Consciousness and the Observer Effect | Dean Radin Ph.D | IONS

Consciousness and the Observer Effect | Dean Radin Ph.D | IONS

Institute of Noetic Sciences

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@ezza88ster - 28.12.2023 02:01

I'm a big fan of Dean Radin and his work, but, I think that it's fair to say that the wave equation being waves of probability is only one interpretation of it. It certainly represents a probability, but it's not absolutely certain what the wave equation is. Having said that, my personal experiences in non-dual states does lean me in that direction. Btw, if you want to experience non-dual states fairly easily, I recommend Michael Taft meditations - check it out for yourself!

@jwingit - 10.11.2023 19:48

Utter BS - you do not get that two band result if you are looking at it.

@Chemike21 - 28.10.2023 02:13

Wait so is the pattern on the wall actually changing with an observer? Are you telling me that you shine a light through the slits, it will be a zebra pattern, but as you bring in an observer, the pattern on the wall will change? I want to see a video of this and not a simulation or animation.

@Chemike21 - 28.10.2023 02:11

What do we mean by photon?

@phoenixasterapollo8472 - 27.09.2023 04:25

Does the brains processing speed have any relation to the chnage in particles, so with our observation and our added brain power we bring the wave to a slower speed to help maintain an environment to navigate ,,, so the body and mind has over time come to find the perfect spectrum to manouver in ... if we are the whole everything then we are within it we arent separte beings observing it we are the very thing so everything is moving relatively and this also means we are and our senses too all interconnected ,,

I dont know anything really i just say things 🎉,

It just fascinates me that our observations are illusion but real ones to us but on the grand scale things are vibrations and just stuff and our senses fitting in the place they do just give rise to our reality and spectrum ...

Fuck knows 😂

@davidallard1980 - 17.09.2023 04:53

How do you calculate how likely something is? I suck at math, but Im a magnet for weird things. Seems like something good to know.

@dragoY9955 - 14.06.2023 16:33

Is the laser/photon being aimed at the slits (either one) or the space between the 2 slits?

@jedheart8059 - 07.06.2023 05:29

The actual problem, the issue, that control the experience of the experiments is the internal intention. Even while one observes ones own self, one's own thought, removing an expectation is nearly impossible, not impossible but improbable. To be that silent, that aware, one must enter the state of Being Light. To do that, one must release every attachment to any perception. At this point, unless one knows how to exit that state of loss of attatchment, all perceptions become moot, pointless, meaningless. Its at this point that either everything or nothing makes sense. Scientists cannot do this typically. It crossed the line from probable in a single person to repeating the experience experiment. That is why proving God, spirit, psychic, etc remains impossible due to the improbability. Those eho know, know. Those who who do not, cannot, at least most of the time.

@jedheart8059 - 07.06.2023 05:16

This is how I interpreted Cogito in college, circa early 90s. It was obcuto me that Descartes was literally stating I (The Eye of God's Image, Cemreation) think (Perceive and Conceive), therefor the I am (Exist). I have thought scietists misunderstood their predecessor philosophers. Not even the ancient Atomic Theory does not negate the sum of least indivisuble particles being a totality.

@jimgaerlan6378 - 01.05.2023 04:36

double slit experiment. Im curios about the video where you shown a picture of a puppy/dog. What if we try to a certain type of animal besides human and see the result in the eyes of that animal. Would it behave as a wave or particle. I believe animals are not yet conscious to create a particle.

@daltonsnyder2398 - 29.04.2023 08:29

I have evidence I would say

@daltonsnyder2398 - 29.04.2023 08:17

The physical world is always interacting with everything but I would base it down to where you believe it's just you

@daltonsnyder2398 - 29.04.2023 08:15

You don't technically have to be smart to break the chain I would say

@adolemite50 - 09.04.2023 17:34

Cant they use the hits on the screen as the outcome? Fire it up with no cameras, no prying eyes, let it do it's thing, then a robot arm blindly yanks the screen out to where the specifically programmed q2+4$ machine BLURTS OUT the end result. Nobody saw anything. In other words, is there a Conscious Listener effect or does it fall under Observer.

@rahulkumar-ix1wi - 29.03.2023 18:40

If observing makes it act like a particle then in the first place wave nature of light was discovered? The person to perform double slit experiment who saw interface pattern for first time should not have seen it because of observer effect . Someone pls explain how can you say that light shows particle nature or wave nature when not being observed? The moment you look for result observer effect comes into play, is it correct????

