No. 2 Ohio State Buckeyes vs. No. 3 Michigan Wolverines Highlights | CFB on FOX

No. 2 Ohio State Buckeyes vs. No. 3 Michigan Wolverines Highlights | CFB on FOX


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CFB ON FOX - 26.11.2023 00:02

The rivalry continues!

David Hudson
David Hudson - 27.11.2023 11:55

The World Famous Ohio Soft Suckeyes

James Bruce
James Bruce - 27.11.2023 11:38

Go Blue 〽️

Emari Scott
Emari Scott - 27.11.2023 10:57

Gus Johnson is just the best announcer on the face of the planet. Any game he’s doing I watch it. The game was already great but his call made it greater.

Josh Horton
Josh Horton - 27.11.2023 08:59

Michigan against every critic, beats all the odds and silenced all there haters. With no coach, no LB coach and with second half injuries.. what can they say now? This definitely shows who the better team was and just got talented they are! Go blue!! Huge win!!

Curt Ryu
Curt Ryu - 27.11.2023 08:52

Go Blue!

Snoop Jelly Productions
Snoop Jelly Productions - 27.11.2023 08:35

Man I love these announcers but they were definitely riding OSU a bit in this game.

Uncle Drew
Uncle Drew - 27.11.2023 08:23

Michigan must be elevated to the #1 spot in the CFP. Michigan beat the #2 team in the country, without their Head Coach. Meanwhile, Georgia barely beat a .500 ACC team on Saturday.

Benjamin Vonk
Benjamin Vonk - 27.11.2023 07:28

“Harrison didn’t fight through”

He’s soft just like his coach! Enjoy the Louie V. while UM enjoys the W!

Gmail User
Gmail User - 27.11.2023 07:15

I'm an "old dude" who has spent his entire life watching this rivalry. I said this last year, and said it again the year before. The tables have flipped. It's happened so many times in my lifetime. OSU could NOT beat Michigan with Cooper or Bruce. Michigan could NOT beat Tressel or Meyer. This game - this SINGLE game - is better than anything on the professional level! This is the "game" that makes College Football legitimate! It's not about schedules - it's about KIDS who want to beat OTHER kids, just 200 miles away! This has been my FAVORITE sports event for over 60 years, and continues to be! I haven't coached in over 20 years, but, if I were coaching again - any sport - I would probably tell my kids "watch the OSU versus Michigan football game - then, you will get it."

Jeremiah Petrevski
Jeremiah Petrevski - 27.11.2023 07:06

Great game but someone that OSU coach outta here

Jeffrey Vanoverloop
Jeffrey Vanoverloop - 27.11.2023 06:30

The world famous Ohio state and then says just Michigan. Wonder who Gus is rooting for

Gary Kerkstra
Gary Kerkstra - 27.11.2023 06:24

Great game! Been a M fan since I found Bob Ufer on the radio in the 70’s. So…….
Please please please can we get a better play by play team in the booth??

acp4567 - 27.11.2023 06:08

Sherrone Moore made himself a lot of cash with this game.

John Saxon
John Saxon - 27.11.2023 06:08

Ohio State lost its starting left tackle, right tackle, center, and quarterback to the NFL draft last year, and they all had additional eligibility. It was a home game, in the cold (which favors a run-oriented team), and Cheatagain was gifted a TD reception which was actually an INT. All that an Cheatagain won by a whopping 6 points. Give Ohio State just CJ Stroud and they win this game by double digits. Cheatagain got lucky. But your luck will run out after the NCAA makes you vacate the tainted "wins" from 2021 and 2022 and you lose your veteran players. Season after season of substandard recruiting will catch up to you, especially now that the B1G is expanding and will get more competitive. You'll be irrelevant for the next decade.

juice man K
juice man K - 27.11.2023 05:59

why’d it look like he dropped that int??

SIN GOOD - 27.11.2023 05:57

It's really funny that the announcers are biased..along with the media. Imagine losing the biggest game of the year only for the NCAA to say ..ahh well Ohio state still deserves a playoff chance but if Michigan doesn't win the season is over. Lol must be nice to get special treatment multiple years in a row. ohh sign stealing wah wah wah cry cry lol guess what it wasn't illegal until Ohio state cried about it despite them doing the same thing like almost all other schools have been. Can't use sign stealing as an excuse anymore so now use those connections to the NCAA oohoe state lol just remember Michigan is still investigating that illegal connection and it WILL come back to haunt you more than Michigan keeping y'all in the basement.

MrXtravagantx - 27.11.2023 05:53

UM fan. not 100% convinced Moore caught that pick at the end lol

Kaitlyn Shatto
Kaitlyn Shatto - 27.11.2023 05:44

Roman was so happy that he couldnt resist doing the backflip. It was a tough game but we pulled thro. GO BLUEEEE

Vortex Athletic FC
Vortex Athletic FC - 27.11.2023 05:19

As a Big 10 fan, hopefully Michigan will finally play well in the CFP to help clear the record of the last two years

Tina - 27.11.2023 05:11

Go Blue 💛💙👊🏻🏈〽️

Fluff - 27.11.2023 04:36

Ryan Day continues John Cooper's legacy. What a coach!

