Onscreen Chat Overlay with MixItUp Bot

Onscreen Chat Overlay with MixItUp Bot

Indie Creator Hub

1 год назад

1,701 Просмотров

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Bho - 12.09.2023 03:18

I managed to add the chat overlay, but when i test it by sending messages, it only shows one and a half messages at a time even though i set it to show 5 at a time :(

Bho - 12.09.2023 03:04

Thank you for explaining. I am a dumb and having a hard time learning this

CraftyKaname - 19.03.2023 04:47

I was looking for something completely unrelated with Mix It Up but came across your tutorial! I had no idea you could generate a chat overlay from MIU at all, especially with custom params! I was hoping to redo my chat overlay soon so I'm so glad to know this is an option, lol. Thanks so much for the video!
