In 6 Months EVERYTHING Will Change | Classic WoW

In 6 Months EVERYTHING Will Change | Classic WoW


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Stovn - 23.09.2023 17:51

Wrath Era? no. I hoping the classic + rumors are true at blizzcon this year. Classic Era is the definitive WoW experience and retail and Classic expansions cant even come close.

Hollem - 23.09.2023 17:37

Its crazy how you can just tell who hasn't played a private server.

Josh Smith
Josh Smith - 23.09.2023 17:36

The entire point of classic gone :/

Lazarus Lazuli
Lazarus Lazuli - 23.09.2023 17:21

I think the sweet spot for classic is WotLK, so I hope they keep wrath servers around for those of us who find it to be the most preferrable, I like cataclysm, but I'd like the option between the two seeing as I prefer wrath, who knows, wrath + could be a thing at some point in the future if people want it that badly.

ke ju
ke ju - 23.09.2023 17:12

i mean.. new expansion vs new content... only difference is u wont have to lvl up but pretty much same shit...

Igoo - 23.09.2023 17:12

Still hating classic/vanilla WoW to this day. Retrying it didn't change anything it was just a mediocre mmo back then compared to other games.

ke ju
ke ju - 23.09.2023 17:08

stop wasting time in expansions... nobody care even about tbc and wrath they all die in a sec after release.... its all about classic era/vanilla now

Vinny G
Vinny G - 23.09.2023 17:06

I will play cata classic I think, I have never played cata (like I never did wotlk originally), so I will play it. If I hate it like the haters say I will, then I will quit, but I kinda doubt I will hate it lol

1mbeany - 23.09.2023 17:00

Is it too late to start wotlk?

DaLiJeIOvoImeZauzeto - 23.09.2023 17:00

The time for this was 4 years ago. Saying this as an avid vanilla player.

Devin Anderson
Devin Anderson - 23.09.2023 16:50

Was dragon soul that disappointing? I played at the time, I don't remember a lot of negativity about the raid as a whole, though I do remember people being disappointed by the deathwing fight. It was the first time we had a final raid patch for over a year and I think tha left a sour taste for a lot of players myself included.

ozzyrulez2008 - 23.09.2023 16:40

My favorite part of wotlk was ALWAYS alts. I have 3 80s and the idea of trying to get them all up to par on gear sounds awfuly boring. Full heirloom alts wrecking all content? Awesome

Ephemis Priest
Ephemis Priest - 23.09.2023 16:39

Honestly, classic was great until the meta set in. Leveling to sixty the first time was very familiar and wholesome. People throwing you buffs, people grouping naturally, and dungeon groups tackling things as they encountered them.

Then, it all became about BiS. About how many warriors and mages were in your raid. No one gave any consideration to doing anything new, off meta, or just having fun. It was all about skips, clearing a raid as fast as possible, getting boosted, and using every bit of cheese to make things as braindead as possible. It just got worse in TBC.

Then, you have Blizzard ignoring tickets and letting bots run rampant. Compared to the player base though, that was nothing.

Skinketern - 23.09.2023 16:38

The worst part of the game is the leveling :D

Timxiix - 23.09.2023 16:36

I just want fresh classic servers :)

Jesus - 23.09.2023 16:29

WoW vanilla was near perfect. They shouldn't have changed anything and expanded horizontally to keep everything relevant.

The only good thing in retail is the updated visuals. The lore is shit, the systems are shit, mythic+ is shit, the leveling isn't important so 90%+ of the game is useless and there's no point interacting with people so the only glimpse of MMORPG you get is by doing some LFR and it's shit too because someone will most likely fail one of the thousands mechanic each boss have to compensate for addons(leading everyone to a wipe) and you will just get angry at the idea of playing with real people.

Neil Murray
Neil Murray - 23.09.2023 16:16

Just give me classic plus at this point. I love vanilla wow's world and questing, hardcore classic is great so far as well, puts a fun twist on the levelling process we're all used to at this point but my God, if classic plus came along, it'd make my millennium.

Hiroshima Fried
Hiroshima Fried - 23.09.2023 15:53

Catac was the beginning of the end and i dont expect it to do differnt next time

Harto FVG
Harto FVG - 23.09.2023 15:43

TurtleWow is what wow needs to be, go and check it.

M1907WSL - 23.09.2023 15:42

I still don't think that LFD is a bad thing in these modern times.

Would love to see LFD in Vanilla, and a TBC era realm also with LFD.

Myles Marciniak
Myles Marciniak - 23.09.2023 15:39

Cata is not really classic at all, so prob should just not do it.

Cheeseberry - 23.09.2023 15:34

I always assumed "classic" was everything before they changed Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms in Cataclysm. Not saying they shouldn't keep going an release every expansion as a standalone classic server, I think they should. I also think they should release at least one hardcore realm for every expansion

WanderinTaco - 23.09.2023 15:26

? "Coming of the back of Battle for Azeroth the 2nd not best received expansion in a row" Legion was good?

Kagarin? - 23.09.2023 15:23

Good thing we have Turtle WoW

No way cata classic will be successful

AverageDrafter - 23.09.2023 15:23

Servers with special rule sets like Hardcore are a very easy way to keep things interesting. My current dream server is 40 capped, with tweaks to the resist and crushing blows, etc, all levels on 40+ quests and items reduced to 40, and raids of 20(40?) allowed in normal dungeons. The late game becomes the end game, and BRD / BRS are now massive raid experiences of grueling difficulty requiring a ton of gear progression to even reach.

