The Story of Jessica & Daniel Groves

The Story of Jessica & Daniel Groves

this is MONSTERS

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Maria Durazo
Maria Durazo - 22.11.2023 22:06

He is so precious lil boy handsome and angelic 😢rest lil guy in heaven

nobody grinder
nobody grinder - 22.11.2023 21:48

Truly I'm thankful I grew up in a loving and kind home.

meadorg - 21.11.2023 07:07

I know this case is isn’t new but watching the trial of these two makes me sick! I’m so glad that woman got life without parole & that father is a pathetic excuse of a man! He deserves life in prison as well.

Angela Foley
Angela Foley - 21.11.2023 05:19

Ok I know they did live in that swank house seriously they where drug addicts

Makure - 18.11.2023 02:09

I had to come here after hearing the prosecutor on the podcast. I needed to see what this absolute powerhouse of a lawyer looked like. To see the powerful delivery of her speech.

This woman's RIGHTEOUS FURY gives me faith in our judicial system. Thank you Prosecutor.

Rachel Frazier
Rachel Frazier - 18.11.2023 01:41

If this outrages you does abortion still seem like a woman's choice?

Granny Flo
Granny Flo - 18.11.2023 00:10

I love your commentary. ❤❤

Garson Maya Grimm-Czubas
Garson Maya Grimm-Czubas - 17.11.2023 23:49

Im surprised another prisoner did her hair for her. Usually there is no sympathy from other mothers in jail.

Adayse Martins
Adayse Martins - 17.11.2023 21:30

That's a demonic crime. Targeting babies. Satan hate us and want to destroy us. Be careful. Anyone could fall short unless you have a relationship with Christ. Just his name have alot of power and protection from these demonic strategic plans to destroy our lives.

Jeni Cr
Jeni Cr - 17.11.2023 17:57

Sweet innocent Angel 😞 😞

FLo - 15.11.2023 03:38

He had ""DREAMS"" his "2 month old baby son" had "bruises" and other injuries, but he wasn't sure if it was "real" or NOT!😮
I gauentee he will recall if it was "real" or "not" when he leaves this Life!!! 😱

The C
The C - 12.11.2023 16:05

DCS EVERYWHERE is the fkn devil!!!!!

steph Blafr
steph Blafr - 12.11.2023 15:55

And of course they had a Pitbull...

Terrie Johnston
Terrie Johnston - 12.11.2023 02:50

😘 chris...youve done a great job of explaining the matter what?!!?!?
A sad beginning...with a Blessed ending. Meant to be. ❤

Megan Kaufmunn
Megan Kaufmunn - 12.11.2023 02:24

Both parents should be sterilized. Stop the cycle.

Eileen Watt
Eileen Watt - 11.11.2023 13:18

If any of his injuries were accidental.... They would have called for medical help. If any of it was accidental they wood have called for help. Hiding his body? They are murderers

SuperNatural_AL - 11.11.2023 04:01

To the judge and officials that gave Dillon back to these sorry excuses for humans , he's dead because of you. You are complicit and have his blood on your hands

Sugar - 09.11.2023 21:00

SMH, I know the system is SOOOO messed up, but why in the blue blazes don't these idiots put these unwanted children up for adoption? Why on earth can't they drop them at a no questions asked hospital or fire station, giving this baby a shot at life....and go about your useless wasted life? Yes, I know the foster and adoption system is horribly messed up, but there are would be parents who would give ANYTHING to have a chance to love and raise this baby? The first foster mom had a HUGE support network, willing to supply her with anything (probably including respite due to the high demand of needs) she was willing to put Dylan before herself YET, the baby was handed over to the killers. In my very humble opinion, there are others culpable in this case who failed baby Dylan. Yes, there are messed up foster and adoptive parents out there, but there are also legit candidates too. I'm so sorry if this offends someone, but there are so many eligible families ready, willing and able to responsibly adopt, which in this day and age, may include affluent same sex couples who would spoil and give a child a good life. Middle class families, even modest income families who have the means to care for but not the means to adopt. Older, financially stable parents who are turned down because they are 40's or early 50's, who are more capable of raising a baby than these methheads, older parents who would have a plan in place in the event that one or both parents passed away *even young parents make those plans. My children are grown, my friends children are grown and I'm certain we would jump to help a foster mom by coming to hold and rock/feed/love on an infant like Dylan to give the foster parents a break. So many eligible, capable candidates are turned down, single parents even, for adoption in favor of the "natural" parents. The system is "G'd" (so far passed "F'd, it's "G'd") I don't know how to fix this horribly broken, messed up system, but I'm all for rolling my sleeves up, contributing in some way to help fix it. There has got to be charitable foundations out there somewhere to help these defenseless children!

Dion - 09.11.2023 09:53

I understand the narrators passionate disdain for what these people did. However using the f word in his video, takes the professionalism of the video down. You would never hear those words on professional programs like sixty minutes, or Forensic Files, or American Justice. Why not aspire to stay on higher ground like these shows I just mentioned do. The f word is pure gutter talk. I don't use it, and people I associate with don't use it.

Lexington lad
Lexington lad - 08.11.2023 20:42

Pure trailer trash right there.

Widow2B - 07.11.2023 13:17

This has got to be one of the most heart wrenching stories EVER!! These parents are the worst of the worst! The dcf worker was supposed to protect baby Dylan & he was failed in every way. He should have NEVER been placed back with those monsters. Where is the accountability for what DCFs part in this failure? What happened to the worker who aided in baby Dillons murder? My mind & heart are blown away. I would have given anything to love & cared for this poor baby. I am sure many would have. I am
OUTRAGED! RIP little angel.

