World's SMALLEST M43 camera is secretly a beast!

World's SMALLEST M43 camera is secretly a beast!

Micro Four Nerds

1 год назад

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Micro Four Nerds
Micro Four Nerds - 07.03.2023 19:09

What do you think of the little GM1!! What a babe! 📸

54Dutch - 02.10.2023 02:13

How did you change from Japenese to English menu it is said that you can not change Japenese menu

bruintoo - 19.09.2023 12:33

I have an orange GM1 with a detachable metal grip that attaches to the tripod thread (DMW-HGR1) . I've been using the Leica 15mm f1.7 lens on it.

Depot msa
Depot msa - 13.09.2023 02:47

so freeking cool ! nice colors and cool camera colors !!!!! with tiny lenses

Piotr Sobczyński
Piotr Sobczyński - 11.09.2023 22:13

Had it, sold it, regretted this, bough it back a year ago :) Now it is my main camera. I have it always with me with 20mm 1.7. My G9, GR III, E-P7 stay at home :D BTW your paracord strap with peak design clip is an overkill for this camera. Do yourself a favor and make a small paracord loop to go around index finger. Thank me later :D

Jeff Laitila
Jeff Laitila - 15.08.2023 21:14

How did you get English menus on the Japanese version?

Vermis - 13.08.2023 15:31

'Spider-Man setup'. I'll admit, when I was looking to upgrade from a phone camera, part of the reason I chose the GX80 was because it looked like Peter Parker's camera...

Sir Meta
Sir Meta - 10.08.2023 22:10

OMG. Please tell me you have a video about the process of you spray painting that one camera. It looks GORGEOUS,

Caprature - 05.08.2023 20:05

One that intrigued me is the Samsung NX mini.

Philippe Thibaut
Philippe Thibaut - 27.07.2023 00:26

The outsider here is the LX100 - not interchangeable lens but 4/3, a very bright 24/75 zoom equivalent (f1.7-2.8) and excellent control dials. Very suitable for lightweight travel.

Tom - 24.07.2023 10:24

GM1 is ~ €300 on mpb at the moment

Ubacow - 15.07.2023 23:05

I want someone to make a new ZCam-E1, we need MFT in a GoPro Form factor ~

Juliette Mansour
Juliette Mansour - 15.07.2023 14:48

Hi Emily, this camera... OMG. I was lucky to find one and picked up the 14 mil to go with it. When I opened the box I could NOT believe how tiny it was! This is replacing my old Ricoh GR (the original) and the two came after it (riddled with problems over time). I have a collection of Fujis because I wanted to go interchangeable lens route, but weight continued to be a big issue so I bought this as a trial. I also ordered the 12-32 with stabilization to cover most of my travel needs. I've been shooting many years but this is my first foray into M43 and I am so impressed! Thank you so much for this video!

Philip Bailey
Philip Bailey - 28.06.2023 10:11

Do the Japanese versions have English language on it? just asking as i know some japanese cameras will only display japanese language

VGM Central
VGM Central - 21.06.2023 23:54

man too bad i never can find cameras like these in switzerland xD

Joseph Fernandes
Joseph Fernandes - 21.06.2023 14:58

Can you please review canon m100. I feel that has great potential too.

Consta Star
Consta Star - 05.06.2023 20:19


Ilan Howard
Ilan Howard - 03.06.2023 13:34

I prefer the GM1 over the GM5 as the LCD is larger.

Fatih Ersoy
Fatih Ersoy - 29.05.2023 21:17

Something comes to my mind, if we design the full frame sensor as convex, I think it can fit in the mtf case but this can cause problems as the light will fall on the surface from different angles. Maybe this problem can be solved with a concave lens to be put inside and maybe we'll have a chance to experience full-frame with small lenses

dtmwheels - 21.05.2023 04:42

Bought the GM1 when it first came out & that's what started my whole wallet-emptying journey into Lumix M4/3. Size of a deck of cards & you could drive nails with it. Mine looks like one of Jim Marshall's old Leicas - beat to hell with the leatherette wearing off - and I bought two more - one for my wife and one as a backup. Stick a premium lens on it & it produces stunning pictures - not for a "beginner's camera," or an "amateur snapshot camera" ... stunning pictures - period. I graduated to more sophisticated Lumix cameras, but I will always have a soft spot for the GM1 and it still sits on the kitchen counter, ready for unexpected photo-ops.

