New trick makes Knight even worse... | Dead by Daylight

New trick makes Knight even worse... | Dead by Daylight

not Otzdarva

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@robs9175 - 06.12.2023 01:16

Well now I see why nobody plays Killer mode, its totally busted.

@robs9175 - 06.12.2023 01:15

So basically, this guy just established that this game has horrible coding and game development. BHVR make millions on this game and this is what they have to show for it lol

@guardianjuan - 06.12.2023 00:10

This is sad. Because I love playing with him. But I know of these issues and it is just not fun

@Mytea1 - 04.12.2023 19:58

i think the distance you need around some obstacles is really annoying, but in my opinion it has to do with exploiting by knight players. if you didn't have "collision" you could place your guard at the other side of a pallet or window skipping their animation of "vaulting" entirely making it much easier to hit the survivor at a loop. probably that's the reason why there is a distance for placing guards.

@lg2092 - 28.11.2023 00:45

the fact knight mains are so delusional to the fact their killer is the most busted in the game is crazyyyy. they're also the most sensitive thats for sure, say one bad thing about knight and the playstyle "you're just bad" says the one using a killer an 8 year old could use lmao, glad you dont come against that garbage killer that often at high ranks.

@CvRijn - 23.11.2023 20:52

Stopped playing him when my guard was bugged against the wall for the 3rd time that day

@thelastninjapanda3571 - 15.11.2023 22:15

honestly my biggest issue is how when you're trying to do an Order action, your summon cant be too close to the object otherwise the prompt doesnt show up. the fact i have to back up to use my power, then back up EVEN MORE to do the order, is very frustrating.

@SirTriton - 15.11.2023 15:57

I didn’t know the knight was coded in such a way that it basically moves you while you use your power. But now that I think about it that is probably the reason why another already fixed bug existed. When knight first released he had a chance to get stunned by a pallet in his power and following that stun he would keep the movement speed of the power but also have access to all normal m1 killer things. I remember getting accused of hacking because of that 😅

@soupygamer5355 - 14.11.2023 19:59

I’m not too sure if this is still possible, but I have grabbed a survivor off a gen using that small window where the knight teleports when placing a guard.

@rodm2895 - 14.11.2023 16:15

The Nicolas Cage in survivor bots are super intelligent and know how to loop click click flashlights but the knight guards are the dumbest AI you can ever see.

@wubzt3r - 12.11.2023 23:08

I wonder if it's possible to blind the knight at the end of his power with a very well timed flashbang.

@Friendly_Boo - 11.11.2023 02:36

knight is awful to play against, terribly designed

@HappyLittleBoozer - 09.11.2023 11:33

This game is a shitshow. I'm glad I stopped playing it.

@BrotherGolden2 - 09.11.2023 07:19

I feel as if the patrol range of the guards should be infinite and patrol time will increase on how long that patrol route is. Because you cannot make strategic plays with such a limited range other than spamming it down or patrolling a single generator.

@gamblingguru2235 - 09.11.2023 06:10

Playing as plague sucks knight is fun it’s all option

@GamingwolfZJ - 08.11.2023 05:26

Nice to finally see Knight get some love

@LordZeusCR - 07.11.2023 09:57

I’m a knight main, I’ve used him for a while and have been pretty good with him, I’ve always done my own builds and stuff. I have NEVER used map of the realms ONCE in my entire DBD career, and I didn’t even know he had something like this

@mishboy_2plays807 - 06.11.2023 20:14

Knight needs a nerf

@joshuafuentes5432 - 06.11.2023 02:05

The knight has a bug with the guards when playing as sirvivor and u touch the flag of a guard it does not go away no matter ho many times u touch it

@skeloidawesome4908 - 05.11.2023 20:47

блядь а я думаю поему такое количество долбоёбов в паблике катают на рыцарях, потому что какой-то инвалид сделал очередно видео с триксами про убийцу, спасибо в очередной раз за тонну убийц-пепег над которыми мы угараем два дня🤢

@spooky0_0. - 05.11.2023 17:00

These are my suggested knight changes and i hope you can take them in consideration otz <3

1. Add Map of the Realm and Call into the knight's base kit, eliminating the need for common add-ons to enhance guard distance and patrol radius consistency.

2. Patrol path changes:

-The knight should damage generator on every side and destroy pallets even if he's attached to them, without getting stunned while using guardia compagnia.

- If a guard summon fails, the knight could order a guard to snuff a boon or break a pallet/generator by pointing towards it after summoning, so the power feels never wasted.

- Reduce the delay when guards remains stationary after spotting a survivor before a hunt begins.

- Address the issue of guards becoming stuck on objects during summoning, which is a problem influenced by map RNG.

-Survivors shouldn't be able to see the patrol radius.

3. Guard buffs:

- Guards speed should match the assassin and have Carnifex's hunt duration.

- All the guards must have other utilies such as Carnifex. The assassin patrol is silent or during a hunt (when he's not in a line of sight with you) and he vaults pallets and windows like Legion. I imagine Jailer more of an endgame unit. Maybe he can close the hatch or temporarily blocking exit gates.

4. Special Ability: Guard Control (I could also consider this as an alternative rework):

- The knight can manually control guards after initiating a hunt with a survivor. While controlling a guard, you can see blood pools, scratch marks, and generator/pallet auras, but you can't gain bloodlust. The duration of guard control matches their hunt duration, and if you perform a break action, guard control goes on cooldown, and you switch back playing as the original Knight.

5. Balancing the knight for counterplay:

- Guards should disappear if stunned or blinded during loops.

- The Knight should not be able to attack for 3/4 seconds when a guard hits a survivor, increasing their chances of escaping when cornered or surrounded.