Kelly Powell
Kelly Powell - 07.11.2023 03:00

These "monsters" used to be my babysitter😮

Patricia Gazey
Patricia Gazey - 06.11.2023 22:11

Both deserve life forever

Patricia Gazey
Patricia Gazey - 06.11.2023 22:06


Patricia Gazey
Patricia Gazey - 06.11.2023 22:03

She is a liar

Sansa - 06.11.2023 06:13

Drugs can make you soulless, but these people are on a whole other level of evil.

wes rulz
wes rulz - 05.11.2023 11:20

Hearing how this poor infant suffered, by these monsters. Just really brought tears to my eye’s.

Game-Changer - 05.11.2023 04:07

I don't have words..😭😭
I have a premature baby, born 5weeks, 534grams. His name is Danté he is a fighter, he is now technically almost 5months old slowly but shortly doing very good with his weight. I'm so so happy and blessed with Danté. A few years ago the doctors told me that I will not have kids because of my sperm count is to low.
A few years later my fiance got pregnant and very sadly a miscarriage on 6weeks. About 4months later she got pregnant again with Danté😃😃🤗🤗 We have so much photo's. We went through so much. Still fighting each month to survive but we Love him so so much! I felt sharing this regarding what happened to this innocent little one😭😭. I don't have words!.
Thank you for sharing this. It's difficult to watch as I cried and think by myself WHY, WHY, WHY, if they didn't want the little one couldn't they said let the foster mother take care of him.. so many things going through my head. Just unimaginable.

neckutter1 - 04.11.2023 01:24

It is so mysterious to me why our emotions cry out at a travesty for the murder of a 3 month old baby, by his mother, but had she paid a doctor to mutilate and murder that same baby just 4 months before some people would not care and some would even praise the mother. What a difference one month can make.

Kt Talks
Kt Talks - 03.11.2023 06:26

What type of system is this? The same system that cares so much for an unborn baby that they make it illigal to abort. But let the born, vulnerable, voiceless babies be with these monsters. Pay them for the baby so these monsters use babies like their drug money. What kind of saddist world do we live in??

Dylan Groves
Dylan Groves - 03.11.2023 03:35


Anthony Troisi
Anthony Troisi - 02.11.2023 07:47

Trying to get ahold of Daniel? Once Daniel missed an appointment, CPS should have pulled the child. If they did not trust the wife, because she was drug dependent, then the child should not be placed in a residence where she was present or allowed to visit. Letting this child return to the couple's home was a major mistake. The social worker should have insisted on unwrapping and examining the baby. If the couple were so aggravated by Dylan, why didn't they simply return him to foster care? Daniel was more worried about their dog than they were worried about their children,. Obstructing justice should have been charged for misleading the police. The mother whimpered to get sympathy. The couple should never leave jail.

Natalie Leggett
Natalie Leggett - 01.11.2023 12:43

I cannot believe she said she has to live with this for the rest of her life. That's right b$%ch, it's all about you. That poor beautiful baby.

Jay MGTOW - 31.10.2023 07:21

man that prosecutor is tough!!!

Jennifer Lynn
Jennifer Lynn - 28.10.2023 10:54

That blonde prosecutor scared me 😂

Nicole Bucciarelli
Nicole Bucciarelli - 27.10.2023 00:36

Thank you telling little Dylan’s story he deserves to be memorized even if it’s not by the people that were suppose to protect & love him 😢

Nicole Bucciarelli
Nicole Bucciarelli - 26.10.2023 23:06


The Ferdazzle
The Ferdazzle - 25.10.2023 19:45

The prosecution deserves a raise. Thank for not buying her BS

The Ferdazzle
The Ferdazzle - 25.10.2023 19:32

There is a special place in hell for those two.

Gloria Wright
Gloria Wright - 25.10.2023 04:44


Gloria Wright
Gloria Wright - 25.10.2023 04:43

OMG!! I remember ONE TIME I clipped my infant daughters fingernail a little too close, ... 23 YEARS ago! Never forgot(forget) how terrible I felt at that!
People are required to be licensed for most everything in Life...except, bringing, nurturing,raising, a precious Life.

Boo Beauty🦜🪶
Boo Beauty🦜🪶 - 24.10.2023 16:35

Baby Dylan probably had the Amphetamine in his body because they gave it to him when CPS visited so he be calm and sleepy and not screaming in pain😢

Jesintha Nithya
Jesintha Nithya - 22.10.2023 14:32

Omg, this is so painful 😢

thescenetimecontinuum! - 21.10.2023 14:12

"every drug addict kills their babies' - this guy, 2021

Ria Valdez
Ria Valdez - 13.10.2023 04:18

Bam- mama prosecutor!

Mike Sanders
Mike Sanders - 12.10.2023 14:26

You can hear the prosecutor's anger loud and clear in this one. She made it clear what she thought of them. Respect.

Sara Beth
Sara Beth - 11.10.2023 05:46

I know a situation like this personally, in my extended family. Only one parent was convicted although the other parent had to be aware of the abuse even if they weren't participating. Baby had been removed to a good home, was well loved, then taken away from that safe place and given back to the parents who ended up killing her after much abuse and neglect. CPS came to the home when the child was dying, but didn't go look at the child because Mom said she was asleep. They took her word for it! CPS was not held accountable. When do we stop this madness? When do we put the innocent's life above the parents' rights to kill them??

Mercy - 10.10.2023 15:59

From the very beginning of humanity no man or woman has ever hurt a child bc only MONSTERS DO THAT🤬

Mercy - 10.10.2023 15:47

Cases like this makes me sadly understand why the police have a high suicide rate, seeing what your neighbors will do & then smile & wave as u ride by not knowing their MONSTER'S 😢
