Simple Message Passing on Graphs

Simple Message Passing on Graphs


3 года назад

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@ThyRiki - 02.12.2020 07:28

Great video! Very clear.

@arp_ai - 02.12.2020 08:11

I enjoyed the video. Thank you! Would be awesome to mention example applications of message passing.

@hayleecs4223 - 02.12.2020 23:38

Great video, but that t-shirt tho!
edit: seriously, thanks for the animations as well!

@arjunashok4956 - 16.12.2020 16:07

Why wouldn't message passing work without scaling with respect to the destination, and without the square root? i.e. just by using the initial formulation(D * A) with self-loop edges in A (and hence accounted in D), why can't I do the message passing?

@Christian-ty5vn - 15.03.2021 16:30

Thanks! :) Enjoyed the video. Well explained and great examples.

@maryamalizadeh4984 - 02.06.2021 11:13

great explanation . Thanks

@rupjitchakraborty8012 - 09.06.2021 13:56

Loving your channel. Too few likes for such a good video.

@milandoshi7640 - 20.08.2021 14:06

Is it possible to create a adjacent matrix from an image of a molecule or from just coordinates without knowng which components are connected ?. Thanks in advance.

@leandrostival4326 - 25.10.2021 05:13

Great explanation!

@leo.y.comprendo - 13.11.2021 09:03

Great video!! I am currently working on an algorithm that builds an adjacency matrix from features extracted on a convolutional layer for a set of images (deep features). However, the formula just states that A is softmax(F)@softmax(F).T. This leaves me with an adjacency matrix with real numbers. Is this valid for message passing algorithms? I could imagine that it is some sort of “weighted edges”? Thanks!

@RaynerGS - 10.02.2022 00:46

Thanks so much for your class; I am a Ph.D. student, and your channel is helping me — way to go and Salute from Brazil.

@robmarks6800 - 31.03.2022 14:33

Even though I’ve almost finished my master’s, the generalization of simple scalar arithmetic such as multiplication and division to vectors still surprise me. For example going from a/d to the inv(D)*A formula. Which seems even harder to comprehend if D wouldnt be diagonal.

Can anyone help me/point to any respurces that explain(not define) these fundamental matrix operations?

@seyitahmetozturk721 - 02.05.2022 01:42

I couldn't understand why you changed degree of each node (1,2,3,1,1) to (1,2,3,4,5). Maybe I missed some point but I am curious to answer.

@moustafa_shomer - 10.08.2022 13:36

great video, thank you so much

@pavelpopov9712 - 15.02.2023 01:52

It’s a great video, one thing (if I understood correctly) is to take different values for nodes features vector instead of nodes initial range positions. I didn’t catch that from the first time

@RalphDratman - 18.02.2023 08:40

Excellent! Thanks very much. That's outstandingly clear.
The resulting system implements diffusion with conservation of total, um, node stuff.

@TheMarcosVerissimo - 26.03.2023 13:15

Wonderful video! Pity that it looks like you have stopped making them. If that were part of a Udemy course, I'd definitely take it.

@jevoncharles8680 - 07.02.2024 04:42

