I almost gave up on my HD-2D BEAT 'EM UP...

I almost gave up on my HD-2D BEAT 'EM UP...

Cobra Code

10 месяцев назад

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NoobieSnake - 27.09.2023 12:25

Hey Cobra, I'm glad I stumbled upon your channel. I was doing research today whether I should pick Unreal Engine or Godot as a beginner solo developer with zero knowledge on coding and programming. At first, after doing my own research online, most people said Unreal Engine is not for people like me, Godot fits my criteria more, but your video seemed very convincing because HD2D is exactly what I want to do with battle scenes such as Pokémon or Final Fantasy, or JRPG in general instead of real time ARPG. After watching a few of your videos, I immediately subscribed to you and have purchased your Udemy course because you explain things very clearly and you seemed like a great teacher overall. Hopefully, by the end of learning your Udemy course, I'll be able to implement what I've learned on it. Very excited and looking forward to it. Thank you very much!

Serenelove520 - 23.09.2023 18:39

Is it possible for 2D characters to attack in a 3D way? Meaning, like a cone or circle in front of him, and hit targets not if the same lane

Cansado - 15.09.2023 05:49

I think the moves need more special effects, especially the big cultist PS: nice :)

with angusmf
with angusmf - 13.09.2023 15:50

The 2D workflow in UE continues to be SO BAD. What the hell? After Unity seems to have nuked itself with these runtime fees, I thought of looking into Paper2D and PaperZD again, but...good grief. This looks miserable, and you STILL can't do 2D skeletal animation in UE? Probably wouldn't help a project that's dead-set on using a pixel art style, but the 2D animation and IK tools Unity has offered for years now are amazing compared to messing around with sprite sheets. Please someone explain to me why I'm wrong, and/or tell me it's worth paying for Spine or what alternatives there are.

Jephren Naicker
Jephren Naicker - 07.09.2023 11:07

is there a site, where we could play this game? thanks!

ryu tyk
ryu tyk - 03.09.2023 20:54

Anyone know how to let the 2D character being constraint on a curved surface ? It is like Legend of zelda a Link to the past 2.
I think this is a limitation of UE5

Codi Roberts
Codi Roberts - 03.09.2023 01:02

I've completed other paid online courses for UE5 and I'm currently on the final section of your course. What separates yours from others is the projects are interesting and your way of teaching builds confidence, I feel like I might finally be able to escape tutorial hell and create a fun project for myself, and that's exciting to me. What you're doing works and I hope you continue with more courses and updates on your personal projects. Thanks!

That_Guy - 02.09.2023 17:34

can u release a demo soon plz?

Mary Hermann
Mary Hermann - 29.08.2023 08:02

Promosm 💦

cai24 - 27.08.2023 11:29

I have bit of an unusual noobie question; just testing the waters to see if someone can hint me to right direction. I am prototyping a 2D game using PaperZD in UE5.
Turning is done automatically using camera-oriented turning for the character, but since we are talking about flat plane, it has to be sped up so that the character wont appear as ”flat” (which it is, technically). Problem is, I wish to use turn animation instead - while keeping all animation control in locomotion state machine.
But, I havent been able to do it so far. At best, I have only been able to make it turn only to one direction.
This has made me suspect that my whole approach is wrong. Or, I am just too unskilled with using blueprints. I know that turn animation brings no value to the gameplay. All the paper2D/PaperZD tutorials I have found, including yours, just leave it out and just flip the character, because, why bother. But I want to keep at it because I realized that solving problems like this actually teach me much more about blueprints and help me understand how things work.
I am not asking anyone to provide me complete solution because I enjoy figuring things out myself. But, if anyone could hint or point me to the direction as how I should approach this problem, I would appreciate it. Should I ditch the state machine or are there just simply some way to employ the state transition conditions I havent figured out yet (the normal way to read what animation to play is to get velocity from player character)

Minute JV
Minute JV - 26.08.2023 19:08

Are you going to integrate this new game into the existing training course or into a new one? I am interested in developing a street of rage 4 style beat em up and your lessons seem to me to be already well advanced

Roni Studio
Roni Studio - 25.08.2023 13:07

as a beginner using Unreal Engine 5 Are the PC specifications below enough to learn UE5?
Core i5 13500, RTX 3060 12GB. 16GB RAM.

The Game Is Over
The Game Is Over - 21.08.2023 14:31

Interesting log ! Keep up the good work! You inspired me to start working on my own game :)

Evo - 21.08.2023 10:20

I wanna play this game!

