, with .info tacked on the end.
trying to open a file would cause the OS to look at a file's .info file, which would hold information like, custom icon, and what program to try and open it with, including the name of the disk, and directory of the app.
Of course this is a system 35+ years old now, but, makes sense when you consider a floppy disk as your main storage system.

Gbeats90 - 06.03.2020 02:23

In the early 2000's I used to change a .jpg to a .doc when submitting a report at school when I was about to miss the submission deadline.
Always worked to fool the teacher into thinking it was a software issue.

A Cornel
A Cornel - 06.03.2020 02:19

This video is hilarious if you're a Linux dude.

d - 05.03.2020 04:01

Lol the time is 420

Gaurav Singh
Gaurav Singh - 04.03.2020 18:06

Cracked me up.. when I thought there could be a file extension named wtf haha

A1eR - 04.03.2020 00:26

Having the file type information encoded in the name is a very bad design. macOS and Linux use a better solution, the file type is identified by the first 4 bytes of the file content. The type of the file is not a property of the name but the property of the content, and the solution that uses UNIX always works, even if the file is trasmitted on a network or in a way where the metadata (including the name) is lost.

Also it's safer, how many time on Windows you had problems because someone opened a document.pdf.exe? (and of course the .exe is hidden by Windows with default settings). On UNIX you have the concept of executable privileges, a file is not executed simply because for some reason it happens to have .exe at the end of the name, but it must have a particular privilege set. Renaming a file (or downloading a file with a .exe at the end from the internet) doesn't make it executable, but the user must set the privilege expicitally.

Doug Johnson
Doug Johnson - 03.03.2020 09:10

I despise Microsoft for pretending their software is stable enough that normal people will never have to dive into any of this. All they've done with their default Windows' settings that hide all this stuff is cripple people at a low tech level. You have to know about file extensions or you'll soon be helpless and dependent on someone who does. And eventually, you'll have to know about Windows OS files too, or you'll never graduate from newbie to someone who's got a chance of fixing their own machine. Even the way they encourage you to just depend on a program's default save directory instead of learning the file system, and proactively naming your own save folders is absolutely devastating to the people I have to bail out on a regular basis.

Torax Malu
Torax Malu - 03.03.2020 05:10

Linux / Unix uses content instead of the file extension... 🤦‍♂️ But the windows approach with the extension has its appeal more or less.

Jani SIr
Jani SIr - 02.03.2020 22:24

And then there is linux. It doesn't have file extensions, and it's really cancer to use.

Matthew Malthouse
Matthew Malthouse - 02.03.2020 14:58

Welcome to 1981, folks.

Tad Mikowsky
Tad Mikowsky - 02.03.2020 01:32


Thomas Joseph
Thomas Joseph - 02.03.2020 01:24

What's the proper file extension for '.NoShitSherlock'.... ???

Jimmy Gonzalez
Jimmy Gonzalez - 01.03.2020 21:45


mib - 01.03.2020 18:17

This isn't a Windows feature.
... stop.

tuca - 01.03.2020 15:45

what the fuck

cryptearth - 01.03.2020 13:05

that's so windows biased - what about magic numbers and file type recognition based on that?

klebdotio - 01.03.2020 09:57

Linux: What are file extensions? (Now yes ik that linux uses them but they arent used as much as in windows)

Boyd The Milkman
Boyd The Milkman - 01.03.2020 02:38

fuck u james.

Frederique Rijsdijk
Frederique Rijsdijk - 01.03.2020 00:12

Ever heard of file magic? It's not so inefficient to look in files to see what type of file it really is.

VAUIENLET - 29.02.2020 21:24

love from kolkata India

Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis - 29.02.2020 12:17

I got an ad with linus in it

Machtyn - 29.02.2020 09:36

Why Microsoft insists on hiding the extension still, frustrates me.

Harrison Murphy
Harrison Murphy - 29.02.2020 06:44

Click bait

James McGoogan
James McGoogan - 29.02.2020 06:00

How do I get 24 hours and 5 minutes in a day?

skunkling - 29.02.2020 02:39

Newb content, but not everyone grew up exploring the ins and out of windows 98 thru XP