Typicalernie - 23.09.2023 15:23

i can see them doin classic hardcore tbc/wrath

Convescation - 23.09.2023 14:54

I kinda fudged myself in my classic journey, when classic launched I had leveled an undead mage and undead priest on Skeram, TBC classic launched and i transfered both toons to TBC without cloning them. Before i knew it , they had shut TBC servers down and switched them to WotLK while my guild was still progressing sunwell. Feeling lost, I decided not to play WotLK because those servers will be shut down too for Cata, went back to Vanilla and had to start my journey all over again. Currently level 52 human paladin on whitemane and Ive decided that Vanilla is hands down the best version of the game

tomo123 - 23.09.2023 14:46

TOC is such a bad boring raid... Its on par with Ruby Sanctum

młoda wiśnia
młoda wiśnia - 23.09.2023 14:43

So guys is it truly confirmed that classic wow is going to be upgraded to cataclysm? This was my all favourit addon

Midnight Blue
Midnight Blue - 23.09.2023 14:38


Midnight Blue
Midnight Blue - 23.09.2023 14:37


Nauby - 23.09.2023 14:24

What I wish for the 20 year release: Classic, TBC, WOTLK servers and you can transfer/progress you character at your own pace to the next server.
Perhaps even 2 servers for every expansion. One can dream 🥳

Lost Chapters
Lost Chapters - 23.09.2023 14:20

We all loved burning crusade but let’s be honest they made Azeroth irrelevant. If I liked money right now I’d return to classic and expand the game around level 60.

Juancho Gonzalez
Juancho Gonzalez - 23.09.2023 14:06

some new dungeons to vanilla even if its for low level would be great

daishi711 - 23.09.2023 14:02

Imagine if they gave all this content and the license to tweak it into something classic+ to someone who cared… rather than just looking for the easiest way to cash out

ElectroTone - 23.09.2023 13:59

Players, who yearn for the weekly loot slot machine, plays Wrath or Dragonflight.

Players, who yearn for a dangerous world and the social connection to other players, plays Classic HC.

I have been playing WoW since the summer of 2007, IE. vanilla TBC, and Classic HC is the best version of the game I have played bar none.

A priest and a warrior randomly meet in a field in Westfall.
Priest spots the warrior. "Tank? 🤔"
Warrior spots the priest. "Pocket healer? 🤔"

Instant quest farming group!

Much chatting ensues. Then, some time later, they part ways again on good terms, wishing the other good luck and a happy journey to 60.

Repeat for every gaming session. 🥹

John Redman
John Redman - 23.09.2023 13:59

Back on Vanilla Classic servers having a great time grinding out that old school character progression. Guild has almost a thousand members, SW was packed for Ony Buff with a literal griffon chain afterwards that lasted nearly a full minute of departing players freshly buffed. It is glorious.

R R - 23.09.2023 13:55

Great Video every informative :)
But BFA wasn't the "second not well recieved Expansion "in a row" There was Legion between WoD and BFA.
SL became the "second not well and even dispised Expansion in a row" since it came right after BFA.
But besides that i liked it :)
Looking forward what Blizz has to offer at BC2023

Kracker Games
Kracker Games - 23.09.2023 13:30

good vid!!! I can safely say everything changed after cata for me. It lost its unique charm and became like most other MMO's flexing their art skills. It was what introduced me to private servers and then leading me to build my own, to enjoy the "original" game.

donsaul - 23.09.2023 13:28

I didn't play classic on release and I decided to continue playing retail. I chose that because I played since vanilla and didn't want to do all it again. Last week some of my friends invited me to play hardcore and I'm liking the questing and the near death experiences. Leveling after WotLK in retail is just not fun. even the end game is fun form some people like me, but some ppl just don't like m+ nor raiding after beating normal or heroic

Atlas isaliar
Atlas isaliar - 23.09.2023 13:16

I need Wrath servers. My favorite part of WoW is leveling the different classes but i also like having somewhat balanced/interesting builds. My biggest complaint with Vanilla is that most of the classes are just damn boring to play, especially Paladin. I do love HC mode too but Wrath was the peak of the game for a reason too. I really hope they don't force Wrath players to move into Cata where the talent trees got crapped on.

Jason Masters
Jason Masters - 23.09.2023 13:06

yeah it'll go like this
Blizzard: Because of the overwhelming demand for RDF we've decided to include LFR in cata launch
Classic community: FACEPALM You think you know your player base .... but you don't.

Tatyana - 23.09.2023 13:04

I stopped playing wotlk classic because every time I won "roll" people threatened me with violence, it was very unhealthy behaving I don't share the same feeling regarding pixels

Jayzo96 - 23.09.2023 13:04

we need classic + with a new dungeon and a new 60 raid with scarlet crusade mobs

Piotr - 23.09.2023 12:59

Curious if that "Season" we are getting will be a Classic+ expansion. Someone leaked one but it was an easy take on what it would be "Dark portal does not open, lets go to unfinished zones" :D I just want something that isn't raidlogging of old boring instances.

Melodic Meerkat
Melodic Meerkat - 23.09.2023 12:54

I cant hold it in any more guys. I freaking love BFA 😭

Terminal Frost
Terminal Frost - 23.09.2023 12:53

When Cata releases I can see classic dying :P Here's hoping they have Wotlk servers.

B Dup
B Dup - 23.09.2023 12:50

The end of WoW Classic.

Mamlaka - 23.09.2023 12:47

Fix lags and dc in hc and everything will change.
