WordPress Admin Email - Where To Find & How To Change It | WP Learning Lab

WordPress Admin Email - Where To Find & How To Change It | WP Learning Lab

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Billy Ramirez
Billy Ramirez - 08.08.2023 21:32

Exactly what I needed. Thanks!

Paul Thayil
Paul Thayil - 16.09.2020 16:44

Hi how do you access the webemail in wordpress once you have setup the admin email account in your wp help

Bargain Cellular
Bargain Cellular - 02.07.2020 09:29

I keep trying to change my admin email, but I never get sent the confirmation email to the new email address therefore the admin email never changes.

Health Example
Health Example - 06.06.2020 18:54

wordpress is not sending email .. is there a manual way to update in theme coding?

Zainah & Minnie
Zainah & Minnie - 31.05.2020 22:03

This is frustrating me so much. When I tried to change the admin email it says “there is a pending change of your email to ____” but there hasn’t been an email sent to me. I checked my spam folder and everything. A lot of people are having this issue too. Please let me know anyone if you fix this!

me rafi
me rafi - 14.04.2020 17:59

and thats your shittiest video ever

Tahmine Abbasi
Tahmine Abbasi - 27.03.2020 13:20

thank you sooo much

BalesCreative - 05.02.2020 03:22

Could you help me troubleshoot why I'm not receiving a confirmation email to change the email address in WordPress. I originally setup a site for a client (with my email as Admin) now I'd like to change it over to my client's email address. WordPress won't send a confirmation to him so we can't change it. Any ideas on how to fix would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for all the great tutorials!

MALIK ASIF Kallu - 22.09.2019 22:53

please make on video
how to connect api with bootstrap admin panel

Siddharth Raj
Siddharth Raj - 19.04.2019 11:26

Can we do this with the help of cpanel ?

Victoria Elbert-Bowman
Victoria Elbert-Bowman - 25.03.2019 18:34

Do you have tutorial on "how to add Users?" Written Instruction tells me to go to Dashboard and click Users, but again, don't see "Users" to click on... Maybe a visual will help me...

Victoria Elbert-Bowman
Victoria Elbert-Bowman - 22.03.2019 22:24

Could you please revise this video? Whenever I click on Settings, it does not give me the options as shown in your video. I instead receive the General page however, it seems to not have/show the Email Address section, as in your video. ...So I'm confused as to where else I should go. Please help! (Need to change the current email to the Committee's email) Thanks!

German Pompeyus
German Pompeyus - 15.01.2019 08:32

do you know how to change the language of the emails? or to modify its content?

Jesus Yebra
Jesus Yebra - 25.12.2018 07:46

when managing a wp website for a client is it better to put my email address as the admin email?? Or should i put the clients email as the admin email?

Abdur Raheem Wadud Ali
Abdur Raheem Wadud Ali - 19.11.2018 01:25

No no no ....you dint tell the solution man, It dosent change

T. Budd
T. Budd - 05.09.2018 18:48

But then Wordpress says it will send a confirmation email and never does. It will not activate until confirmed.

Bintang On The Sky
Bintang On The Sky - 26.08.2018 12:48

Can you help me ? My name email sender written as "My Blog" when I try to test register account. I try to every email I have. Written as "My Blog". How to change it ?

Healing Alchemy
Healing Alchemy - 09.06.2018 19:10

When I go to update, it says "change pending." I don't even know how to access the original email that was entered. Help!

michiko yao
michiko yao - 04.04.2018 19:09

jump to 57 seconds in to skip the intro.

skabbymuff111 - 22.02.2018 21:54

Ive done this, but nothing is happening, 'there is a pending change of the admin email to ***********.com" ive been waiting ages, no email. whats up here? Thanks.

SS - 25.01.2018 16:34

Sir plz help me
Yesterday I change my wordpress email address but it not working
I mean if any user of my website send me an mail by my website contact us
Then their mail received at my old email address my new email address is not working
Sir plz plz plz help me

Anant - 21.12.2017 18:13

So here is my confusion, all the plugins I have bought are from my "personal" email id. Even my go-daddy account is registered on my "personal" email id. The problem is, when a customer makes a purchase, they are getting order confirmation emails from this personal email id (the admin). How do I change that to my professional email Id? Professional email id is the email id that uses my stores domain name. Will changing my admin email id on wordpress solve this? Will it impact the licences I am using, since they have been bought using my personal email Id?

Please help! :)

Tsolmon Begzjav
Tsolmon Begzjav - 25.07.2017 08:16

hi. whenever I send an email as an admin, it is sent to spam folder. How to change it to inbox? is there an action to take?

Dawn Tobin
Dawn Tobin - 19.04.2017 11:43

My General Page does not have the option to change the email address.