HumongousChungus - 27.11.2023 04:32

You guys flag and copyright strike all other highlight videos and the one you choose to upload is 720P? Come tf on.

R McElhaney
R McElhaney - 27.11.2023 04:29

If Oregon State and Florida want to hire Ryan Day as their next head football coach, OSU's athletic board should grant them permission to talk with Day.
Day is a great coach, but he's not a good Ohio State coach.
Chris Spielman, AJ Hawk, and Mark Vrabel would be great Ohio State coaches. Those three know the importance it is for Ohio State to beat Michigan in football.
Many OSU fans would rather lose to Nebraska and Penn State while constantly beating Michigan annually.

Jessica Matrix
Jessica Matrix - 27.11.2023 04:29

The World Famous Ohio State Buckeyes lol

Griddy Grimy Goobers
Griddy Grimy Goobers - 27.11.2023 04:15

Did the memes killed him it’s Ohio😂

neverknowns of metronome
neverknowns of metronome - 27.11.2023 04:13

Michigan is still trash…This is far as they go…They will find a way to not be National anything…With, or without Harbaugh…

Derek Crawford
Derek Crawford - 27.11.2023 04:01

It just goes to show the NCAA keeps OSU ranked in top 3 so with this lose to Michigan somehow OSU will still be in the playoffs due to One of the Top 4 will lose due to a championship game that OSU will benefit from and get put right back into the playoffs.


MaJieMao - 27.11.2023 03:38

8 Years Michigan lost to Ohio, I have no sympathy for OSU fans.

Repent and believe in Jesus Christ
Repent and believe in Jesus Christ - 27.11.2023 03:35

Repent to Jesus Christ “There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.”
‭‭1 John‬ ‭4‬:‭18‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Uncle Drew
Uncle Drew - 27.11.2023 03:28

Blake Mamba should win the Heisman. Leading the nation in rushing touchdowns on a Big Ten team is a Big Deal.

BigSleepyOx - 27.11.2023 03:22

Good God, these announcers are so grating. 🤣

Krin - 27.11.2023 03:18

great game

jeyson martinez
jeyson martinez - 27.11.2023 02:39

And Michigan go to the finales to lose again

Salohcin Rekucm
Salohcin Rekucm - 27.11.2023 02:36

Ohio State is World Famous for losing to Michigan three years in a row!

Brandon Cooke
Brandon Cooke - 27.11.2023 02:22

I have watched the Roman Wilson touchdown at least 20 times and I can't for the life of me comprehend how OSU fans believe, in any way, that they were cheated on that play. A neutral observer would probably say OSU got the benefit of officiating if anything, but certainly there was nothing in this game that went in Michigan's favor. Take the L with class... wait nevermind, you guys have no idea what that is.

Alienated11 - 27.11.2023 02:12

Buckeyes lost because of that ridiculous nickname. Nobody drives Maseratis in Ohio. Maybe change to F-150 Marv.

Dozi - 27.11.2023 02:00

Bruh why didn’t cord just throw it away it was first down they could’ve came back and won 😢

KaneRobot - 27.11.2023 01:58

So is "world famous Ohio State Buckeyes" how they insist they be referenced or something? Cringy nonsense that I hear frequently.

Weazyl - 27.11.2023 01:39

Good game Michigan, well played with no mistakes. I just wish my buckeyes could have got the win.

Donald MacKerer
Donald MacKerer - 27.11.2023 01:12

Michigan played a really good game there .😐 I have thought of this catchy song for Michigan . go something like this 🎵 Hail to the Victor's Valiant Hail to the Conquering Heroes hail hail to Michigan champions of the West .🎵 does anybody think that it might catch on ?

SKeletor99999 - 27.11.2023 01:11

The committee will do everything possible to get Ohio State into the playoff. Like last year when Ohio State sat at home, rested, and relaxed while the other teams played in Conference Title Games.

Jonathan Ryle
Jonathan Ryle - 27.11.2023 01:01

For those Ohio State fans out there I told you we will beat you three times I called it and obviously I was right go blue baby let’s beat Iowa and go to the playoffs Ohio state aslo drops out of top 5 and we went back to number two

kris2423swaggggg - 27.11.2023 00:59

All is right in the world another Michigan W against Ohio St 😉

Donald MacKerer
Donald MacKerer - 27.11.2023 00:53

the most overhyped game of the season . especially Ohio State the most overhyped team in the country and the least deserving of the media attention .

Michael Zinn
Michael Zinn - 27.11.2023 00:43

FOX has way too many commercials. And you can't hear the bands during their broadcasts.

A.F. Whitepigeon
A.F. Whitepigeon - 27.11.2023 00:16

If you keep taking down better highlight cuts instead of monetizing them for yourselves (for games that were broadcast for free over-the-air, to boot), you'll end up like the MLB. If you want to end up like the NBA, you'll get with the times and see that the networking value of user-generated content benefits you in the long run (and, you'll make more money in the short term, too, by monetizing others' free advertizing).

Nate Garcia
Nate Garcia - 26.11.2023 23:58

Michigan will lose in the college football playoffs like always. It's a big ten thing make all the way there to lose.