@edwardyulo123 - 27.02.2023 09:27

Since we emit electro magnetic energy this could be the reason for the observer effect. Can we have a machine that emits electro magnetic energy and have the same effect? Or does it have to be a human or consciousness to have an effect?

@evolve101 - 30.06.2022 03:49

hmm.. yeah i might have a guess about it.. but its pretty wierd and im no scientist.. and im not expanding on it. hehe. gotta learn more first

@lucuslee5758 - 22.06.2022 09:42

Observer effect:
before observation its wave and it changes to particles at the time of observation.
If my understanding is correct then my question is that how do you know its wave without observation? in otherword how wave was observed without observer effect?

Plz help!!

@matthewferbrache8860 - 14.06.2022 09:02

Anytime he says "mental," just substitute it with the word "spiritual." And then things will begin to make way more sense. This life, this world, this universe... it is all spiritual. Science is simply the aspects of the spiritual realm in which we can observe and understand. Think about it; Science ALWAYS comes back to an unknown source or power that we do not know or understand. So basically, a God or Creator. At the end of the day, science boils down to faith, no different than spirituality. Matter cannot be created or destroyed. So what created the Big Bang? And what created that? And what created that? It never ends, and there can literally be no answer that is not supernatural. If there is a creator, that solves everything. Because if we live in a spiritual universe, there are no laws. There is no beginning or end. Unfortunately, most people aren't satisfied by that answer. We as human feel like we are the center of the universe. We are entitled. We feel like we NEED answers. Everything has to be black and white. But that's our greatest flaw as a civilization. I think it's important to accept that some things in this physical life will never have answers. Maybe in after we die and enter another plane of existence, things will make more sense. Maybe then we will get answers.

@konstantinlozev2272 - 11.06.2022 19:57

Interesting to watch. This is the closest to science that I have seen on the "conscious (!) observer" school of thought.
But I think he is making grand and unjustified jumps.
From a non-random influence on a double slit experiment onto "energy healing".
There is no scientific basis to jump that far. Even if there is a link, there is no evidence that it will produce any "energy healing".
So, I'd say "hold your horses".
Also I understand that the sigma deviation from the "meditative observing" does NOT (!) collapse the wave function.
It does NOT make a photon behave like a particle. It just affects the wave.
It is telling that the actual pattern of a collapsed wave function is NOT shown anywhere in this video as a result of the "meditative observing".

@hevysmokerX - 29.05.2022 22:11

Pity about the audio.

@HABLA_GUIRRRI - 22.04.2022 05:24

Dean pls don't let them leave default numptie settings on your mic audio. Sheeple dont get how fgn ugly these filters are and making ur voice unintelligible is unforgivable of them. They are slaves to technology whose purpose they do not grasp --- ie that technology we create to serve us not vice versa. Lamentably had to skip this painfully unlistenable vid.

@bhagavansatanicparamahansa1568 - 08.04.2022 04:33

How do you know observation of quantum phenomena can actually change the measured results of this experiment when it's impossible to measure the results without an observer?
"it does not matter whether the observer is an apparatus or a human being"
- Werner Heisenberg, Physics and Philosophy, p. 137

@syedarmaghanhassan4652 - 06.04.2022 23:13

What if there is more than 1 observer? 1 ist looking and the other is not? Two cameras OR mesauring devices. One of them is measuring and the other is not measuring.. See what happens then?

@youngidealist - 22.03.2022 00:37

The observer is not YOU in the experiment that causes the particle behavior. The Observer = Measurement Apparatus = A beam shined on the particles being observed, which is other small particles. The problem is billiard balls to measure other billiard balls locations and directions. NOT consciousness. It's a stupid mysticism that applies just as much to any area of study as quantum physics. Those physicists were possibly trying to hide their actual nuclear bomb making knowledge with this romanticised rhetoric. Today, this bullshit is just pathetic misinformation and lies to save a pathetic dream.

