Western Orthodoxy with Guest Fr. Patrick Cardine

Western Orthodoxy with Guest Fr. Patrick Cardine

Reason & Theology

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@thetonyb - 15.05.2019 15:22

Thank you so much for doing this interview! I think the Western Rite is going to be a big factor in redeeming the Catholic Church in the East. I look forward to hearing Fr Peter on your show in future. He did his diaconal year at my parish (St Patrick's in Columbus Ohio), and is back now.

@jimalbert2718 - 15.05.2019 16:31

Fr. Cardine should get a copy (15 Volumes) of Servant of God, Dom Prosper Gueranger's "The Liturgical Year". It is known as 'the Summa of the liturgy' (western of course). Dom G. breaks it all down by liturgical season and at the beginning of each liturgical season he explains:

The History...
The Mystery...
The Practices...

and this barely touches the surface of what he explains, he essentially becomes your in-home Priest; or in the case of someone like Fr. Cardine, an in-home/in-Parish consultant. In the Roman Rite I like to call it a blueprint for restoration of what was lost and not just what was lost Sunday to Sunday; but every single day of the liturgical year; even each segment of each day of the liturgical year; ---- he is right there at every segment of every day with the prayers and his commentery (even commentery on each prayer of each segment of the day tailored to the liturgical season).

@DanielBrooksJr - 15.05.2019 17:53

Good interview! Glad I stumbled upon your channel Michael. Hope all is well. God bless.

@dalegriffin6755 - 23.08.2019 06:05

At least he is honest enough to admit that the western rite is temporary and he is ready to brush off his Greek vestments and be a Byzantine. This makes perfect sense since the Antiochians have indeed made this demand of all of their western rite parishes in Great Britain, New Zealand, Australia, and the Philippines. Obviously a denomination limited to a single ethnic expression, and yet still calling itself Catholic, does not bother him too much.

@distracted900 - 16.04.2020 00:49

I love Father Patrick Cardine, and I'm in no place of authority, but I really don't understand how Palamas and Aquinas are reconcilable. Not only was Barlaam, who held to Thomistic theology, condemned by the Church, but their theologies are fundamentally opposed. Thomism rejects the essence-energies distinction, which was upheld by countless fathers and the Ninth Ecumenical Council.

@fr.michael9213 - 26.05.2020 22:15

You have to get Fr. Patrick on again. Fascinating perspectives!

@lordmozart3087 - 19.07.2020 16:22

Do western rite orthodox pray the rosary???

@Emper0rH0rde - 12.08.2020 03:57

Father Patrick is my pastor. It's kind of weird seeing him in his study on what is essentially 21st century television.

@seek4truth - 27.10.2020 02:02

What is western rite ortgodoxy?

@jaqian - 05.04.2021 04:19

I think Western Orthodoxy will reinvigorate the Orthodox Church and bring about a renaissance. It will be a unifying force for good.

@davidahn4358 - 03.02.2022 01:53

Get rid of the Protestant liturgy of “st. Tiknon”

@davidahn4358 - 03.02.2022 02:03

Get rid of post schism practices like the monstrance, sacred hearts, and pews which aren’t consistent with orthodoxy. Many ROCOR western rite parishes don’t have pews. All of them are forbidden from doing the monstrance and the sacred hearts.

@johnsteiner2960 - 02.07.2022 00:46

Is the Latin liturgy or rite being used in the WOC a pre Schism Tridetine Rite? Or are there several or different pre Latin/Western Liturgies being used? Thanks.

@CrimsonSlytherin - 05.09.2022 15:23

Wait so he won’t protect the Latin tradition either of his superiors say no more Latin mass?? That’s not reassuring.

@SWAT-Medic1349 - 22.07.2023 07:50

Rev. Patrick should take the plunge and kiss the Pope's Ring. He is 75% there!

@zita-lein - 15.01.2024 05:16

Gosh! Fr. Patrick is awesome! I pray for our reunification. ❤️💙

@kayedal-haddad - 12.02.2024 12:33

How many Western Rite Orthodox parishes are there in the US?

@ludwigvonmises1 - 28.02.2024 22:15

The Western Rite is beautiful

@aterrt8523 - 06.03.2024 01:45

The Confession of St. Peter Mogila is the most comprehensive systematic theology of the Orthodox Church, I don’t care what Fr John Romanides and the 20th century “neo-patristic” movement says. Change my mind.

@aterrt8523 - 06.03.2024 16:06

The Confession of Dositheus is the full Patristic Consensus of the Holy Fathers, both Greek and Latin, change my mind.
