Cataclysm IS NOT WoW Classic

Cataclysm IS NOT WoW Classic


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@EbonhardtTV - 31.03.2024 23:23

Do you think Cataclysm is Classic? Am I smoking cr*ck? Let me know.

@nevster7437 - 12.06.2024 19:55

I started playing as a kid during the beginning of Cata. So yeah its classic to me

@kakkakontent - 12.06.2024 11:34


@dommart4697 - 26.04.2024 22:41

I want to play cata because its the best expansion we ever had but I want classic + more

@Dathas1487 - 25.04.2024 19:23

I'm really of the belief right now that due to Wrath's harsh MAU drop off with ICC and Ulduar, and cata likely continuing that trend, that the new timerunning pandamonium (remix or whatever they're calling it now) is the classic experience for mists of pandaria.

Idk, I could be way off base but it feels to me like blizzard is reorganizing to double down on the content that's performing, and to me that's:
1. Retail WoW
2. SoD (which will lead into some sort of classic + client)
3. Likely continuing seasons in the classic aesthetic (this frankly just works - classic enjoyers are generally willing to reroll if the experience is different and exciting enough from season to season, and SoD has proven that nothing is off the table)
4. Continually releasing additional retail client things (BFA remix, another plunderstorm like event, etc - these are all mostly low resource high engagement endeavors that can carry during other intermittent "content droughts".

Classic's largest hype moment was it's original relaunch and that makes sense, because classic players want their experience to be very 2004 and VERY Azerothian. As I mentioned earlier with MAUs in regards to Wrath classic's last "raiding arc", I expect Cata's launch to do well but I don't think it will sustain a larger than expected playerbase throughout it's run, especially considering all of the content coming out during it's run period. imho, it doesn't make sense to continue churning out classic iterations of older expansions - I'd wager that based off pandamonium's success, they'd instead halve the resources needed and just relaunch the expansions that way.

But this is all just my conjecture, sorry I rambled off there for a bit! Great video as always bud, appreciate the points to think on for sure!

@ivailomendarov2378 - 13.04.2024 16:35

Classic was classic 2004-5 ,if you think that you played "classic "when blizzard re-released it (vanilla,tbc and wotlk) you are highly mistaken :) so many changes killed the vibe like hard . Cata is different and thats a good thing ,its weird why people always try to compare the games :) you like something and you dislike something and thats perfectly fine ,if more pps understood this we would've lived in a far better world :D

@groweachday155 - 10.04.2024 19:39

Lol the last minute of the video was extra funny ;) I already left the classic progression after the first phase of Wrath and went to classic era. I was gonna quit the game for good after doing all the classic raids I missed up to Naxx and was going to quit at that point but then SoD news came out and I always wished to see meme spec classes being viable in a classic setting so came back for that and here I am now in phase 3 getting ready to raid ST soon. Hopefully the end game content doesn't disappoint.

@hoffyc.h393 - 10.04.2024 17:54

I just want a Solid experience whom ever version I even play in, I loved Classic 2019 TBC was okey Wrath was little better but has been active way too long now, SoD P2 was fun, P3 killed it.
Stopped playing Retail in BFA. And now I actually want Prepatch and Cata and later MoP.

there is so many Classic version now, Classic 60/Hardcore and SoD so going with Classic Cata and onwards is totally okey you can still play 3 versions Classic 60s and Retail, so let us have Cata/MoP later i hope.

@bohne8746 - 10.04.2024 10:34

SoD P3 ruined it

@BaaadJuju - 08.04.2024 12:57

Idk if it’s classic, but I’m excited. Phase one cataclysm was the best raiding tier WoW has ever had.
Absolutely insane amounts of content for a expansion release.

@brandonkruse6412 - 06.04.2024 22:06

Cataclysm actually is Classic WoW. Season of Discovery however is not.

People have nostalgia for Cataclysm and we can argue Symantecs but but as someone who has played private servers and retail over the past 10 years, I can say that Cataclysm is definitely not a modern expansion.

@Blackstar-ti4py - 05.04.2024 23:27

Nobody cares about SoD its a fcking mess like cata

@GarrettBlack376 - 03.04.2024 10:48

Sod feels so dry and boring now i loved it at first but it just isnt holding up with time. i honestly am more excited to replay cata then play more phases of sod

@claytongiampaolo7848 - 03.04.2024 10:17

Sod is only good right now because we expect alot at level 60. Most likely it will be a huge let down.

@mingustheduck - 02.04.2024 12:58

Cata is retail classic

@jasonyankovec8541 - 01.04.2024 20:24

Cataclysm is where people started asking for classic servers. Re-releasing cata as "cata classic" is just a cash grab.

@kyleellis1825 - 01.04.2024 20:09

Cataclysm changes more than just the world zones. It changes so many systems that Cata-WoD is WoW 2. Legion-Shadowlands is WoW 3. DragonFlight not sure yet if it will be part of WoW 3 or Wow 4 (the new trilogy of expansions)

@user-tr3wg7qd6h - 01.04.2024 19:14

Cata hype!!!

@RogueAndroid - 01.04.2024 17:19

Yes, Cataclysm is Classic, even if only because of Deathwing.

@NickPlays95 - 01.04.2024 17:05

Classic ends with legion. After legion wow was shit

@Robert_D_Mercer - 01.04.2024 14:31

Why is the city I built in your background...?

Man... Am I really the only one who doesn't get to enjoy the fruits of my labor...?

