Want to Make an Unpopular Class? Watch This First!

Want to Make an Unpopular Class? Watch This First!


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@kaizah1997 - 11.03.2024 19:43

I am quite happy that my Arcana is one of the least popular classes as well. Keep away <.<

@NorthInium - 08.03.2024 17:47

Eh I would say just play what you enjoy playing. I still like my Destroyer and will never switch him out of my roster.

@raddadxo677 - 08.03.2024 14:46

Well fpe and gt both have same thing right, gotta hope boss doesn't move when you're using big dps skills?

@banana_1_ - 08.03.2024 12:00

you should try out using gravitational energy for meter building, its so versitile and helps you not wait at all to enter bonk mode and get there faster, i dont see anyone else run it but i dont think i can go back. i replaced power shoulder with it

@moonlord5951 - 08.03.2024 11:42

bro GT is getting buffed with balance in KR right now gonna be prime time in a few months when it comes over here for sure! I play GT also so much fun!

@tankmanmatt111 - 08.03.2024 02:56

I play a CO Summoner. Love shocking people what a high invested CO can do, very rarely not top

@ir0fl779 - 08.03.2024 02:27

I Love my GT, can't wait to push him to 1600 soonish when I get more akkan pieces done.

@shockZ146 - 08.03.2024 01:52

The gatekeeping culture is just so engraved into the game that people just hate a class without doing proper research or testing out for themselves. It's truly the minority of players who min-max knowledge of their class and are true experts. Most people just play the game and follow along what everyone else says. I assure you, classes like GT have a lot of potential and are very useful. But people don't even give them the chance. People rather be bots and player the same boring meta class. I could never. Hop into town and see 300 slayers LOL. I lose interest immediately when I see a class like SE night's edge or predator slayer.

This is why I love arcana, RE blade, Peacemaker, EW deadeye.I assure you not everyone will pick them day 1 and be top dps unlike Miss brutal impact.

@SeanCat - 08.03.2024 01:31

I was in your stream one day as a GT destro and trying to help you with elixir

Class is beyond broken I can help you one day a lot of stuff is is figured from loawa top rankers and just finding the best trixion rotation and real raid. Can both be very situational (too much DPS, not enough, tauntable ect) but I can say for destro specifically the community guide is pretty wrong and send you down a bad path. Can help if you want since I'm up around the time you're streaming

@KIHBAE - 08.03.2024 01:01

I researched on my own watching korean players lol

Dont use charged PS, its just not worth it with how little crit rate you have outside of GT + you also delay your GT by quite a bit, almost a whole GT or two depending on the raid and patterns.

There is a skill that changes into a chain skill. I forget what its called but it looks like a diagonal eyeball lol

You can use your 1 orb generator, use the first part of that chain skill, quick ps/earth wave/seismic space bar into second part of chain skill into 1 orb generator for another purple skill. You give up mobility from that dash hammer skill, but it greatly decreases your rotations to get back to GT.

Sample rotation:
1 orb -> 2 orb (usually counter skill) -> 1st purple skill
Endure -> 2nd purple skill
1 orb -> 1st chain -> 3rd purple
2nd chain -> 1 orb -> 4th purple.

If you do this properly your rotation is like 10-12 seconds long and you can get really high GT uptime. Its the build that I play. There are also tripods here and there that can help you play more efficiently as well at the cost of comfortability.

@KyokujiFGC - 08.03.2024 01:01

Bear in mind, most of the people complaining about issues with front attack are playing redlancer or RH destro. GT has a different issue, which is bosses not giving enough bonk uptime, but RH and redlancer struggle because they rely on slow front attack charge skills against mobile bosses. GT doesn't use the slow charge tripods, so they actually have an easy time getting their non-bonk stuff off due to everything being near instant.

Try consistently hitting something like charge perfect swing or earth eater/full swing against Tienis in Kayangel G1, and you'll see what the complaints are about.

@MostWantedWannaBE - 08.03.2024 00:47

i had a guildmate that played GT and he was very good with it

in the beginning he would optimize it around the bonk mode and would regularly gap people significantly even
later on he moved to the charge up skills to see bigger numbers and never saw the underline again

GT shines the most around the bonk mode
the faster you enter it the more bonk modes you do the more dmg you do

It's a consistant dps class and thus you have to play it like one

if you want the big numbers just play RH as it has the crit to back up the satisfaction
yes Spec scales the number as well but you will see that crit once a raid meanwhile you wasting a shitton of time to charge it

GT plays the same way as the punch punch breaker
a few hard hitting skills in the middle and lots of low cd skills to get you gauge
unlike the breaker though you can't generate the meter when the boss fucks off or becomes immune

and thats why GT is a bit weak
in bosses that this issue with meter gen isn't present GT does well and if you are good with it you can mvp with it
although being good has limits since it's what? 10s dmg window where the boss can't move? and you need those windows consistently?
like how do you even play this class in g4 voldis where he fucks off every 2 seconds

@jimbobborg22 - 08.03.2024 00:33

Funny, I play both classes mentioned in this video. I started with an Artillerist at early access, and made a Destroyer when the class became available. Barrage artillerist is not newbie friendly, but it was at one point S+ tier for a long time. GT Destroyer was high damage, too, but then got nerfed. I picked GT over RH because the engraving books were dirt cheap, then GT got a boost.