Chris Sanders
Chris Sanders - 20.08.2023 18:59

never give up

Jojo Delacroix
Jojo Delacroix - 20.08.2023 15:02

Good job! I know pushing through those types of slogs is hard. And coming back after a longtime away is even harder yet. The consolation is that your game does look fun! :3

Stick Xd dx
Stick Xd dx - 20.08.2023 12:05

how did you make the 3d background

주스마스터도미닉 - 19.08.2023 05:25

super cool

Smurfis - 17.08.2023 18:28

Don’t give this up looks sick love the style

ProxyDoug - 17.08.2023 08:22

The game is looking awesome.

Laro - 17.08.2023 01:42

So glad to see you've cotinued this! Once again, I can't thank you enough for covering this beautiful niche.
Course looks solid, insta copped.

Bloodyshinta1 - 17.08.2023 00:45

i've been toying with the idea of making stick figure sprites to dial in gameplay mechanics and then hire someone later to make art, how well do you think this approach would work?

Nega Preto
Nega Preto - 16.08.2023 23:52

This video made me want harder to play this game when it's avaiable, great job

Virus - וירוס
Virus - וירוס - 16.08.2023 23:34

Amazing Work! Never Give Up!

Tartnet - 16.08.2023 22:37

Love your content so much I finally caved and bought the course to help me on my own project! Your original videos about your beat'em up is what made me start it in the first place!

Law Rence
Law Rence - 16.08.2023 21:48

wait asprite aint freeware?

Nenomep - 16.08.2023 21:47

Bro wahtever your do, keep it up, take your fun in it, and naturally, you'lll get supported for your efffort, anytime.

Snow Shinobi
Snow Shinobi - 16.08.2023 21:45

so happy to see people making 2d games in unreal. you are the reason why i switched to ue from unity last year. I have not regretted it. ue has so many features and its super easy to learn (imo). Tysm for your amazing videos i cant wait to see more of your game!

Rocky Mullet
Rocky Mullet - 16.08.2023 21:28

Great progress ! Nice to see that it's still underway.

Good Fractals Poker
Good Fractals Poker - 16.08.2023 20:49

Very beautiful color palettes and sceneries!

kanoeyes - 16.08.2023 20:36

Finally a new devlog!!!

Leszek Mazur
Leszek Mazur - 16.08.2023 19:39


NJoint - 16.08.2023 19:15

I probably would buy this game.
(And I'm definitely buying your udemy course after I'm finished with the one I'm currently doing)

Jedb - 16.08.2023 18:46

just remember that the name "HD-2D" is trademarked by square!

Super Kawaii Labs
Super Kawaii Labs - 16.08.2023 16:38

this looks so fun <3

Spamkromite - 16.08.2023 16:29

I like this, but my concern is to make a feasible dialogue choice system for the game since the game I have in mind is heavy on narrative and with many choices like a point and click adventure mixed with side-scrolling beat'em up like Golden Axe. I'm afraid until I can find a good multi-branched dialogue system, my only choice would be to create hundreds of arrays per character (and I would like to have some rich text so that I can colour or give format to words 😭). I'm too noob on this and I don't know most of the proper jargon.

Alexander Leal
Alexander Leal - 16.08.2023 15:31

The enemy IA and concepts of this video, are part of the Udemy course?

Selrisitai - 16.08.2023 15:28

I'm glad you kept going. The more you improve at pixel art the more options will open for you. It really is looking like it could be quite fun!

My only problem with multiple classes is that it means you're boxing yourself into the standard beat 'em up framework. You're not going to want to have complex or very refined fighting on the melee character if you're also going to have a ranged character, because then the ranged character will feel laughably basic by comparison to the melee character's parrying and crowd-control move-set.

Reede - 16.08.2023 15:23

Really cool stuff. Consistently impressed by the work you do with 2D in unreal. Has definitely given me a lot of inspiration to jump back into my own beat-em-up project and stick with the Paper 2/ZD workflow for it. Keep up the awesome work!

Rotem Babani
Rotem Babani - 16.08.2023 15:18

Really love the style of these games, NEVEWR BACK DOWN NERVER GIVE UP!
But seriously I really looking forward for this game :)
Keep up the good work!!

Paleoconservative Australian
Paleoconservative Australian - 16.08.2023 15:05

Can you do your course and make 2D games but not with pixel art but other art types?
