When To See A Cardiologist?

When To See A Cardiologist?

Talking With Docs

2 года назад

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@billylain7456 - 14.12.2023 06:44

Thanks for an excellent and informative video. Is there a relatively simple explanation of the importance of the cardiac calcium score?

@lindagarcia868 - 01.12.2023 04:48

I recently had a Cardiac Heart CT-Scan Left main coronary artery 0 LAD 271; Lcx 70 and RCA 32=Total:373. Can I have a Carth Lab instead of taking statins, please explain?

@gaylecook4101 - 05.09.2023 02:58

A week ago I went to the Emergency Room because I couldn’t breathe and I was diagnosed with Congestive Heart Failure. What type of test will my cardiologist do after the immediate crisis is over?

@johnjohnson1313 - 02.09.2023 08:51

I had an ishemic stroke in may and I'm afraid it might have affected my heart function. I feel fine at rest but any kind of exertion causes a laborious shortness of breath and my heartbeats per minute to rise. If my heart is the problem then it wont matter how much air I can force into my lungs correct?

@davidmark805 - 29.08.2023 03:18

I was referred to one right after the internist in the emergency department confirmed I was having a heart attack.....the EMT's already knew that. 😁

@AlleineDragonfyre - 18.08.2023 23:14

I'm so scrared :( It's time for this conversation with my doctor.

@charlenerome1084 - 06.08.2023 06:08


@Joeelectronicschematicsforauto - 25.07.2023 15:29

When I receive blood pressure medication it gave me a quick hot rhythm I couldn't walk half a block with because of it I stopped it did diet and exercise I feel much better

@makitaray6673 - 18.07.2023 03:27

What does it mean if you have a right atrium that is mildly dilated but right ventricle is normal?

@super.stitch - 02.07.2023 21:36

Thank you Docs
I am 63, female and noticed that my chest feel sore, tight and dizzyness whenever I handle heavy objects.
I no longer do that and feel fine.
Should I still go to a Cardiologist?

@maureenwhite6073 - 13.06.2023 23:45

Hello! Can you please kindly tell me if a holter monitor (worn for 48 hours) will show a silent heart attack? Thank you!!

@chancery - 16.05.2023 04:39

Maybe a topic for another show, but why do some statins cause muscle and joint pain. I have good cholesterol levels. Great BP, I am 75, and a white male with some family history, so the Framingham algorithm wants to reduce my 10 year risk. The only way is to reduce the cholesterol score which is good, but the statin is causing muscle pain primarily in the hips and thighs. Please, any comments. I know, talk to your primary provider, but she is now on mat leave for who knows how long.

@SteveWoods-hq4nw - 07.04.2023 04:15

Two years ago I was laid up with some bug for six weeks, fatigue, tiredness wiped out. Then after six weeks I had a chest infection for two weeks. After the chest infection my heart rate when standing went up to 180 bpm. This went on for a week then I woke with a pain in my chest and stomach and my heart rate dropped to 44 bpm, with escape and miss beats. I went to the Hospital they said this is normal. No way, your heart do not change like that suddenly. With the history of illness for the last Eight weeks. Some thing has gone wrong with my heart. But they will not listen. At the time I was doing keto diet, which lately have proved heart scaring. I firmly believe my heart problems is from this keto or I have had a virus hit my Heart. I'm 57 and before this I never had any heart problems. Now I'm fatigued, shortness of breath and sleeping a lot.

@hollish196 - 03.04.2023 01:30

Have you ever done a video about recognizing autoimmune problems, before seeing a rheumatologist? I would really like to see one, know that autoimmunes are incredibly varied. I am wondering if there are any basic signs to indicate that a person has one? Thanks.

@tana2183 - 30.03.2023 02:05

After a year of panic attacks , heart palpitations I still am trying to figure it all out. My bp started staying high and my cholesterol with from a bit high to real high. I have copd. Even today after I ate I felt I couldn’t get enough air. My oxygen was 99% . So I took bp and it was 161/74. Can’t figure. They checked me at er two weeks ago an call that one a panic attack. I didn’t feel panic til I felt my heart rate was up. What’s causing this docs?

@anthonysilva5312 - 26.03.2023 17:31

Here’s a serious question for Dr. Z;
As an engineer myself, I see the medical diagnostic system as an algorithmic flowchart with multiple branches ultimately leading to diagnosis (and the differential). How do you see AI impacting/influence the future practices of MD’s?

@katechurcher4830 - 26.03.2023 04:35

What if the pain is up near the base of your neck.

@dassa0069 - 22.03.2023 03:55

Doctors: Where is my heart nerve?

@HappyFamilyVision - 17.03.2023 17:01

Can one ever safely no longer require bp medicine? How long is the process to phase out a bp medication? What could you recommend patients do to reduce bp homeopathically?