- To balance his stall ability, the knight can kick a generator up to three times, each time using a different guard. A symbol representing the used guard will appear around the generator. For instance, if Carnifex was used, the Assassin and then the Jailer would be needed to damage that generator. This allows survivors to counter a three-gen scenario. You can interact with the same generator again, but the player have to go on a different one for reset the cycle.

@michaeloltman6250 - 05.11.2023 16:34

If you trap a surv in the corner (like a chainsaw killer does) can you summon a guard close then double hit the survivor for an “instadown”?

Excuse my ignorance if this is well known. I haven’t played DBD since like the oni came out but I still watch content quite a bit.

@sabuuuu8824 - 05.11.2023 08:59

Also recently his gen damage with the guards is bugged it sometimes doesn't let u do it

@SolidSlayder - 04.11.2023 23:35

The fact that knight's ability literally plays the game for you is still unreal to me lol

@blue_bag6110 - 04.11.2023 15:24

I like knight. I love his vibe and his theoretical playstyle. What makes me not play him as much is def the issue of summoning guard at certain spots. I hate it when I am chasing a sruvivor, I know they are going to vault or use pannel, so I summon a guard, but it won't let me. If that issue was fixed, Knight might've been my fav killer.

@jessie5342 - 03.11.2023 10:38

Don’t think many people know this, but hugging tight objects basically guarantees you don’t get hit

@user-xk5yo8lh9j - 02.11.2023 23:51

while knight is flashy blinded he can use power and see perfectly

@yellowmellowxxx - 02.11.2023 18:31

as a knight if you miss the option to hit gen you will never get the promt again to be able to attack the gen

@Tidda151 - 02.11.2023 17:56

wait its already a year since he came?

@StopJerkingOff - 02.11.2023 17:38

The problem with most knight mains is that their guards do all the work. I literally go games where the player never touches me and all hits landed on me are from the guards

@skinz8912 - 02.11.2023 16:07

They knight is truly my favorite to play but by god do these issues make him not fun sometimes. A huge one is even when you perfect drop a ghost ON someone they can just run out of the detection range so it makes you feel powerless even with nurse accurate ports

@allendougherty8756 - 02.11.2023 00:01

if i send my guard after a survivor and they vault a pallet the guard will always go around the pallet no matter how far the loop is and it forces me to go to the same side as the guard and it makes my guard rendered useless just because a survivor vaulted a safe pallet

@Bunbunnyny - 01.11.2023 22:48

I think that, for a quality of life update, it would be good to require Guard patrols have a minimum length before a Guard can spawn to prevent the cheap feeling of getting trapped in a corner with no way out.

The Guards will also reroute AROUND pallets if you drop them early while being hunted, and I quite like this - it offers survivors an opportunity to open a route to backtrack to the Standard.

@Bunbunnyny - 01.11.2023 22:40

Knight currently has a silent bug, where Noise Notifications no longer alert the guards

@ybntrezy2166 - 01.11.2023 16:47

Btw the summoning not only depends on the space in front of you but also the previous summoning spots... So you cant summon twice in the same spot (0.3m radius approx.)

@bopply2616 - 01.11.2023 06:07

I like playing knight because sandwiching survivors is so satisfying

@brunofratelli958 - 01.11.2023 04:45

In the stairs my guards usually just stop to walk

@RealParadoxed - 31.10.2023 19:01

Behaviour need to fix many of the killers but they don't take the time to ever do it..

@ToxicMonkey1245 - 31.10.2023 14:26

Also if you access a drop down vault with a guard but the wont go up so they kinda sit there

@ToxicMonkey1245 - 31.10.2023 14:25

But let me as a sorta knight main if you play on higher volumes or play with headphones you can hear survivors but can't see scratch marks so if you main spirit this can make guard dropping easier

@ToxicMonkey1245 - 31.10.2023 14:24

The knight has some issues with guards like mentioned but it is mainly hitboxes for summoning it feels like blights before they fixed it also i'd like to mention how some times if you drop a pallet it kinda reroutes them even though they see it as vaults normally (if a pallet is predropped it acts as a vault)

@Sirfiretruck - 31.10.2023 13:50

Worst killer ever. Been playing this game for YEARS this is the only killer ive ever thought that needed nerfed that they didnt nerf.

@Jaywin04 - 31.10.2023 11:03

If your spirit could go through droppedpallets, it would fix not being able to summon carnifex to break pallets when close. If your spirit could go through walls too, it would fix the other issue, and honestly I don’t think the balance would be that bad, considering how easy it is to escape a guard most of the time

@finng745 - 31.10.2023 03:46

There are literally all non-issues

@leifanderson3487 - 31.10.2023 01:50

Always felt map should be basekit. Trying to do things without it was absolute pain.

@hulking5556 - 31.10.2023 00:43

As a knight main I just think map of the realm and call to arms needs to be base kit those 2 add-ons change the way you play him so much

@JPJonesBSc - 30.10.2023 17:17

Simple Fix:
1. Add map of the realm's buffs to him permanently & make the Map of the realm Add on Purple / Iridescent.
2. Reduce the minimum distance you need to be away from objects to use his power.
3. Profit.
(For clarity, these changes would make him trespass into the realms of half deaccent, and in no way over powered.

Otzs, if you are in the business of helping terrible killers, can you highlight nemesis. He, along with the pig, are two of the worst killers with the most potential. I have no idea why anyone would pick either of those when they are superseded in every way by killers who do what they do, but much much better.

* Nemesis needs 4 zombies
** Pig needs more help than i can provided

@LeonAndYes - 30.10.2023 14:50

they shouldn´t buff him they should change him hes an absolutly lame killer same for Skull Murchent (change Power give a diffrent power)
