Using Python with Anaconda and Visual Studio Code (Windows)

Using Python with Anaconda and Visual Studio Code (Windows)

Geospatial School

4 года назад

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LifeintheFoyer - 07.09.2023 16:07

I've followed this video closely, but I am running into an issue where import as a command isn't functioning. I have been able to run any code from my VS scripts, very confusing. Any ideas on what to do next? I've selected my interpreter, typed python into my terminal, no luck. Any ideas?

Er1c Sarav1a
Er1c Sarav1a - 15.06.2023 06:19

This video was super insightful! I am trying to follow the Data Science from Scratch by Joel Grus, and the book is good but very general on details.

Noobcraft - 12.04.2023 16:31

Thank you soooo much!!

Pratyush - 05.04.2023 13:17

my code runs but the terminal says that the conda is not recognised

Hasan Malkoc
Hasan Malkoc - 12.03.2023 20:30

Thanks for video, I want to ask How can I add new library to my environment. Do I need just pip install when i choose py37

Luca Tirel
Luca Tirel - 08.03.2023 20:03

He solves the problem of "conda is not recognized bla bla bla..."!!!!!!!!!

Niall D
Niall D - 12.01.2023 03:26

Hi, thanks so much for this. i am new to the area and trying to get set up. i have all the steps done but i notice in my vs code terminal when running python code that i get message "Shell integration failed to activate". i have followed all your other steps i can run in command prompt etc. Just wondering if you may have any tips on same?

Lukas V
Lukas V - 06.12.2022 17:37

Very clear explanation. It solved the issue why I couldnt use Anaconda in VSC. Thank you very much.

Sam Chaney
Sam Chaney - 06.10.2022 02:13

Thanks, I got rid of the errors but VSCode still isn't working right. Intellisense doesn't suggest basic stuff like existing variable names, and I can't go to definition of functions in the same file, giving "no definition found" even when the function is defined right next to the call

Thobani Goba
Thobani Goba - 24.09.2022 21:58

Best explanation I've seen after days of digging around the net. Much appreciated.

Marshall's Weather & Hiking
Marshall's Weather & Hiking - 18.08.2022 21:00

Thank you! I'm just trying to figure out an IDE to use on windows in conjunction with Anaconda. Unfortunately, I didn't like any of the ones that can be installed directly through anaconda. The stuff I'm working on has grown too complicated to conveniently run/test with the jupyter-notebook copy-paste / command-line / text-editor trio.

swilks06 - 16.08.2022 17:15

Thank you! I spent an hour trying to figure this out.

Uche - 02.08.2022 23:58

Thank you soooo much for this...after being frustrated for two days this saved me. I really appreciate you

Christopher Williams
Christopher Williams - 07.07.2022 14:01

I do not have Python Path in VS Code

The Ocean Man
The Ocean Man - 13.06.2022 21:03

I can use conda commands in the normal command prompt, but in VSC, they still don't work.

Luis Medina
Luis Medina - 07.06.2022 03:56

I don't have any idea as to what you did on this video but it worked uno. Thanks.

Cleison Manrique Aguirre
Cleison Manrique Aguirre - 06.04.2022 23:44

Why when I change the environment(conda activate "---" ) the python version remains with the previous environment ?

J.D. Meijer
J.D. Meijer - 26.01.2022 19:17

Thanks, this was very helpful!

김문정 - 26.01.2022 18:41

Thank you so much for this video!😁