@HappyFamilyVision - 17.03.2023 16:40

Hi, Docs, I was born anemic and managed it well through my 6 healthy pregnancies and healthy full term children. I had elevated blood pressure after my 6th child and was prescribed a mild low dose bp med. Eventually, I was prescribed 5mg Amlodipine. Subsequently, I became a kickboxer , strengthened my cardiac muscle got fit lost 20lbs and no longer required the BP med. That was the course for 3 years.

However, the stress of our work has increased since Covid so I neglected taking my supplements. Our 21 yo son returned home. I recently visited my GP with complaint of SOB after walking 15 paces or going up 6 steps. I knew I was anemic. I just didn’t know how critically anemic I became: my blood work revealed 5.2-5.6 hemoglobin, and I was sent to ER for 3 units and monitoring overnight. *Since then, my blood is at 10 hemoglobin with blood pressure has been as high as 205/130 with the 1.5L added blood volume. I was asymptomatic but had been sent to ER after another routine follow up visit since the transfusions.

Now I’m at 10mg Amlodipine and my bp is 135/98. Still high and am I doing what I need to to stay healthy? Can I return to the daily sport of kickboxing I love?

@zachwalters3586 - 26.02.2023 07:33

I know this is a year or so later, but the chest tightness is more prone to be something that isn't constant correct?

@Kahuthia - 18.02.2023 20:49

How busy are your schedules...can you just see more patients if you wanted?

@elizabethk3238 - 16.02.2023 19:42

Greet, make you comfortable, NOT my experience. Arrogance, impatience, talking down (and I have 2 graduate degrees). I saw him for 5 minutes, sends me for tests, no call back on results...

@Joy21090 - 15.02.2023 01:17

Thank you for the informative video. I had COVID at Christmas time and suddenly I have heart issues. Ugh. This was a very helpful video.

@mikedunningham9614 - 11.02.2023 01:47

You are watching three men who passed an exam thirty years ago. To be in AWE of an exam passer? The only folks I’m impressed with are those with dignity. Other than the odd snippet of eating well they have no idea about remaining (DNA allowing) well throughout your life. THEY have CAUSED so much ill health because of the diet they foisted upon us for over fifty years we have become reliant upon cardiologists. THEY WOULD HAVE GONE BROKE IN 1914. Now they lap up tons of the work. Frankly that makes me ill. The large portion of MDs are unable to screen pre diabetics properly. Heaven help us. Cheers Mike.

@briantownsley2718 - 08.02.2023 04:35

sometimes you hear about people who've had a heart attack and had no systems at all. what happens then? my brother had all the test, they said he was fine then a while later was having a heart attack in the middle of the night. ended up having a quadrupole by pass.

@barrychandler5250 - 30.01.2023 01:51

PS, I am 70 years old. Blood presure hard to regulate.

@barrychandler5250 - 30.01.2023 01:47

If you have a supre ventricular acopy 8.9 percent, should you see a cardiologist. I had 21 day monitor , results with this. VA has not let me see a cardiologist.

@torgervedeler6949 - 22.01.2023 04:05

I love these videos! You even knew about my amazingly rare bone thing! So I wonder if you could do a video on the relationship between heart issues and strokes? Thanks!

@gregoryseers1222 - 21.01.2023 04:01

Mom, quick, its the three stooges, Moe Larry and Curly, they look like italian concreters! lol

@PragmaticPerson - 08.01.2023 23:45

Question: After my Cardiac CT scan went from 8 to 28 in 5 years, I got a CT angiogram with color (on the advice of my Functional Medicine Doctor). It showed 30-40% blockage in my LAD. Since then (1 year) I’ve been on a plant-based whole food diet. When should I go see a cardiologist - now, or should I wait another year and see what my Cardiac CT scan shows then? Thank you for all you do!

@marciacoco9549 - 05.01.2023 21:22

I just found your channel. You guys are great so much good information. Thank you ❤

@Funnycat102 - 01.01.2023 11:29

i need to see a cardiologist

@priyaakther3083 - 28.12.2022 08:00

I’m 26 years old I have been having palpitations since may and it’s still on going for me, I’ve seen a cardiologist got several ECG’S done came normal, got an echocardiogram done as well but they said it was normal but I’m always having high heart rate even when I’m resting, I can’t seem to wash my face properly without my heart rate going 112-116 I’ve been super concerned I had a monitor on for 15 days and I was told my high heart rate was nothing to be worried about but it worries me I get chest aching sometime which worries me more are there any other tests I need to get done to figure out why it’s been going on for so long it scares me along with that I have asthma too so with everything that’s going on I’m very uncomfortable with the heart palpitations

@rontiemens2553 - 25.12.2022 01:01

In cases of aortic stenosis/bicuspid aortic valve where the patient has normal cholesterol levels, what is the real, documented risk improvement realized by low-level statins, if any? Thanks!

