I see 1 goblin, 1 giant and a archer and i dont see 2 sus bush and a archer queen
ОтветитьLavahound and when it dies guards
ОтветитьThis is a real [thing from game] with a real [unrelated thing from same game]
ОтветитьDuck from dhmis would be proud
ОтветитьIs this card bwoken?
ОтветитьEveryone gangsta until they hear "LOOOG"
ОтветитьSaying “positive elixir trade” would be wild 😭
ОтветитьThats so bwoken
ОтветитьI HATE CHRISTMAS!!!! -clash royale
ОтветитьIf my clan doesnt survive can i join you
ОтветитьIm failing to get members
Ответитьweal wife clash woyale tower
ОтветитьMy dumass thought it was gonna shoot the log out like a beyblade.
ОтветитьIt’s in London?
ОтветитьDont show this to Ken he wont be sticking a card in there..................
ОтветитьCan I put my credit card in it?
ОтветитьI don’t think clash of clans fans get Christmas cards by their family
ОтветитьI'm new player. Please tell me one thing. When should i use the book for upgrade? For level 10 to 11 ?
ОтветитьAre you allowed to stand on top?
ОтветитьThis is a weal wife cwash woyale towah
ОтветитьWhere’s the king/prinsses?
ОтветитьThe fact i immediately got a clash Royale add after this is both funny and unsettling, their watching me
ОтветитьWrong that slot has a shredder in it that feeds the shredded card material down to make it look like it does in in reality the log is probably made of soft plastic with styrofoam spikes
ОтветитьThe loooooooooogggg
Ответитьi miss when this game did not pay to win
ОтветитьI think the Grinch played clash royale
ОтветитьI’m sorry, but this is so TikTok that I’ma have to hit that don’t recommend button
Ответитьmisheard "cards" as "cars" and thought it was going to launch out at high speeds
ОтветитьWhat happens when families meet clash royale
ОтветитьDad = 7 elixer
Mom = 6 elixer
Son = 2 elixer
Result: positive elixer trade
bro enjoyed shredding that family a bit too much…
ОтветитьThat family memory was bwoken
ОтветитьThis is not a clash of royal tower this is a clash of Clans tower
Ответить"Hey man, that building is actually cursed so don't put pictures of people in or they might di-"
ОтветитьPutin a sheet of metal, see what happens
Ответитьwhere that, i see a London overground logo
ОтветитьWhats next? Brawl stars bushes?
ОтветитьThat voice 🤢
ОтветитьCant wait to spend $2000 for 500% extra value
ОтветитьAxolotl became Nanami 💀
ОтветитьHope he had a copy of that photo
ОтветитьBro killed a knight, goblin, valkyrie, and a ice golem with just a log
ОтветитьDo a CVS receipt
ОтветитьThat tower is bwoken
ОтветитьIs that clash royale 😂
ОтветитьSo the point of this machine was you stred christmas cards and get in game cards! Pretty cool tbh!
SUB! <3