B. Easay
B. Easay - 13.05.2023 22:18

Great review!

drillthrall - 12.05.2023 11:54

Another great episode. You probably figured this out but those little pop up flashes? Those are great at times, especially shooting insects, because you can pull that flash back really far which allows me to bounce the flash off of other leaves and stuff to get a more creative shot.

teedeww - 09.05.2023 16:28

God i love your reviews very very much. Its so original and enthusiastic. Also a bit quirky in a good way 😅. Keep it up! Please! We need you! 🙏🔥

Romain C
Romain C - 08.05.2023 00:18

I bought one just a few hours ago and I won't lie: it's partly because of your video (really hesitated between this one and a gx800 but first found first bought). Already love it tho

PiDsMedia - 29.04.2023 15:55

I'd love a Pentax Q, to go with my K-01's,... but sadly, there's no lens adapters to fit Canon's XL (or even the VL series) lenses on to these sorts of small sensor bodies.
The Q's, with the older Pentax 110 series lenses, or their Cosmicar branded Super16mm lenses with C and CS mounts would be fantastic fun too.

Jeff - 28.04.2023 01:47

The only two cameras I own are a GM1 and a GM5. I've had the GM1 (an orange one!) since brand new almost 10 years ago, and have been slowly acquiring more lenses over the years. It is utterly baffling to me why Panasonic has never made a proper successor to the GM line. I would buy a "GM9" with an updated sensor in a heartbeat.

Yiqun Tian
Yiqun Tian - 20.04.2023 11:15

Hi, Emily, really love your humorous sense, and enjoy your Lumix videos, really fun to watch. Wonder if you can make a video about compact cameras, non interchangeables, i know you made one on ricoh GR III, but i wanna hear more advice from you on Lumix or panasonic or any brand you can, holding my chin in my hands.

Kurt White
Kurt White - 15.04.2023 16:48

How did you get English language on a JDM version? Would love to get that on mine. Also, there is a grip for it from Panasonic and Samsung made a smaller interchangeable lens camera if you want to hunt it down... The NX mini.

NRproductions - 12.04.2023 02:37

Can we please have a link to the wrist strap from Amazon.

Käptn Welpe
Käptn Welpe - 09.04.2023 17:41

Too bad the GM-1 was ill-targeted at consumers - so Pana thought the click-wheel of the GF2/GX1 was "unneccessary" for them... . BTW: in this case I hope not too many view this video - currently no money to get a GM-1 for myself... PS: the lens at the end - a Pana G X Vario PZ 14-42? Love it on my GF2. This and the PZ 45-175 render woodlands like no other...

Daniel Featherstone
Daniel Featherstone - 06.04.2023 19:21

If you work in this format you might as well use your phone

aprofondir - 02.04.2023 14:07

I think it helps that you're just an excellent photographer

Nick Name
Nick Name - 01.04.2023 01:24

World's smallest interechangeable lens camera? How about the Pentax auto 110? 'course you gotta use FILM, but it's way smaller than all of those digital things you are showing.

vitezkoja - 31.03.2023 16:13

how about z cam e1?

JS - 31.03.2023 03:59

Good vid*

Brad's Guitar Garage
Brad's Guitar Garage - 30.03.2023 12:16

It is a cute little bugger, but feature-wise, I could only compromise as far as the GX85 for a walkabout camera.
I kinda still want a GM1 still because they are so CUTE!

mz - 29.03.2023 18:50

Why don't you buy an xe4? It's just as small and has a bigger sensor

seung cheoo
seung cheoo - 28.03.2023 06:11

what about GF1?

Stephen J.
Stephen J. - 27.03.2023 06:58

My first M4/3 camera was a GF1 + 20mm f/1.7, amazing size - but GM1 is even smaller, and while I shoot a G9 now, I would love a tiny camera like this, I would slap my 20mm on it as a street camera.

Michael Croff
Michael Croff - 26.03.2023 23:31

Really wish it had kept a hot shoe. Olympus’s flash protocol is the best in the industry!

Tuesday khut
Tuesday khut - 26.03.2023 21:07

can you do video for GM5?

Alexander Ivanov
Alexander Ivanov - 26.03.2023 00:09

I still prefer the GX800. Flippy screen is a killer feature for me. Anyway, it's so convenient to use for street photography. Amazing

Brother Young
Brother Young - 25.03.2023 08:37

First video that I'm watching from your channel and you're SO fun to watch.
Great stuff Emily! Subbed~

Gibo2000 (OLD)
Gibo2000 (OLD) - 25.03.2023 02:52

Isn’t the yi m1 the smallest ?

Sjaak B
Sjaak B - 24.03.2023 21:47

It's nice you talk about the old stuff GM1. It seams all Lumix Ambassadors buying time for Panasonic until the finely revealing new Cameras. I know that a lot of Lumix lovers want to see new Cameras. I have the G9 and I love the beast a lot bud a upgrade model would be awesome. There is no indication off it will be revealed this year or next year!

Colton Matocha
Colton Matocha - 24.03.2023 18:49

Definitely some neat cameras!

Алексей Свиридкин
Алексей Свиридкин - 24.03.2023 03:28

Isn't Oplymus Air a little bit smaller?

Adliberate - 24.03.2023 01:58

Sigma Merril for the best pictures. A pig to use but as good as anything you'll use and such colour and detail. Thanks for your video.