@techgirl517 - 17.12.2022 04:13

I apologize for the off topic but i wanna ask something looks a little confusing... I am on betablocker (propanalol) 20mg + 20mg for anxiety control (don't work very well but meh) and i wanna do sport for loose weight and build some muscles... I am 43 years old, my heart is ok but i do a sedentary life and honestly... I am done with that and wanna change something. I never found a clear answer about the betablockers and sport... Clearly the betablockers slow down the heartrate, so you can't reach the necessary heartrate you need for sport... But is same at my dosages? I mean... Is so low... 40mg total at day is the very minimum as long i know... What you doctors think?

@sabrenaearl3483 - 29.11.2022 10:08

I’m 25, and seeing my first ever cardiologist tomorrow morning. I have flutters, my blood pressure is always high. I had three EKG’s and they all came out abnormal. Turns out the lower left part of my heart is enlarged and not pumping enough blood to my body, more like a 50 year old. So I’m super nervous! So thank you for the video.

@carolhernandezhernandez9073 - 24.11.2022 04:37

What happens if I have a heart murmer

@jenewingtxlpc - 12.11.2022 08:07

If you have a family history of heart disease, especially on both sides of your family, would a PCP want to refer a patient to a cardiologist simply for preventive measures, particularly if you have risk factors for heart disease but you don’t have symptoms yet?

@shannon7673 - 06.11.2022 22:37

How do you pronounce Tamponade?

@matthewgraham2546 - 19.10.2022 04:44

A great video everyone should watch, it will save your life. Eleven years ago at age 59 from nowhere while driving, the sides of my chest hurt so bad it pulled me over in the seat but I let it go, made excuses what it could be. The next day same pain with a very stiff left jaw and elbow. One stent and eleven years later and I'm fine. I ignored all the signs and almost paid for it with my life. Apparently we men aren't that smart, we think " it will never happen to me" well it will. Go see your Cardiologist and don't try reading Dr. Google, the info from there is about as reliable as when your 14 year old buddies were telling you all about sex. Thanks Doc's for this very important video.

@rupeinspections5611 - 27.09.2022 05:03

Thanks for all you do for everyone

@shelleydiamond6468 - 18.09.2022 03:37

Found this very helpful. My husband is recovering from mitral valve repair, open heart surgery. This happened when he saw a cardiologist for a-fib & the endoscopy revealed the hugely leaking valve. Been quite the “ journey”. He’d been fatigued for quite a while before we went to our Doc for an EKG. other twist to this is that he had endocarditis 4 years prior. Our Dr says that’s 100% responsible for his condition. He’s recovering fairly well, has a pacemaker - current meds are basically BP meds & aspirin.
Your videos are very straightforward, helpful & fun to watch — even if a loved one is the subject !

@meseyc - 17.09.2022 15:02

I had covid not vaccinated, and I went to the hospital for severe dehydration and dizziness. Now that I'm on the mend my resting heart rate is very high like around 98-120. What's going on and should I go to a cardiologist?

@formacionG13 - 29.08.2022 06:33

Thank you.

@marisatellis8657 - 07.08.2022 04:54

Hi..doctors,Could you please explain this echo report shortly..does this need any further investigation and is there any chance for MI?
Sclerotic aortic valve
Mild MR,Trivial TR
Grade 1 LV Diastolic dysfunction

@micheal0773 - 26.07.2022 09:40

Hello docs can i have some question? Because when im sitting or lying down i can feel my heart beats and in every beat its feels like my body is shaking i feel it all day everyday but my heart rate is normal my blood pressure is normal and my potassium is also normal and im a skinny person. 😢😢 i hope i can get the answer from you doc thanks.

@ranieri7x - 22.07.2022 22:46

Thank you for your videos! I'm 30 and had been feeling a rather odd chest discomfort which later I found out to be likely to due to spine issues/bad posture. I was sent to a cardiologist to dismiss chances I had heart related issues and found an up to 40% blockage in my LAD. Unlikely to cause me any issues in short term but kinda risky to long term. There's simply a lot that can be done if you preventively reach out a cardiologist, but unfortunately people will often only remember them when things are bad. I hope that with preventive medicine I'll be able to avoid a serious cardiac event.

@MarkHolmes - 19.07.2022 02:37

if you have a blood pressure, of 110/60, is that a concern, thinking of pulse pressure? 71 years old. I've read the difference shouldn't be greater than 40 (ideally). Curious. Also does a low diastolic like 55 or 60 mean perhaps that valves might not be closing properly, thus not maintaining pressure? Would this perhaps make you feel dizzy upon suddenly standing and starting to walk?

@MarkHolmes - 19.07.2022 02:20

if you've had a kidney ct in the past and had hives to the dye, is this the same sort of dye that is used in an angiogram and if so, what is done then?