@bradleyfrueh2761 - 08.03.2024 00:05

Bro you just hit the boss for 12 mill a hit on move that hit like 10-20 times??? that looks pretty good to me

@exiatvs - 07.03.2024 23:55

I am the opposite i would encourage to play unpopular classes. repopulate them and just start a massive coup for the unpopular classes to get buff.

@exiatvs - 07.03.2024 23:53

Play princess destroyer ez

@PlasmoX - 07.03.2024 23:50

I play with a 1630 GT bonk in a static. I'd have to say, he really knows his class. He runs a 5x3+2, with +2 on barricade. However, his +1 use to be cursed doll before his 9/7 stone. We discussed the upsides of running rage hammer +1, but he noted that rage hammer only affects 40% of your damage, your other skills. If you're using your other skills for damage instead of trying to get gauge to enter GT (60% of your damage), you're going to end up doing zdps. Don't get me wrong, it all adds up, but cursed doll directly affects bonk mode, which will be a majority of your damage, and should have a better ceiling. He also noted that he doesn't use the full charge for perfect swing because it makes very little difference in your overall damage, and greatly affects your ability to re-enter bonk mode.

There are also a few skills that you can animation cancel with other skills. I don't recall which, but these adjustments are all meant to get gauge and re-enter GT as much as possible.

Another thing i've noticed about his playstyle as GT, if he can easily reposition himself to get on the front, he will, but if he can't, he'll just keep bonking regardless of direction. I wouldn't say GT is OP, but it's definitely very strong. The guy i run with has 4 GT bonks, his weakest being 1560, and i've seen him cruel in brel against 1610s. It's just one of those classes that requires great knowledge of the fight. If you know when the boss will stay still or how they turn for specific attacks, you do a lot of damage. When we are progging, he wasn't very effective at all, but now that he knows all the fights, he easily pulls cruel by a significant margin.

It's all relative, but between all our juiced mains, he's probably the 2nd strongest, behind an emperor arcana, and ahead of my AT scouter and a DB striker, we all have lvl 10 gems, and similar skill levels, but it seems like classes that can hit the boss when no one else can has an advantage to taking the biggest pie slices. i.e. emperor and GT can usually hit the boss with a majority of their damage when no one else can. AT scouter can do it occasionally, but their damage distribution isn't the same as those two classes, with GT's bonks being 60% of their damage, and emperor's damage between 2 skills, evoke and dark res comprising about 50% of theirs. Both doing a majority of their damage even when the boss is doing something dangerous where most classes must stop dps and move.

If you're interested, i might be able to introduce you and get you some GT main knowledge (i'd have to ask him first)? His usual explanations has always been simple, "just gotta get into bonk faster and bonk more". Having good synergy also helps, like atk speed from wardancer or bard/artist, and a GL or DB, and a crit synergy. All those can stack the cards in your favour

@leondisii - 07.03.2024 23:41

GT has a pretty good ceiling, but you can't really reach it and its floor is really low. I honed my bonker to 1600 so i can try ivory tower with him and it's really fun but he will be kicked out of my main six after my Breaker reached 1600 in a few weeks because he's so inconsistent.
Akkan g2/3 and ivory tower is fun but kayangel was a nightmare sometimes.

@aerostrafe1075 - 07.03.2024 23:23

I think GT destroyer is good when the fight is friendly to its playstyle. If you get a bad seed where you spend 80% of the run trying to bonk but have to constantly move for the head attack damage then its just hell. I think if GT was reworked to not be forced to head attack for bonks then it would be great.

edit: Or just make hyper gravity way less clunky. I dont get the ramp up speed of it at all. It seems counter productive. I also played GT destroyer up to 1580 but gave up to replace it over time

@ryanc9876 - 07.03.2024 23:17

Funny, I always like having destroyers or any warrior class in my groups. Destroyers are almost as gigachad as GL, without the synergy and all the cool GL things. But they just pump destruction...obviously...and stagger, and I like that. Definitely an instant invite if they aren't clearly trying to get a free ride.