@kdoe66 - 31.01.2022 18:40

Is this the reason whenever I observe my stocks they go down but when I’m not looking it does the complete opposite 😀

@Xenon777channel - 29.01.2022 19:43

This alleged discovery, if real, would give creedence to the hocus-pocus talk of charlatans such as Deepak Chopra, i.e. "The way you think, changes how people think about you, lecture 2 (price $2,500)", or "The law of attraction, if you think you're attractive, people are attracted to you (lecture 3 - price $1,900)". Or "If you believe in the rock... the rock believes in you... we are all interconnectedness... (Lecture 3 - price $1,500)". Also, Dean Radin alleges that the meditating Buddhists acheived more disturbance of the photon, or more collapse of the wave function. Yeah, well, it's convenient that such a sciencey lecture, with sciencey results, give weight & validity to hocus-pocus, undoubtedly conincidental... oh yeah I just saw x fakemonster with a new Ferrari. Massive waste of society.

@Xenon777channel - 29.01.2022 18:18

The guy in a different room thinking about the laser changed the laser, give me a break.

Matrix 1999 I will stop the bullet by thinking about it (extrapolating the alleged result). Who is funding this guy with the microphone & fake statistical quasi-evidence, secret police or a shadow-investor into humans such as Silvio Berlusconi, I prefer the second.

@Xenon777channel - 29.01.2022 18:13

This is total nonsense.

@cuddywifter8386 - 24.12.2021 12:28

If true, then its entanglement triggering a modulation or an AB effect not collapse.

While it's not collapse-if true- then its still profound given mind seems to modulate the wave function

@thedesignercollection4550 - 06.12.2021 17:55

Why does an strange object fly off the Pyramid diagram at 46.08? Literally as Radin says it's weird stuff?

@jerrymarbury9365 - 25.11.2021 11:06

The average smoe has no clue about these incredible properties of quantum physics or mechanics what ever term is accurate,obviously neither did I until about a month ago.This stuff blew my mind,it was like a million light bulbs.
I could venture a nasty opinion regarding the "hiding of the candle under the basket in regards to this amazing interconnectedness but I won't.
I mentioned intelligent observer stuff to a few of my dumbass friends and they looked at me like a had a 18 " phallus growing out of my forehead.I cast no more pearls b4 these dolts ,No one in the real world seems to know little if any about this crazy physics.

@HowardEllisonUKVoice - 07.10.2021 12:21

Such a clever man, such dreadful audio! Really need to hear every word. Can it not be remedied?

@henryachcarjr.8012 - 06.09.2021 23:11

Sound is awful...

@meliacogan1586 - 05.09.2021 01:23

Very well explained!! Thank u👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼

@israelmyzlik - 20.08.2021 16:37

the eyes are the messagengers of the brain rabi nacman from breslev 1800

@israelmyzlik - 20.08.2021 16:27

very nice but i know the answers by the kabala the soul is conceted to many worlds the rest i cant tell

@alabamamothman2986 - 13.08.2021 14:00

I just flat ass don't believe that crap. As a species that just BARELY rises above apes and chimpanzees, we are not at the level of creation to solve such questions. We don't have the intellect and should just stay out of these matters before we REALLY fuck something up. Time travel, we cant even balance our budget.

@pureone26 - 06.04.2021 09:33

Interesting I did first year physics at a posh university in the early 90s. Tesla was not mentioned once, quantum physics maybe one lecture at the end as an afterthought. This info was of course not mentioned. I spent the whole course going, yeh maybe, something feels wrong (I was more of a mystic also). Finally I ended up working for high himalayan masters, all questions answered then by these crusty old monks in huts, who ran circles around the phd scientists coming through (I had to translate).. very funny watching their egos fall apart.

@dallaspatton1118 - 27.11.2020 05:34

What if it ties in with joseph Murray's book power of the subconcious mind. And your belief or disbelief in something caused changed in the probability of events

@liquidbraino - 18.09.2020 13:38

This means that he literally discovered a way to detect & possibly even measure consciousness.

@paranoidhumanoid - 26.07.2020 05:18

I experienced precognitive events throughout my childhood until 1990, then it resurfaced this year just before a family member had a major accident. How do I get in touch with Dr. Radin?

@FerndaleMichiganUSA - 16.05.2020 09:12

dean deserves better sound

@avalon9129 - 12.05.2020 17:50

PhD in bullshitology? When experiment is observed light is used and photon affect electrons of skeptics are wrong?

@shinyeeseet - 23.04.2020 18:39

You should look into a person called the Holy Spirit