@tylerwitte714 - 01.04.2024 11:40


@REHZO1337 - 01.04.2024 10:25

When I saw chrome press the button for classic, I thought to myself why doesn't she just stop the cataclysm?? Starting an entirely new timeline

@Adroyo - 01.04.2024 08:00

Sod sucks

@hosseinechzed5952 - 01.04.2024 07:04

Cata is best stfu

@ez6791 - 01.04.2024 04:33

Always a good time for ebonhardt videos

@Gravesmasher23 - 01.04.2024 04:21

Agian, the problem with gaming today, is most people are not on forum, reddit and so on. so its impossible to know what the "most" people want.

@Gravesmasher23 - 01.04.2024 03:47

Classic is better for guilds for sure. But most people "casuals" don't have time for guilds. So the large % of people will not care about your points. Why queue content is a MUST in 2024

Also if you look at SOD, you cant queue for gnom raid, and see how many people are dropping off or shouting about gatekeeping.

@Gravesmasher23 - 01.04.2024 03:44

He is the problem with saying "PEople think cata is bad"

Yes the people on forums, reddit and so on will be loud and it feels like cata is not wanted.

BUT! here is the big BUT. Most players are casuals, they don't use forums, they just get off work, play a few hours and don't use social media for wow. That is the large amount of players.

CAta is way better for casuals , then SOD. Why? Because all content can be queued.

also Cata was not bad at release, it was bad in the last patch. up until the last patch, it was amazing for casuals and raiders.

@lifeisatrip8993 - 01.04.2024 01:34

SOD > Cataclysm. I have zero interest to play that expansion again.

@theraz13 - 01.04.2024 00:15

I don't care if Cataclysm is classic or not! It's just a label anyway, and I'm going to enjoy it nevertheless!

@witnessforchrist7778 - 31.03.2024 23:55

SoD is going down the exact same road too... xp boosts, giving multiple classes the same buffs instead of building SoD off the TBC pre-patch (still only 1-60 but with Blood Elves and Draenei) giving both factions all classes AND the TBC talents which nullifies the need for runes in the first place. TBC fixed the meme specs for the most part, they could have focused on tuning around that as the groundwork atleast. But instead we have highly overtuned runes (which need to cost more mana to be balanced) Lava burst is like 1/3 the mana cost of lightning bolt for example, big spells like that should cost high mana. IDK man,

I highly enjoyed SoD P1 for what it was and was hyped for the future, but P2 and that cancer of a pvp event killed it all for me. It's such a mixed bag that it made me really want a fresh vanilla server or go back and try out dragonflight which I havent played retail since mid-BFA. I'm hoping SoD is just a rough draft of a future classic+, but I really hope they actually put the effort to rebuild the base game and incorporate new classic abilities into the leveling process via training or class quests like all the original abilities are done. The game needs to FEEL like vanilla classic to be a proper classic+, like look at turtle WoW for example, that feels more like vanilla than SoD does, the combat of SoD feels more like wrath which is VERY different to vanilla/TBC.

@isaiascandido8497 - 31.03.2024 23:11


@marcogoncalves3207 - 31.03.2024 23:00

Cata is not Classic, but healer mages and tank rogues is.
Ok bro, go watch some 90's movies with your nostalgia googles.

@bohne8746 - 31.03.2024 22:39

btw just reading the books about the timeline in Cata. they are amazing

@bohne8746 - 31.03.2024 22:38

Don’t like SoD anymore. I mained a warrior and hated all the parsing meta etc. Balancing is out of hand

rather wait for a real permanent Classic+ instead of a season and rather play Cata in the meantime

@joezy15k45 - 31.03.2024 21:44

Eh maybe I kinda wanna play Cata for pvp sod pvp is poo haha

@heyafehya8453 - 31.03.2024 21:16

don't even need to watch to say that this is gonna be a hot take, season of discovery has its merits, but its community heavily destroyed its reputation. filling out a job application to join a raid each phase just ain't it chief, especially when the end game raiding is all there is to do. and nobody can say "just find a guild that does casual runs" sorry yall those don't exist in sod either, gonna have to scoop up a bunch of randoms from trade chat and zugzug it out

@K-ORA - 31.03.2024 21:06

But, I want BC season of discovery 😏

@Random-yb5di - 31.03.2024 20:36

imagine enjoying raids that you can do blindfolded over firelands KEKW

@cashincheks - 31.03.2024 19:23

booooo SoD sucks sooo much

@vcsfxmedia - 31.03.2024 19:19


@parkerreid1284 - 31.03.2024 19:02

Archeology was the best part of Cata, would be a fun inclusion for classic+

@Swiftgti - 31.03.2024 19:02

Literally every x pack is better than cata mop was way better they didn’t put enough effort in to the game play In Cata they focused on redoing the contents

@lordcorgi6481 - 31.03.2024 18:51

Ellias Trias jokes about Deathwing being alive and burning Stormwind in SoD during that quest line after Stockades 😮

@user-bt8uc2yj1g - 31.03.2024 18:48

Only thing is better in SOD is community feeling. Cata is better in many ways. Its not alpha retail. Seems like you didnt play it much. Its more like WOTLK + with rewamped old world. LFR was added only in last patch,before t11 and t12 are one of the best tiers in WOW History.

@user-os8zp1bf4b - 31.03.2024 18:46

Cataclysm is the second best expansion ever released. It only has a bad rep because the content was too hard for WotLK enjoyers.

@kidbengala8362 - 31.03.2024 18:40

Cataclysm 😂

@Swiftgti - 31.03.2024 18:25

Anything with classic content is better than cata!
